Forums » Suggestions

Make Things Faster

Nov 07, 2004 Wrayth link
This game is pretty slow for a space sim. The average ship speeds of are around 50m/s, my car goes faster then 50m/s. Shooting at ships is almost as easy as if they were stopped.

If everything, ships, bots, weapons, etc, were speed up 5 to 8 times thier current speed, I think the games atmosphere would be a lot more akin to zipping around space and would be more fun and challenging overall.
Nov 07, 2004 Celebrim link
Play a little while longer.
Nov 07, 2004 Forum Moderator link
We field this question about once a week. The short answer is that faster speeds have been tried and it was discovered that gameplay suffered. Don't get hung up on the m/s thing, since clearly things are on a different scale than the real world.

As Celebrim was saying, play for a bit longer. It sounds like you are dealing with easy collector bots or traders. Player vs. Player combat (a staple of Vendetta) and combat with assualt bots goes much faster.
Nov 07, 2004 Othmaar link
I would turn this suggestion to a scale issue. Obviously you could say that the 'm' stand for mile, metric mile or something strange like 'mean standard parsec fraction' or something, but could it be clarified please? Note that even one metric mile per second is not enough to escape the gravity of earth. Having an environment mechanic that mimics real world physics would add a lot to the feel of the game I think.

On a side note I would like access to coordinates relative to the center of a sector, or relative to the sector's most prominent feature (ie. origo in the middle of a station).

Nov 07, 2004 Spider link
Doesnt /displayshippos do that? (or was there some other obscure command of typical guild style?
Nov 07, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
uh... Escape velocity from Earth is 11.2 km/sec.

By my calculations, 50m/s is 180km/h, 65m/s is 234km/h, and a full boost of 200m/s is 720km/h. Speeds aren't interstellar, but consider that you don't need to break the nearby planet's gravity since you're already in space, you don't need to manually fly between planets because that's what the insystem jump is for, and you don't need to fly between systems because wormholes connect them. But when it comes to combat maneuvers, the speeds are quite fast enough. They're fast enough to keep combat dynamic (especially when you're fighting an experienced PvP player), but not so fast that you have to constantly engage and disengage from combat - it just get too hard to stay in constant contact with the enemy
Nov 07, 2004 sarahanne link
Darn I was doing the same set a calculations and you beat me to it! :) But I agree with your observations. For the game to be an interactive FPS it has to have some modifications to allow players to actually be in the same area for longer periods of time.
Nov 07, 2004 Tyrdium link
"my car goes faster then 50m/s."

Remind me to stay the hell off the road when you drive... :P

Spider, I believe /displayshippos got taken out.
Nov 07, 2004 roguelazer link
It did.