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replace your capship mission

Nov 18, 2023 Drevent1 link
should be available at any station with a capship dock
but at various prices
if you replace it in M-7 its 500k
in Odia 1million
and in reg space 2million
you should only be able to take the mission in your own faction or grey
so a serco / itani cant get a cap in uit and vice versa
Nov 19, 2023 tjgaming8324 link
+1 I like it
Nov 20, 2023 incarnate link
Well, it's actually supposed to be inconvenient to replace a capship.

It's actually supposed to be a lot more inconvenient than it is right now, as the description of the current insurance mission states.. a much longer delay, and also a drastically escalating amount of funds based on how frequently you lose the ship.

That gives more relevance to protecting and maintaining the ship, and more meaning to an adversary's accomplishment of destroying the ship.

The only reason why the replacement-period and the cost were set really low, was to get people using capships more frequently for the benefit of testing, back when they didn't do a whole lot.

Now they actually do quite a bit. So.. why would I want to move things in the direction that you're indicating?

You're basically saying "You should lower the barrier of losing a capship, but at a mild economic cost of credits", but you don't really say why we should do that?
Nov 21, 2023 darknessrise13 link
I think it would be a nice addition to be able to do it at other stations, at increased costs. However, I do agree with the intended inconvenience of replacement and we may be close to stage where that can be introduced. Latos M-7 being the "capship plant" of sorts, but say Itan J-11 could be capable of building you one at a steep cost difference. I.E insurance cost is standard at 500k but Itan will build you one at 5 mil. You could potentially argue each station having a different cooldown on the build but it may make sense to enforce a global cooldown on it to prevent people from running all over to replace it ASAP.

I do NOT think Odia should have a capship station. The station in Latos is already technically a Corvus station, if the UI indications are correct. This should be Latos, Dau, Itan and Sol, with the aforementioned steep cost increase. This cost should require you to debate whether you'd rather spend time to go to Latos and come back, or spend a large sum to save time.
Nov 21, 2023 We all float link
darknessrise13 when you say steep, you best mean painful.

(I could be completely wrong with some of my assumtions that follow. If i am, Inc please correct me)

It should be painful (time and credit wise) to replace a knock off player capital ship in nation space. Players are piecing together parts yoinked from the hive to make things resembling major capital ships. If you are building in corvus, you probably don't have an expensive TPG license for that Goliath. I'd imagine only major corporations and nations can afford those licenses. So to replace the ship in a Nation's capital station, you'd have to pay off someone a lot of credits. You'd also probably have to source some parts yourself.

Probably 20 mil min to replace a goliath. 50 mil for a trident. And both would need SSS, samo, and other spare parts.
Nov 24, 2023 storm_titty link
*And both would need SSS, samo, and other spare parts.*

If that would become a thing, capship should also drop a few capship parts when destroyed, besides the 20 scrap they now give. Just to be fair
Nov 24, 2023 We all float link
If that would become a thing, capship should also drop a few capship parts when destroyed, besides the 20 scrap they now give. Just to be fair

That sounds a bit unfair. Remember, people with capital ships can easily kill a Levi. Levis regularly drop samo and SSS. So those items can be farmed in Serco/Itani nation space. Those pilots can stock up on supplies.