Forums » Suggestions

Make building groups easier!

May 06, 2004 stuepfnick link
Another thing: Building groups is too complicated! It should be 1 step easier.
If anyone invites one to a group that one should see the message:

XX invites you to group StarMauraders, do you want to join?

and you must just type "yes" or "no" or "y" or "n" to join or decline.

And in the other direction the same. If you have a group running and anyone types:

/group join starmauraders OR /group join <groupleader>

then the leader should just see: XX wants to join your group. Do you accept? and again just "yes" or "no" "n" or "y" to accept or decline.

And the ability to join a group already on a group mission (like bot hunting).

That would make life MUCH easier! I hope something like this will happen soon. Besides the shared Exp when destroying any ship.

By that Vendatta is already great and big fun! It is much much better then v3.3.x already! game fun lasts now much longer than 2 days of the old version where you already got everything ;-)

May 06, 2004 Nighty link
Oh, but these things will be worked out, rest assured. Right now they implemented the whole groups thing, but they still got no UI elements to handle that stuff, so we have to muck around with commands, but eventualy there will be UI elements to handle the whole group thing.
May 07, 2004 stuepfnick link
Yes, but it could be much easier, if someone can accept an invitation or a leader can accept a join request simply.

Just like it is with mission computers:

Do you want to continue working for us?

1) Yes sign me up!
2) No Thanks.

And than just press Tab and 1 or 2

The same thing would be fine for the group stuff....

Have a nice day,
May 07, 2004 Eldrad link

"XX has invited you to join their group say yes to join, or no not to."
"YY has invited you to join their group say yes to join, or no not to."

Obviously this would cause problems with your system. Should they just answer twice and the first one responds to XX, and the second to YY? But what if they didn't see XX's invite and it's since been moved out of sight by chat?
May 07, 2004 stuepfnick link
-> Elrad

True, it needs to be like the tab way:

1.) "XX has invited you to join their group say yes to join, or no not to."

then you press tab and have:

"join XX* (1) Yes (2) No: " and you only add 1 or 2

and if there is:
"XX has invited you to join their group say yes to join, or no not to."
"YY has invited you to join their group say yes to join, or no not to."

and you press tab, there is the text: "join YY* (1) Yes (2) No: " and when say 1 then you are on board with YY

if you want to join "XX" you must manually enter "/group join XX" or something like that.

Just like it is with the mission computer!

>> Should they just answer twice and the first one responds to XX, and the second to YY?

That would also be ok. And it won't be any problem at all:
If you press tab then you already see: "join XX* (1) Yes (2) No: " if answered the first one, tab says: "join YY* (1) Yes (2) No: "

Of course the same in the other directions, so a group leader can get join requests:
"XX wants to join your group, you want to allow or not?"
And tab makes:
"Allow XX to join group* (1) Yes (2) No: " and you just enter 1 or 2 and press return.

That would not be so much to code as a gui for it, but would make life a lot easier, and save time: i.e.: Sector chat: Anyone want to join my group? and it's done quicky then.
Instead of inviting everyone manually, or first ask around, then invite and then he must join manually again...

Or at least a command: /group invite *sector - the not so good solution

or something like that!

Would be great!

Thanks and greetings,
May 07, 2004 stuepfnick link
Or, another more easy way:

If you get an invitation:

"XX invites you to join his group blabla"
and you press tab, there stands:

/group join XX

And if someone univited wants to join:

"XX wants to join your group" and tab makes:

/group accept XX

that would be totally easy and great!
May 07, 2004 harvestmouse link
bah. just type /group join harvestmouse

I mean, what's a little bit of typing?
May 07, 2004 stuepfnick link
> bah. just type /group join harvestmouse
> I mean, what's a little bit of typing?

LOL, if it would be that easy, no problem. But just have fun typing all names of all online players to invite, so everyone is free to join. I did it mostly with sector people. Then I am able to ask someone to join, not before.

And no one can join if not invited. So that's the BIGGEST problem. And no one can join, when a group mission is active, another problem.

If you think it's fun, type:

/group invite "[XFD] ([alieb-nation] frone)"
/group invite "[SBDF] -Player raben"

And you can't see a good the player list while typing, and all the spelling must be correct, spaces exactly, you can't do it in station when you want to read player name (so must stay in attendance and fight along the way while typing that), etc.

To form groups with just some known friends is easy.

To invite everyone to build a group is much much more complicated! At least it would be a BIG advantage if someone can request to join, even if NOT invited.

But I guess harvestmouse didn't do something like that before. It would be ok, if you have a macro:

/group invite "all people in Sector 4"

and the next problem is, most do not know how to join then, then you must explain again, and so on. So forming a group of strangers spontaniously can take 15 or 30 minutes, and then in most cases you only get a group of 2.
With that stuff made easier you can get some people in 10 minutes. And if you do group combat, and another wants to join, you have to abort mission, invite him, he has to join and you must go back to station to sign up again and then fly out again... that all takes lots of time! And it's not the funny part of the game and cuts productivity in leveling...

So maybe you got it now harvestmouse? :-)
Nice greetings,
May 08, 2004 Eldrad link
Honestly I don't like the idea of group invitations affecting tab completion, it's much nicer to just leave it to the last person who messaged you.
how about this...
/alias join "prompt '/group join'"
/bind key join

Then just hit your join key and type in the persons name, or type the first few letters and hit tab.
May 09, 2004 Phaserlight link
"LOL, if it would be that easy, no problem. But just have fun typing all names of all online players to invite, so everyone is free to join."

stuepfnick, you know about the tab-complete feature, right? Just type the first three letters of a character that is online, hit the tab button, and it will automatically finish the name and put it in quotes for you.

e.g., I type: S,T,U, tab
on the prompt I get: "stuepfnick"
May 09, 2004 stuepfnick link
>> stuepfnick, you know about the tab-complete feature, right? Just type the first three letters of a character that is online, hit the tab button, and it will automatically finish the name and put it in quotes for you.

Hello! Actually I had never heard of this before! But that makes life a LOT easier already! Thank you so much! If now only not invited people could try to join, everthing would just be perfect! I mean in the other direction:

Now YY can say: "/group invite XX", and the XX says: "/group join YY" so hes onboard.

If it would possible this way too:

yy says: "/group join XX" and XX sees that, so XX can answer: "/group allow YY" so he's onboard.

Stuepfnick :-)
May 09, 2004 harvestmouse link
hehe. ya the tab completion feature is nice.
>yy says: "/group join XX" and XX sees that, so XX can answer: "/group allow YY" so he's onboard.

so you want a message to sent to XX when YY types "group join XX"?