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Everyone starts off in the NT

May 05, 2004 Urza link
the idea is as people show those characteristicts that each nation has, they get moved to that nation.
May 05, 2004 Magus link
"the idea is as people show those characteristicts that each nation has, they get moved to that nation."

The NT isn't some third junk drawer for everyone else. It is an independant nation just like Itani or Serco. There is no more reason for everyone to have to start off NT than there is for everyone to start of Blue.
May 06, 2004 stuepfnick link
I would suggest that people start really neutral and in the game should be able to join a nation or stay independent. Even if independent, everyone gets liked or disliked by the nations anyway.
That would be great! Not to choose nation from scratch. But it's not soo important, it is ok the way it is. Just a good idea...
May 06, 2004 Magus link
Think of it this way. If you're an American, you're born in America. British are born in Britan, Indians are born in India. Those are their nations. Once you're born an Indian you can do anything that is physically possible for an Indian to do. Including immigrating to somewhere else, like America. But you'll still be an Indian, no matter where you go. That's what nations will be like eventually. They just determine your race or nationality. They won't work like teams anymore, stop trying to treat them like it.
May 06, 2004 spectre_c_me link
Q: If your a Brit born in Amercia does that make you a Brit or an Amercian? A: They are what they choose to be.

My point by that: If a Serco starts of on NT that doesnt make him an NT, that means they have to start off as an NT till they fully decide to become Serco, its that simple. If they decide right from the beginning that Serco is their nation, then let them join Serco. If they decide to see who goes where then let them do that, it doesnt really matter. Either way... the damn noobs in this game die by vets so its all good right? oh wait... thats the issue to avoid... hmmm... how to fix that problem...

btw NT isnt a seperate nation we already discussed this.

1 more thing... this is just a suggestion... i support it half way and the other half i say that its pointless... but nobody cares for the pointless reason i have so its all good...
May 07, 2004 Magus link
"btw NT isnt a seperate nation we already discussed this."

-What? When? No we didn't. And if we did, you're all wrong. That's like saying "Switzerland's not a seperate nation because they don't take sides."
May 07, 2004 Hoax link
I'm with Magus here IO.

Serconia is not part of the Neutral territories, neither is Itani. So the Neutral territories are apperently somewhere else. Doesn't this make it seperate?

The NT is not everything not included in Serco and Itani, it is it's own seperate orginization. There could concievable be other neutral races in the future. They would not be NT unless they exist in and partake in the govermental functions of the NT.

Are you saying the NT is not a country? It's territories acting with a common leadership. It would also be like saying (pre civil war constitution changes) that the USA wasn't a country because it was made up of individual territories (states) merely sharing a representative government.

As far as moving nations goes, a Serconian could just as well decide to move to a neutral territorie as an NT could move to Serconia. The NT is a place not a state of mind. Well maybe both but most certainly a place.

I think the main misconception is that the NT have no affiliation. As Magus states above that's just misunderstanding what Neutral is.

>My point by that: If a Serco starts of on NT that doesnt make him an NT

How can a Serco start off NT? You have 3 choices and if you chose to start NT than you are not Serco. Serconians are welcome to move to NT but that doesn't change where you were born.

>Q: If your a Brit born in Amercia does that make you a Brit or an Amercian?

Your both I think. Unless England doesn't have born abroad laws. This would only apply in the Vendetta universe if people could have children and Serco parents birthed there offspring in NT space. I mean really...
May 07, 2004 harvestmouse link
pff hehe hoax
May 07, 2004 Urza link
NT is a bunch of little groups put togeather. The senet thing is like the UN. Every body says "hi how are you, we wann do this.. "blah blah blah"

NT is just a whole lotta people who wanna do their own thing. no nation allegence.
May 07, 2004 Hoax link
Where do you get that from? I thought the story was that the NT were smaller nations that banded together to hold there own in a hostile universe (did I just make this up in my head?) Thier loyalty would be to their territory and their senate that protects said territory. There currently is no choice for unalligned. I still say its a difference between a politically neutral government and no allegance.

>NT is just a whole lotta people who wanna do their own thing. no nation allegence.

The people who play NT charactors regularly seem to disagree with this statment. As can be seen by reading this thread.
May 07, 2004 Magus link
"NT is a bunch of little groups put togeather"
-If a bunch of groups put together and led by a common government doesn't constitute a nation, then please, define for us what a nation is.

