Forums » Suggestions


Apr 04, 2004 Midicow link
Here are some suggestions to the game that I've seen. I know it's a engine test, but it would be neat to see these.

1. The abillity to eject before your ship is destroyed in some sort of env suit. There might be an incentive for this later on, like you get half the cost of your ship back if you sucessfully get back to base without dieing or something. I've played this old n64 game called "Battlezone: Rise of the black dogs", a 3d first person rts designed in the future where the americans, russians, and a ex-american marine division fight among themselfs for relics. First off, if you tank is destroyed, you get ejected out and acn jump around, and shoot with your puny blaster or use some of your precious sniper rifle ammo. The sniper rifle only has 3 shots, which are only replenished once you jup into a vehicle. Mabey have like a 2 shot sniper rifle and a little dot that is shown on cockpits in vendetta, so when you eject you have a very small chamnce of disabling and capturing another ship? (might be lame for gameplay)

2. A ranking system. It's been done before in games like freespace, and darkspace, but mabey a way to get "More varied" ships would be to get higher rank. THis might mean a higher score or bounty or something, and you might lose "exp" tworsds ranks when you die, but it would keep "newbs" from getting money from friends, and buying a captial ship to terrorise right away.

3. Larger sectors. I've noticed that the engine and game extend the scale of sectors the further you get out into "space". Seeing something like a "warp engine" and multiple galaxys in a sector would be an awesome thing. Allso, mabey planets? Like in some space shooters i've seen before, you have the abillity to go into the planet's atmophere. even if you had to load a new sector, wouldn't it be awesoem to hold a high-speed dogfight inside a rugged ice canyon?

4. Engineers. Most likey as the game/engine test is currently, engineers woulnd't be able to do much, but repair. Repairing might be going out and giving players repairs for money or score, or "rank" if even touched upon. Allso, if i stretch this a little further, if we had extended sectores, mabey the abillity to build bases, turrets, stations (I saw a thread that previously stated something about this), claim planets for homesectors (that only your race and nt could dock at) ect.

5. The binds. It seems to me that it would be awesome to bew able to set multiple things at once to a word. LIke Alias for example.
Say I wanted to (for some reason) have the game echo "Boosting" when a key is pressed, while i'm turboing, and says "Normalizing speed" when i release the turbo button. I could do (in some engines, like quake2 for example) /alias +t "echo Boosting; +Turbo" /alias -t "echo Normalizing Speed; -turbo"
and I could /bind tab +t.
The semi colons would signify a new command. once the key is released, if it starts with a "+", it looks for a "-" of the same alias, then execs that.

6. More moderators. Would be nice to have at least one mod/dev/guide on to regulate gameplay and to make sure no-one is abusing bugs or players. I've seen a few that now extreamly hate this game from abuse.

7. The bots. I've noticed lately that the homesector npcs are a bit easyer, if anything has changed about them, thank you for making them newb friendly, if not, (it's probably me) you might want to look into dumbing them down just a little for newcomers.

8. Extra addons. LIke radar enhancments, jammers, cloak, ect that all use energy. Gives a little more variety to the existing gameplay, mabey you can install that tracking chip that allows you to auto-track players better, but you could allso put taht cloak there and (alltho not being able to boost or fire without losing cloaked status) be able to sneak past those pesky pirates that like to eat cargo. Mabey be able to use cargo space for extra ammo? High explosives for that extra /explode effect?

9. Missile view. Would be fun, allthough mabey quite usless in a dogfight, to have a missile view, and mabey new missiles that you could controll while doing so? mabey have a little wibnow pop up and extra + commands to controll the missile?

These aren't demands, just excess thoughts, if you want, post extra suggestions/comments.
/me turns the pressure valve to "open" on his flamethrower
Apr 04, 2004 Eldrad link
1. The devs have said that they don't want to make the players spend all the down time that would be required after ejecting from a ship... so this probably isn't going to happen.

2. This will be done in some form.

3. The sectors are infinitely large, though there aren't any objects put in generally further out. Planets are very unlikely to appear due to the scale that would be required, and the forces that the current ships just wouldn't be able to deal with (i.e. gravity would be way too strong) who knows maybe they will put in large enough asteroids to generate a noticeable pull... Not too likely given the time scale of the release.

4. Player buildings and such as well as different classes (including engineers) have been suggested before, we'll have to wait and see.

5. hahaha
before you make a suggestion you might want to check if it's implemented. Because there is a command alias and it is implemented EXACTLY as you described

6. In the final game the mod's powers will be reduced, and there will be more of them.

7. The ai is changing a lot, this will probably result in making it some what easier for newbs... but also remember that they do want to provide some amount of training so that the newbs can learn to compete against other players.

