Forums » Suggestions

Collected suggestions

Nov 24, 2004 SPUcipher link
The list is for everybody who wants to follow the suggestions. Please Copy/paste, add, change to DONE/OPEN the list and keep it as work in progress.

adapting small weapons to fit into large ports --- OPEN
automatic docking computer --- DONE
autopilot --- OPEN
better in-flight cargo management (viewing, selective jettison) --- OPEN
board ships in flight --- OPEN
cargo scanners --- DONE
chaff and other countermeasures --- OPEN
chained or alternate fire --- OPEN/DONE
crafting --- OPEN
damage from ion storms --- OPEN
different ships for factions / nations --- OPEN (!!!)
disabling rays --- OPEN
exploding cargo --- OPEN
faster engine / faster weapons --- DONE/OPEN
fewer ion storms --- DONE
fly in formation --- OPEN
gadget ports other than weapon ports --- OPEN
hauling equipment as if it were cargo --- OPEN
headlights --- OPEN
in-game notepad --- OPEN
landing on planets --- OPEN
larger ships --- OPEN (Cap ships)
marking buoys / beacons / waypoints --- OPEN
multiplayer ships --- OPEN
passenger trasports --- OPEN (nice one!)
race courses --- OPEN (nice one!)
real physics --- DONE
shields --- OPEN
ship decals --- OPEN
space creatures --- OPEN
stealth mode --- OPEN
toggled turbo switch --- OPEN (only possible with bind)
tractor beams --- OPEN
turbo in other directions --- OPEN
user-controlled turrets --- OPEN
walking around in stations --- OPEN
List of players in station --- OPEN
Nov 24, 2004 Soltis link
better in-flight cargo management (viewing, selective jettison) --- DONE
Nov 24, 2004 SPUcipher link
I'll manage/update the list. Just follow Soltis example and I will add it to the list. A little knowledge management to shorten the suggestion discussions :)
Nov 24, 2004 SPUcipher link
chat/group/playerinteractive functions with "buttons" (not command line) --- OPEN
Nov 24, 2004 SPUcipher link
Shippainting: more options --- OPEN
Nov 24, 2004 SPUcipher link
nation chat --- OPEN
Nov 24, 2004 walkingsfun link
Nov 24, 2004 Celebrim link
I'm not sure what this all means, but in the case of a couple of those suggestions the proper status should be 'CLOSED', as in 'all discussion on this topic has been completed and it has been rejected at least for the foreseeable future'.

For example, 'walking around in stations', 'turbo in other directions', 'landing on planets', and 'real physics' aren't topics in which suggestions are in any way helpful. Those topics aren't 'OPEN', they are 'CLOSED'.

I would imagine that Whistler's original intent was to point out that alot of topics had been mentioned many many times, and that it wasn't very helpful to just say, 'We should have this! Pay attention to me!'

And in some cases, a more useful status on a topic would be 'PLANNED', as in the devs agree that this is a good suggestion and will get around to it when they can. To the best of my knowledge, the following things are all 'PLANNED' in one for or another:

better in-flight cargo management
chaff and other countermeasures
unique ships for factions
gadget ports other than weapon ports
larger ships
multiplayer ships
passenger trasports
race courses
ship decals

(And lots of other things that get mentioned less often but are also important.)

Suggestions on these topics are only helpful if they aren't whines demanding that they should be part of the game, but rather exactly what they should be like when they are included.
Nov 24, 2004 genka link
Aw Brainiack, beating dead horses is FUN!
Nov 24, 2004 johnhawl218 link
How is better in-flight cargo inspection "done"?????

[rude flame deleted. Please review: ] -Forum Moderator
Nov 24, 2004 Phaserlight link
Actually, Celebrim's right. Those things have been discussed many times and the devs have pretty much said "No."
Nov 24, 2004 Celebrim link
"Otherwise, let people speak there mind without him telling them there idea has been thought of and is not worth discussing any more."

If you'd do a search, you'd find that I'm not dictating what the devs will say, I'm reporting what they have said. None of the topics I said should be considered closed are topics which I said should be closed. They are topics which the devs previously made extensive posts on explaining why the ideas were unfeasible.