"NT is just a whole lotta people who wanna do their own thing. no nation allegence."
-You wish. NT is a a group of territoreies that want to be neutral in the Itani-Serco war. Non-aligned worlds. To protect their common interest a government was established to unify them and allow them to protect themselves against aggression. IT IS NOT a team 0 that works as a grab-bag for anything else. I can hardly believe we're even having this discussion. And just in case you doubted that the NT inhabited their own distinct corner of the universe:

""The Neutral Territories, a loosely knit Nation of corporations, merchants and explorers (not to mention smugglers and pirates), now clinging to life in the more hostile regions of deep space""
-OH LOOK! They cling to life in the more hostile regions of space! That implies that they live together in some boondock fringe-sector of the galaxy. And if you still have the density to claim that the NT aren't a distinct nation look at the words: "A LOOSELY KNIT NATION." It says nation right there! Not "unaffiliated people" or "a whole lotta people who wanna do their own thing." It specifically says the word "NATION." Guess what the designation of nation implies. If you said "NATIONAL ALLEGIANCE" you guessed right. Now why do I get the feeling you didn't guess that at all?
May 07, 2004 stuepfnick link
True, it is more real to be born in a nation!
May 07, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
NT is a CONGLOMORATE it's not a factual Nation, it has no National Military and no background truely that I have seen.

Serco has the Serco Navy, Serco Attack Wing, and the Serco Defense Force. We have the Lady Serco as the woman who founded Serco.

Itani have the Itani Nation Military (Speaks for itself there doesn't it?!)

NT is also simply you could say a Commonwealth, they have no interest in fighting the Serco-Itani war, they just want to exist (probably the reason for no national military force).

The line that NT's are CLINGING to life is false however, the NT currently seem to be doing quite well with their pirate activity!

And before Magus or some other NT comes here and says "WE're not pirates" lemme ask some questions:

What "nation" has no military alleigence?
What "Nation" starts with almost every faction as Neutral?
What "nation" has the ability to PK everyone else?
What "nation" holds itself above the warring Serco and Itani?

The fact is, and this is TOTALLY true, NT is a harbor for pirates and greifers, they start with a Neutral or better standing to almost all the factions and nations thus allowing operations THROUGHTOUT space.

Not to mention, that NT are FREQUENTLY attacking Serco pilots and then when the Serco is forced to kill the NT in self-defense, his/her standing in sector, in faction, and to the NT "nation" drops severely. Thus, the NT is tied into the faction system more than the Serco or Itani so when NT are killed the "killer" suffers more than just hull damage.

Also, NT's aren't barred as often from ports. For some unknown reason, I've been kicked, beaten and bloodied in s11, s13, and s7 and went on to see the attacker, when I opened fire from a new craft (after dieing) land in the SAME SECTOR as he killed me in!

The VERY idea of NT being a nation or even being a GOOD THING is quite frankly moronic. They have EXTREME advatages over Serco and Itani ingame that only serve to further destabilize the basis of the game.

The oppinions here arent only mine but other Serco and Itani pilots have said this too, NT is overpowered in the "nation" abilities area, same as the Itani are overpowered in the "Valk" area (although, with the Nation Ship change...)
May 07, 2004 Magus link
"NT is a CONGLOMORATE it's not a factual Nation, it has no National Military and no background truely that I have seen."

You can call your SDFs and INMs national militaries if you want, but there is nothing in the game that sets those apart from any other guild. YOU MADE THEM UP! They do not represent what the devs want the game to be. Players made up the Serco navy, the SAW, the SDF and Lady Serco. Players made up the INM. It all comes from the testers NOT the devs. There is nothing stopping the NT from making a similar guild except for the fact that none of them do anything! All these "national militaries" are really just regular guilds that use bombastic military or political jargon to led legitimacy to what is, essentially, a nationalist street-gang. This HAS NOTHING to do with the game's story so stop trying to act like it has any bearing on anything. NONE of your guilds mean anything important until the devs add support for governmental organizations.

"they start with a Neutral or better standing to almost all the factions and nations thus allowing operations"
-There isn't much point in being neutral if you are considered hostile by everyone is there? If we were considered hostile we wouldn't be the neutral territories. We'd be the hostile territories. We'd be at war. And again. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HOW THE GAME'S STORY WORKS.

"The VERY idea of NT being a nation or even being a GOOD THING is quite frankly moronic."
-Nothing you say has anything to do with the game's story. It's all the decisions of individual players. What does it have to do with the dev's plans for the game?

"They have EXTREME advatages over Serco and Itani ingame that only serve to further destabilize the basis of the game."
-News Flash #2: THE FACTION SYSTEM IS NOT EVEN REMOTELY COMPLETE! It's in there to see if it works. Not to establish the way it will be used for gameplay.