Forums » Suggestions

provide http and https layers for plugins

Dec 21, 2022 haxmeister link
Please help us connect our plugins to the modern world!

provide libraries/functions to handle http and https connections to ease interaction with common APIs. This will provide a proper and secure way to integrate many things on the web including REST and AJAX and other things that first require the HTTP header and handshake. It's a pain in the ass to write all this in our restricted plugin system... but it is fundamental to the purposes a TCP connection is used for. Our favorite game struggles to interact with modern internet systems.. please help!
Dec 21, 2022 draugath link

What are you looking for that isn't already provided by tcpsock.lua and httplib.lua? (neither of which appear to have a home at the moment)
Dec 21, 2022 haxmeister link
Proper HTTP and HTTPS protocols require and header that adheres to a rather lengthy standard and is used to establish the terms for encryption, header redirects, content types, and transfer of content. This is a necessary layer properly implemented for modern API communication. What we have floating around is a HTTP lib that is incomplete and does not provide the functionality that is necessary in 2023. This is also functionality that the LUA community has already produced code for and given compatibility issues, could perhaps be dropped in.
Dec 21, 2022 haxmeister link
A taste of how nasty a proper HTTP implementation can be look HERE