Forums » Suggestions


Nov 21, 2004 ctishman link
Okay, every future game and its brother uses 'credits' as the unit of money. Enough already! Credits are boring and unimaginative! Let's hear some suggestions for what to call Vendetta's cash!

To start off, each set needs a large unit and a smaller subdivision.

Example: 1 Dollar= 100 cents

To start off:
1 Serco Standard Dollar (SSD)= 36 Grains
1 Itani Corani (IC)= 100 Itani Carats
1 Union Credit (UC)= 50 Union Marks
Nov 22, 2004 Beolach link
Along the lines of this, I'd like to see different currencies for the different nations; either completely seperate (you would have to take missions from that nation in order to get started with money there, even if you were filthy rich in your home nation), or with fixed exchange rates (Serco/Itani money worth half as much in the other nation; UIT takes either at 75% face value, and UIT is accepted at 75% in either Serco or Itani), or (ideally, IMO) with a dynamic exchange rate, based off of stuff like average value of items in all stations in the nation (so if on average luxury goods cost 1000 credits everywhere they are available in UIT space, and cost an average of 1250 in Itani or Serco space, UIT credits would be worth 25% more than Itani or Serco credits), and/or average faction standing of players in the different nations (so if the average of UIT players standings with Itani was 600, and with Serco was 400, UIT credits would be worth more in Itani space than in Serco), and possibly other factors as well.
Nov 22, 2004 ctishman link
Great idea!
Nov 22, 2004 thginkrej link
What? No melons?

Seriously though, having multiple currencies and exchange rates would be completely awesome. It would only require a couple more numbers per character, and an exchange screen. This could open up a new market in VO - currency markets! Get Itani credits when they are down then exchange them later when their market goes up.
Nov 22, 2004 SPUcipher link
If you add the currency thing, you should differ more strongly between the factions. Means:
1. Different markets: offers and demands are different from faction to faction = traders have to travel over the border of an other faction = more traffic/more fights.
2. Ships: Serco/Itani/UIT = all the same ships. Why? Historically not possible.

I am looking forward having a market system with currency exchange. You even might add a economy crash into the algorythm. I.E. one faction's economy crashes, it's currency has no value at all. The faction's players start to pirate more as only goods still have any economic value.
Nov 22, 2004 randomize link
this is amazing idea (currency value that can be influenced by players of other nation).
Nov 22, 2004 CharlieH link
SPUcipher, it would be cool if a faction's economy could crash, but not whenever it wanted to. If, say, no one bought anything or traded for a while, the economy could crash, that would be cool. The more we can affect every aspect of the game, the better :)
Nov 22, 2004 Beowulf Meyer link
I like this idea. Maybe the exchange rate can for each nation's currency can fluctuate depending on how that nation is doing in the game. i.e. Cargo Capture missions etc.
Nov 22, 2004 SPUcipher link
Indeed. Imagine an invlation of roid ore as everybody is mining lots ore. Price drops and lots of people stop mining and do something else. Or someone is filthy rich and is changing ALL his money into an other currency.
But for that: we need a bank.
We need a headhunters page too! So i can place Spider on the hitlist. With that protection money is possible: "give me xx creds or i put 1'000'000 creds on your head." :) Pirating, Mafia would add spice to the game too. Money makes greedy. Greed generates conflict (i am sorry for that but...).
Nov 22, 2004 Viper2560 link
ya know im gunna laugh when this actually becomes part of the game. Then no one trades for awile and all three economies crash. And the ony thing that will bring them back to normal is another reset. Wow id absolutly laugh my tail off
Nov 22, 2004 Soltis link
What a stupid comment.

Take your presentient ramblings elsewhere.
Nov 22, 2004 SPUcipher link
Nov 22, 2004 CrazySpence link
i like this idea, the currencies could float much like the real ones do based on nations trading success and nation wide spending and be posted in the coming news system and the exchange rate would reflect on how much items cost in nuetral and nation space. it'd be a neat feature of the economy and encourage trade and CTC defense (if it is ever fixed and behaves normally)