Forums » Suggestions

Gaining Combat Exp

Nov 18, 2004 TS-Midnight link
Simply put: it would be logical to gain a bit of combat Exp for every ship you destroy... afterall isnt that combat ?
Nov 18, 2004 TheBunman link
i think so too, it is really hard to get an combat license while your light weapons license increase verry fast
Nov 18, 2004 CharlieH link
yeah, i'm gonna have to agree there, you shouldn't be (practically) forced to bot to gain exp.
Nov 18, 2004 harvestmouse link
you're not gaining xp for each ship you destroy?
Nov 18, 2004 LeadFist link
"you're not gaining xp for each ship you destroy?"

Harvestmouse: sure, you currently gain light or heavy weapons XP for every bot you destroy and some combat for every x number of bots you wax if you are on a combat mission.


Thinking about this suggestion thread, the underlying issue is this: are things balanced between how quickly a player can accumulate Combat experience verses the Combat license requirements for ships, weapons and other equipment? If it takes a slightly lower Combat license requirement to acquire items, then I'd recommend slightly tweaking things or leaving the xp system alone. If not, then suggestions from the crowd?
Nov 18, 2004 lowguppy link
I'd like to see kill xp split between the weapon and pilot skills. I'd also like to see piloting specific missions, which would be especially helpful for newbs, where you have to fly through a course (rings? nav points? specially colored crates?) in a certain amount of time to complete.
Nov 18, 2004 gamejunky link
All i ask for is to get EXP from destroying EVIL serco trade bots! or at least ++ Itani Faction standings :D
Nov 19, 2004 TS-Midnight link
gonna have to add that if you use both Hvy and light weps you get points for using both ^_^
Nov 19, 2004 Soltis link
The lack of ways to get combat exp. seriously needs to be addressed.
Nov 19, 2004 randomize link
i wholeheartly endorse Soltis message.

doing combat missions has become my worst menace. it is most boring thing I MUST do (it turns out) to get my valk. I really cannot force myself to destroy 12000 bots.

Even at 2 bots a minute it would require 6000 minutes or 100 hours or 5 days of NON STOP botting. NO FOOD, NO DRINK, NO SLEEP, NO SMOKE. JUST KILLING BOTS OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER. (oh and NO docking :)
Nov 19, 2004 NoAddedSugar link
I think, it is good the way it is.
Look at the trading XP... Nobody is doing trademissions anymore, because you can gain trading XP by trading for profit or/and mining...
Why are there missions, if nobody will have to do them? That is the wrong direction, I think
Nov 19, 2004 Soltis link
No, it's the right direction.

The missions are F*ING BROKEN.

I know they're basically placeholders, but until they are replaced with REAL content, there absolutely must be alternatives to keep the game from being a boring treadmill. Trade, mining, and weapons exp. can all be gotten in fun and interesting ways. Combat experience is the only one that is still reliant on PvP or a broken, very not-fun mission series.

Maybe things can be rebalanced to encourage the use of missions AFTER missions are fixed, but for now trapping players in a broken mission system is complete and utter stupidity.
Nov 19, 2004 TS-Midnight link
*blinks at Soltis*

wow. O_O
Nov 19, 2004 Soltis link
Hey. I'm not blaming the devs for the way things are, but I don't want people trying to create the impression it's okay to force players to use a system that does not work.
Nov 19, 2004 randomize link
Nov 19, 2004 Beolach link
One thing I'd like to add, is it's shown as Combat *Piloting* License. So I'd like to see some things that give XP focusing on the Piloting aspect. If/When racing is reimplemented, I think it should give Combat Piloting XP. There should be other things as well.
Nov 19, 2004 TS-Midnight link
just a bump..
Nov 19, 2004 Soltis link
Beolach: I really like that idea. I hadn't thought of that before...
Nov 19, 2004 KixKizzle link
"Even at 2 bots a minute it would require 6000 minutes or 100 hours or 5 days of NON STOP botting"

It doesn't even take 24 hours of botting to get lvl 8 combat. You don't need to kill 12,000 bots. It's not THAT hard people. As far as I'm concerned, this game is too easy. Either that or we need more content. First off getting credits is rather easy. This isn't a problem except for the fact that there's nothing to buy.... I mean we need goals and after a few weeks of playing this game I will have unlocked every ship and weapon there is for the serco. Sure then I can start working on my itani faction and get all of those ships and weapons, but still..... We need more ships, more weapons, more everything. Combat xp doesn't matter. It's too easy to get to level 8 already. I don't see the need to change that. Sure if some people want to keep all their levels perfectly even then I guess it wouldn't hurt if you added about half the xp that someone got in light weapons or heavy weapons for every bot they destroyed. That way it could all be equal.

What we really need though is MORE STUFF!


/givemoney Devs 2c
Nov 19, 2004 Soltis link
"Too easy" you say.


You may have the endless hours to play, but some of us have better or more important things to do.

Killing 4 tough bots(REALLY tough if you have lag) for a measly 500 combat exp. is insulting.

More insulting is the fact that there is _NO OTHER WAY_ to get combat exp., aside from PvP, which is usually much harder than botting, since humans are better pilots.

Try again in your debating, without using arguments that just don't apply to most people.