Forums » Suggestions

Radar Target Dots

May 07, 2004 SirCamps link
I propose to make ship colors on the radar dynamic.

For instance, if you have a "Neutral" or higher rating with a nation, you appear as green on their radar, and they cannot target you with "x." This has been a real problem with Itani and Serco in 6 or 3, as NT newbies will be botting and just select the next target. Also, as shown in another thread about Serco being loved by Itani and vice versa, this would make trading with the "enemy" nation a little more realistic, as the Itani government wouldn't hire a Serco trader then allow him to be blown out of the sky by its citizens.

Once your rating dips to dislike, your radar blip changes to red and you can be targeted by hitting "x."

The potential to damage and kill a "green" member of another nation still exists, but you wouldn't be able to auto-target them by hitting "x."
May 07, 2004 harvestmouse link
botting in a nation's homesectors increases your ratings with that nation. some serco can actually dock in itani homesectors.

is there another way to increase your standing with a hostile nation? because my standing with Itani is KOS (it might have been that way since n00bhood), and I wish to increase my standing without getting blown by defbots in s4
May 07, 2004 Sheean link
All in favor say: aye!

May 07, 2004 harvestmouse link
aye! as long as damage can still be done to the player (you don't want someone who is invulnerable because he/she is loved by all nations :p)

May 07, 2004 Black Omega link
aye !

What about making different bot types recon /drone / assault different colours on the radar to stop the need for chasing your ass off all over the sector.
May 07, 2004 SirCamps link
Omega, there aren't enough colors for that. You can just target any dot within range.

The point of this is so people won't auto-target any red dot in range. Of course you won't make them invulnerable.
May 07, 2004 paedric link
As a favorite target of those so called "neutral" pilots in s3 & s6... Aye!!
May 08, 2004 Celkan link
I think it should turn to red when you cannot dock at a station. (ie, Hate)
May 08, 2004 SirCamps link
Oooh, another good suggestion.

Make those green "money dots" (the station markers on the radar) turn red! Great idea, Verd.
May 08, 2004 Ciuciu link
Somebody already suggested thath it should have "amount" of color depends on your rating.

-1000 - RED
- 700 - light red
- 200 - gray + a little reddish
0 - gray
200 gray + a little green
and so on..

The colors don't need to change fluently, but it would be very nice :D
May 09, 2004 paedric link
Keeping it simple is best. Either anything neutral and above, or even those that have docking privledges would be good. Let's not have people trying to decipher subtle shading variations on the fly. My life might depend upon it.

And a vote for the station marker turning red if docking privledges have been revoked. It would make life easier if a hasty retreat were necessary as you would be able to tell while still near the wormhole.
May 09, 2004 Magus link
"As a favorite target of those so called "neutral" pilots in s3 & s6... Aye!!"

-I think they're just frustrated by the amount of foreigners botting in their home sectors to boost their standing. I've been attacked by many Sercos while botting in 12 and was repeatedy ganged up on by Itani while delivering a blueprint.
May 09, 2004 Cam link
I really like this idea, although i think it should be 3 colors...
red = hate, dislike
(something) = neutral
green = like, love

possibly the neutral color would extend to cover dislike, and like, but I feel it's important to have the middle ground represented by color so players aren't ambushed by "friendly" pilots who are right on the line.

May 09, 2004 SirCamps link
It'd be better just to make green "neutral" and above.
May 09, 2004 Spider link
Something for the devs to think about:

~20% of the target audience is colourblind. Most common form of colourblindness is red-green one. Where both appear pretty much the same.

Could there perhaps be a shape-change on the dot as well? a circle and a triangle perhaps?
May 09, 2004 randomblast link
great stuff...
also, the option of having your own personal settings for individual players would be good. For instance, if evoli is hated by my nation, since she's never attacked me, i would have her set as an ally, for phoenix, i would set him to always be an enemy on my radar.
possibly having a personal standing system, exactly like the factions, except not on everybody's charinfo, just something you can see, and putting it on the target screen to. base it on how much they have attacked you and players you like, and allow the player to edit it.

another thought, i could use some way to determine if a target is on my ignorelist without reading through the whole thing. sometimes it's not the player being rude and not answering, i just can't hear them...
May 09, 2004 lunitary link
You are talking here about the state with other nations....

some ppl told me you can check your state with some one by /charinfo
but where?!
i try it on some one and i see some info about him, but not my state with him...i cant tell by it what will happen if i kill him, if he is liked more here or i am....
May 09, 2004 randomblast link
lunitary: you are viewing the cahrinfo of your target, what you have to do is select your self or select nothing.
just look at empty space and press g.
May 09, 2004 MonkRX link
Color Blind?! 20%?! Wow, scary.

Umm, try this color/Shape Variation:

Loved By another Nation: Green Octagon.
Neutral: Yellow Circle
Hated Player: Red Circle
Bot Pirate: Red Triangle (green if there are ever friendly bots)
Friendly/Enemny DEFBOT: Green/Red Squares
May 09, 2004 harvestmouse link
the dots we have now are pretty small. wonder if anyone would notice the shape change easily enough, if they are so small.