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Mass transportation among other things

Jul 22, 2004 silentsuicide link
Ok forgive me if this sounds a bit odd, but I thought of it last night in my sleep.

Ok. The universe is a big place, and I can forsee that in the future with a large universe it could possibly take hours to go from one far side to the other. So I was thinking what about the posibility of player owned ships that had the capability to jump from a wh to any other no matter where it was. (Think the trade guild ships from Dune) As in they hold free floating ships inside them and are massive. I was thinking of ships to be kind of organic like the furies perhaps a tube like ship with "ribs" that curve all around the basic form of the ship that lead into a hollow inside where ships can sit.

It would be large enough to fit a frigate, minus the bottom fin thing. And its battery would take a half hour/15 mins to charge. These ships could be very rare and have a very expensive price tag. So that only a guild could purchase one. *Edit* These ships would be almost unable to move (something around 5m a second) so they would completly rely on whs to move. And in each nation there could be a docking area for ships of this type, located possibly no further from a wh than 100m to provide a place for these ships to dock, change crew, ect. They would have a few turrets for defense but not many, escorts would be required to keep the ship safe or any willing fighter. And the ships dont create a wh to anywhere, they simply extend and push the exit of the wh to where they want to go using an alien technology still unknown. So the ships are still very much stuck to the known universe. After the ship exits the wh resets itself to its normal destination.

Here is how a typical jump could go.
The owner of the jump ship (we shall call him bob) warps into a popular system and announces via system chat that there is a jump ship in the area and its next destination and time untill next jump. At around the same time a guild member makes a team chat announcment stating the location, next stop, and time untill jump. The next jump happens to be on the exact other side of the universe, a trip that in even the fastest ship would take an hour and a half of hard traveling. And an unthinkable trip in a cargo ship due to the danger of pirates. So very quickly people get reasons to go to this side of the universe, where cargo from the current area sells well and there are plenty of high level bots there as well. People also request any missions from the current area to the area in which bob will be going. After around 5 mins the first ships begin to show up in the sector bob is in. Bob has already /set charge 2000 (making ticket prices 2000c each) and is ready to /accept fare "blah blah blah". Blah blah blah will /request ticket "bob" and will be given a warning that 2000c will be automaticly deducted from his account to pay for a ticket. Blah types /accept charge and Bob types /accept fare "blah blah blah". So Blah moves into Bob's ship and waits for the jump.

But there are many more ships than Blah's on their way. With 5 mins left there are around 40 ships requesting tickets. Going through and accepting each ticket manualy would prevent bob from leaving on time. So he quickly scans all of the requests and sees that there are no enemies of the guild trying to board and does a /accept all. All ships are now inside the ship and waiting for the jump.

Now rather than trying to get the big ship and every single smaller ship to move at exactly the same speed when going in through the wh and possibly causing a few issues, the ship instead pulls the wh around its self. The ship appears on the other side of the universe and the process begins over again. Eventualy leading to the guild being able to purchase multiple jump ships allowing routes to be made where one ship is on one side of the galaxy and another is directly oposite of it. Allowing trans-universal travel to occur every half hour.

And now for the other things. how about a /note function? It could save directly into the vendetta directory allowing for easy saving and retreival of notes. IE /note weapons 'there are swarm missles in Odia M-14 for only 20c" the note would be saved as weapons and could be displayed again simply by typing /note weapons. Naturaly there would also be /note list, /note delete, /note edit. Just a little something I thought I would throw out.

Have a big ship? In a crowded space? Need to look around you for a way out? Well we have the thing for you!
Introducing /shiplock! It keeps your ship facing the direction you have it in once you activate /shiplock. It works much like when you are looking around while turboing, only you might not be moving. Allowing you to look around with out worrying that the front of your frigate might slam into a roid as you turn to look at things. Order one today!
Jul 22, 2004 NoAddedSugar link
I like it.. *counting money*
where to buy?
Jul 22, 2004 Spellcast link
Very interesting. Definitely food for thought and not a bad idea. Not sure it fits with the wormhole concept of the universe that vendetta seems to use however. I think I would much rathar see wormholes that "skip" several systems (eg a WH with one opening in sector 29 and the other in sector 17) that are "periodic" they only are open at certain times, (the first 5 minutes of every hour; every 5th hour; usable for 20 minutes every 17 hours;etc)
Jul 22, 2004 Hoax link
I like this idea a lot. It would encourage team play as well as bring about a new occupation as well as give rise for cool Role Playing.

I envision not just trade missions but also the suprise movment of mass attack armadas into enemy territory. Seems like it could be quite fun as well as allow for a HUGE universe that is still within reach.
Jul 22, 2004 silentsuicide link
Its the RP possibilities that makes me think this could work ingame. For instance as Hoax said, you could launch an invasion fleet from this ship. If people dont like the guild that owns the ship they could boycott it and possibly force them to sell it due to lack of passengers and being under constant attack. Plus for many people they might not have the systems in place to detect or know when a random wh might appear, with player run ships they know that the ship will be where it says it will be and when it says it will be. Both the random wh system and this could work together, so that if a wh opens up the ship might not get any passengers, likewise if there is no wh then the ship will have many passengers.
Jul 22, 2004 Skyfox link
A very interesting idea. Yet i'm not exactly sure it's feasable with the small amount of players. If there was an extreamly high number of players it would be a great idea.
Jul 23, 2004 grunadulater link
I think it would be easier if we had a system of "Wormhole gates". Instead of having a giant ship, there would be something like Hypergates (Escape Velocity Nova) or Warpgates (Freelancer). There are two choices:

1. Have a system of Gates that are all connected. Any gate can connect to any other gate. This would cost a LOT of money, but you could maybe get a discount for a group of ships. The Gate creates a temporary wormhole that lasts for about 1 minute. Maybe a cool little animation where the wormhole starts, but the whole hole would be only the size of the Gate. Gate 'A' is connected to Gate 'B' is connected to Gate 'C' is connected to Gate 'A'.

2. Have a bunch of individual gates that only lead one way. This probably wouldn't cost as much, and maybe the wormhole can stay open for a longer time. This would be a little simpler, but it wouldn't be as fast or effecient as the other system. Gate 'A' is connected to Gate 'B'. Gate 'C' is connected to Gate 'D'.

Both of these ideas would be similar in the fact that the faction (or Guild) with the Gate controls the Gate. If your faction rating is bad with them, you can't use their gate. They can change the the price (within a certain range), and they can take the Gate offline or online at any time. 'They', being the leader of the faction/Guild.
Nov 10, 2004 Soltis link
I like the original idea posted in this thread quite a lot.
Nov 10, 2004 grunadulater link
I still like my reply the best.
Nov 10, 2004 lowguppy link
How about an autopilot computer for your ship? It would let you plot out a series of jumps in advance and would navigate to the necessary waypoints. This would require implementing another idea of mine, that is for a nav point for the shortest distance to jump point.