It's not like there aren't ideas I've had which the devs haven't shot down. If you'd been around you'd know that the devs have shot down the following 'Celebrim' ideas:

No 'special' ships or weapons (they went ahead and made them anyway)
Separate 'gun', 'rocket', and 'mine' ports (keep things more like they were in version 3.1)

And any number of other ideas of varying quality that I was forced to discard when the devs told me that they had different plans. Consider those ideas 'CLOSED' as well.

I in no way speak for the devs. If I speak with apparant authority, it has nothing to do with my actual authority save what little authority comes with having been around a while ('grey hair'?). It has alot more to do with the fact that I'm a critic.

Basically it comes down to a frustation shared by anyone who has been on this board for long enough, for new players coming along and posting a new thread on a subject when there are already 2 threads on that subject on the first page, and 8 more scattered over the next 5 pages.

Many people think I'm arrogant. I'm fine with that. I can understand why they would think that. But I read scores of threads and played for several days before I dared even post my first thought (a couple of sentences on having 'invasions'). I would have considered it excessively arrogant for me to do otherwise. So where you consider me arrogant for correcting people, I consider the people I'm correcting arrogant for paying so little attention to what other people have said.
Nov 24, 2004 Forum Moderator link

Please refrain from flaming or responding to flames. Flaming is prohibited ( ) and responding to them only makes matters worse. I or one of the other guides will remove flames within a short time.

Celebrim is correct that the locked and sticky-ed post I made as Whistler entitled "PLEASE READ ..." was intended merely to let users know that such things had been suggested already. I noted this thread with some interest, thinking that marking things as "done" would probably be a subjective exercise and might result in some controversy.

I don't want to dissuade anyone from making suggestions, though my hope is that users might review what has been discussed and either not post, or post variations on what has already been discussed. In fact, I will revise my post to indicate that.

"BE NICE" dammit.
Nov 24, 2004 SPUcipher link

I am terribly sorry for what I have done here... I hope I havent hurt feelings here ;) For all overheated ones: get a cold beer or shower.

DONE = OFF THE TABLE; could mean: implemented, rejected, discussed to nirvana and back and still nothing useful, etc.
OPEN = the contrary of DONE

What I intended with the list: it should help having an overview what has been discussed already as there are suggestens for stuggested suggestions that are sugg... ahhh you know.
You even get flamed by some suggestors if you suggest something that had been suggested 1001 suggestions before!!!!!!

THE LIST WAS INTENDED TO BE AN HELPFUL and up to date OVERVIEW WITH ALL important SUGGESTIONS ON IT. i.E. everyone can look up if his planned suggestion was already already CLOSED/REJECTED/IMPLEMENTED/OR-WHAT-EVER.

"Please Read": I bow to the ground apologizing for not reading "Please Read". Plz add a status row in the please read list: DONE/REJECTED/SUGGEST-THAT-AGAIN-AND-YOU-GET-FLAMED/etc.
And plz keep the list up to date.

AGAIN: my intentions and suggestions are well ment.
Nov 24, 2004 Forum Moderator link

I'm not at all attempting to criticize what you have done here. I didn't attempt to do what you are doing because I estimated that it might be difficult to maintain to everyone's satisfaction. You are welcome to continue if you wish.

I will maintain my sticky list with at least the more frequent topics. I will not be adding a status because I don't think we can truly claim anything to be "done" in Vendetta. One of the great things about Vendetta and Guild is that this game is evolving. Same goes for "closed". Even features that one might think are complete sometimes get a revision based on a good (original) suggestion. I also want to avoid "rejected" because few suggestions actually are. It's more of a "Maybe, but not soon". As for "implemented", frankly if they don't know something has been implemented, they probably won't read my thread either ;)
Nov 24, 2004 genka link
Down with fascist moderation!
Rally with me against the 'BE NICE' campaign and its friends!
Being nice is something fascists do!

Har har har.
Don't ban me please. <:-|
Nov 24, 2004 RelayeR link
I will be deleting all posts that do not conform to the title of this thread.

The title discussion is done.