Forums » Suggestions

Allow docking on capital ship in hive skirms if standing is respect or better

Jun 07, 2023 We all float link
Re: As per this reply from Inc in the general forum

I'm not sure how I feel about that, one way or the other. I'm open to a Suggestions discussion if people think that aspect should be reverted in some way to be based more around faction-standing, so people can more easily "drop into" skirmishes.

Background: Before 1.8.647 was implemented players could jump into Critical/Central hive missions and dock with the npc dents for reloads and repairs while NOT in the mission. Players were charged for their reloads and repairs if not in the mission. After the 1.8.647 update, all players have to be in the mission if they wish to dock with the npc dent.

Issue: With the change, casually taking on the hive now requires someone to dock with a station to take the mission. If a player is solo, the current system requires that player to fly back to the station to take a new mission(in a group, only one player needs to take the mission for everyone). This is somewhat tedious.

Solution: Allow players with sufficient standing to dock with the npc dents. As before, players will be charged credits if not in the mission.
Jun 07, 2023 Luxen link
Additionally, this is not Deneb, and the opponent is directly the Hive, so *requiring* the mission isn't necessary anyways when someone perhaps just wants to clear out the sector or is doing general farming. There isn't as strong of a player-to-player interaction being managed or mitigated that would require the mission in the first place.
Jun 07, 2023 Hawkfeather link
+1, I like the idea of Respect standing OR being in the mission allowing docking.
Jun 09, 2023 Inevitable link
I have nothing against this suggestion, but I'd still rather have an option to take the mission while flying in space, as in not having to dock with the station to take the mission.
Jun 13, 2023 Aryko link
Having a mission popup when you enter the sector is a better solution tbh. Not against this suggestion though, the formers just more convenient.