8. There's a thread with more of these than you can shake a stick at. They're often called "toys"

9. This might be particularly good for anti-capital ship missiles... I haven't seen this suggestion before.

(Since there's no search function on the forum this is an over view of the information that's already come up on these topics)
Apr 04, 2004 harvestmouse link
regarding number 2:
I agree that there should be some "ranking" system (that is perhaps akin to reputations ingame), but I don't think we should have it so that being a newb is infernal suffering...
Vets of vendetta have an impressive advantage--skill. Skill functions like a ranking system in itself.
very few new players actually sign on, and become automatic terrors; in fact, newbies are too easily killed in my opinion.
Apr 04, 2004 Magus link
"very few new players actually sign on, and become automatic terrors; "

-Believe me when I say that one day the uber-newb shall come. And he shall smite all those vets who hath killed his newbie bretherin. It is only a matter of time. There will be a reckoning. . .
Apr 04, 2004 Midicow link
Eh, well allso it would be awesome to see mp3 and cda capabillitys in vendetta.
I don't know about the alias, alltho the counsle sstem in this works alot like quake2 I don't seem to have been able to make +/- aliases...

Yeh, newbs do get killed easy, but they learn within 2-4 days how to shoot and avoid things.

It would be nice allso to be able to place nav poitns, like have 1 or 2 max where you can place a point at that pesky invisible wormhole and fly to it later, or that cache of cargo in that asteroid...
Apr 04, 2004 roguelazer link
mp3 == copyrighted on a paying basis
ogg == oss
oss == guild doesn't have to expend its money
Apr 04, 2004 Eldrad link
Alias syntax: []=optional, |=or
alias [+|-]name "command [args][; command...]"

+: command(s) executed repeatedly/continuously while button is depressed
-: command(s) executed on release
nothing: command(s) executed on press
Apr 05, 2004 Celebrim link
"9. This might be particularly good for anti-capital ship missiles... I haven't seen this suggestion before."

Missile view has been around since Descent I, and like everything that has been done in other games, it's been suggested at least three other times (that I'm aware of).
Apr 05, 2004 Midicow link
Dosen't mean it isn't a good suggestion! :)
If it's been in many other games before, there must be something to it.

I'm pretty sure what i'm suggesting has been suggested before, but it's alot like a bunch of kids asking "is it done yet?" "Can
I have this super fighter ultra-uber gundam fighter action figure please!?!?!" over and over... weee

Little weapon suggestion for capital ships, a big beam weapon that's pretty usefull for command ship to command ship combat.

Then there s fighter flak cannons, which I hope are in the plan, it's awesome to attempt to dodge flak, and makes it that much harder vs just dodging lame heavy adv gatling. (yes yes.. free space 2, woot)

I hope people will be able to dock on capital ships, would be neat to use them as portable repair/re-arming stations.

I noticed people seem to like mining stations, mabey have mines explode when lain when a certain distance from a station?

By the scale of the game the current meathods of using mines are quite adequate, but if there are going to be more sectors, or a bigger scale, mabey have a minelayer class? It sounds lame but it's so fun to lay a huge mine field, and even funner to scout them out and blow them up.

Is cda a viable format? I don't think you have to pay to put cda in a commercial product...
Apr 05, 2004 Eldrad link
For a while people were able to dock on the frigate that is currently around... not sure if the devs will be able to make a moving dock.

Once the AI is finished there will probably be some "police" bots who will do things like clear certain stations of mines, kill people who lay them by the station etc, though probably not all stations will have such laws, or enforcers.
Apr 05, 2004 Celebrim link
"Little weapon suggestion for capital ships, a big beam weapon that's pretty usefull for command ship to command ship combat."

I guess you haven't seen the dev's beam cannon yet.
Apr 05, 2004 zamzx zik link
but...its the size of a tach.
Apr 08, 2004 Ciuciu link
> "9. This might be particularly good for anti-capital ship
> missiles... I haven't seen this suggestion before."

> Missile view has been around since Descent I, and like everything
> that has been done in other games, it's been suggested at least
> three other times (that I'm aware of).

Ok.. Here i will refer to Stalth and Sensors topic:

What about making an inteligent scout rocket ?
You wil sneak semewhere, launch that missle (you could launch it without loud "blaaast" since it will just drift at beggining, launching engines on command/or after some distance (300m for instance). You could control it (but only in LOS - since you will comunicate with narrow-beam microwaves or something). You could fly to the centre of the sector and.. Boom.. big radar ping, showing you everything in quite large space (it could have BIG radar). Ofcourse everybody around can notice it and rush to find whats the heck is going on (so it could also distracts enemy)...

Ifcourse such a toy will be very expensive (one rocket could be about 20.000) , will take a whole slot (large?) to mount it, and will have very limited ammo (2 or 3?), but it could be a great decoy and such..
Apr 08, 2004 roguelazer link
Sensor probes are mentioned several times on the Vendetta MMORPG site. I suggest you read it., click Products and read everything therein.