Forums » Suggestions

Das Spiel ist Schrott

Oct 02, 2004 Baerchen link
Nicht nur die größe von 110 MB sprechen für sich, aber mir sind so wahnsinnig viele, negative Dinge aufgefalln das ich gar nicht weiß wo ich anfangen soll:
* die Grafik ist um JAHRE zurück
* der Sound klingt wie beim Atari vor Jahrzehnten
* der Kampf mit den Menüs ist nervig
* Gruppenbildung / Gildenbildung ist durch reine Texteingabe einfach nur öde
* 3000m von größten Object weg zu sein ist der größte Müll, da man manchmal andauernd in die neue Nähe von solchen Objekten kommt die man nicht sieht
* die Schiffe sind viel zu unpersönlich, alles nur standart
* alles in grau und überall die selbe Grafik ... das ist absolut langweilig
* der Chat ist viel zu unübersichtlich
* es kommt keinerlei Spielspass auf

um das alles anzupassen wäre ein komplett neues Spiel nötig, Vendetta wird diesen Anforderungen der zeit niemals gerecht werden, daher hat es von mir schon mal das Todesurteil!
Oct 02, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
Wow... I didn't understand a word you said....

Generally, although there are other German (that is German, right?) players, the language spoken on the boards is English.

Oct 02, 2004 sarahanne link
I tried to translate it and it seems he has some griefs with the game...
I think the title is "the play is scrap iron"?
He doesn't like the graphics, the sounds, the chat, the missions, the wormholes....

Oct 02, 2004 AgY link
*AgY translates:

* the graphics are outdated
* the sound reminds me at atari
* the menus are nerving
* group and guild creation is text based and boring
* the 3000m security distance is crap
* the ships are impersonal
* everything is grey and the graphics are always the same, very boring
* the chat is too complex
* its boring

hes speaking out a death sentence...


I only agree on one point ... that the chat is too complex.
This seems to be a problem which came up with the stress test.

Edit: Das Forum ist english und du solltest auch english sprechen wenn du das nicht kannst oder willst solltest du dem spiel fern bleiben.
Oct 02, 2004 sarahanne link
Thanks AgY
Oct 02, 2004 Arathrael link
I think he said the 3000m jump distance is rubbish because you find yourself continuously coming in range of other objects without noticing.

And I think he said the chat is unclear, not complex.

But my german isn't good, so I may be wrong. :-)
Oct 02, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
The trick for the 3000m jump distance is to look for where the field is thin, and just head out in that direction. If you have even a medium battery, you can go pretty far without recharging (I figure that a Large battery can get high-level ships over 50,000m easily), and with Eldrick (?)'s turbo bind, you can keep heading out without having to hold down the turbo button.

The reason for the 3000m jump distance is quite sound, so I don't think the developers will do away with it. Basically, if people were able to jump from anywhere, then player vs player combat would be impossible. If someone was about to die, they could jump out to deny the kill. Of course, combat could always stray out to 3000m, but it makes it more difficult.

As for the other problems that he has with the game, I guess I've been around for too long, and just have gotten used to everything.

Oct 03, 2004 Alious Fuse link
i translated it into english and it still did not make sence.