Forums » Suggestions

viewing trade prices for all stations

Dec 03, 2004 Silver Surfer link
my suggestion would be to be able to click on various stations throught the universe map and be able to find out what various goods are being bought and sold for,instead of the daily trade report. This way, let's say i have a cargo to go from one sector to another, I can supplement my cargo space with some profitable cargo to deliver along the way.
Dec 04, 2004 gamejunky link
Will never happen because they made the system the way it is now so you have to adventure out of your dark little corner of the universe :P Although, i am working on a pretty big project right now that will list the BASE price for all trade items in all stations.

YOU probably have not noticed, but I have.. A station will buy an item from you for around 100c less than they sell it for (not including stations that do not carry the item).

So if you can buy it for 1000 in 'A', 1200 in 'B' and 1700 in 'C', you would wind up buying in 'A' and selling in 'C' to make more profit. Test it out some time. Buy one item like Luxury Goods and go to at least 5 stations and write down the price they sell it for and the price they will buy it from you for. Pretty nice pattern.
Dec 04, 2004 Chao link
I have a database of all prices of all items of all stations. Did it over the span of three days, while doing other things. You can certainly do it, too.
Dec 04, 2004 Spellcast link
I've had 3 such databases over the life of the new universe, but those sneaky devs keep switching around the cargo's. currently working (much less enthusiastically) on #6. :)
Dec 04, 2004 Silver Surfer link
I still think that trade prices available through the map would garner more exploration by users, and be simpler than someone laying me out a guideline for a certain trades ie:"Daily Trade Report"(this has to be time consuming for someone).
I would be more likely to :) "risk my life" and explore unknown areas for the potential of a big payout. Since this is a dynamic universe and the pricing changes constantly the databases are like yesterdays "Wall Street Journal".
You would think that there has to be some Internet-like commerce communication across this universe accessible to us. I'm not saying reveal all, just the basic commerce info.
By the way yes, I did notice the normal markup on buying and selling within a station.(were you yelling with the "YOU")?
Dec 05, 2004 Silver Surfer link
Just a thought, if this is too ambitous, how about at least within a sector?
Dec 06, 2004 Viper2560 link
too ambitous
Dec 06, 2004 gamejunky link
As Chao said, it's fairly easy to make your own Database of prices. Once you have them all layed out it's easier to trade. But Silver's idea seems ok. Only, Im sure he meant *system* instead of sector. There is only one station in a sector. And Silver, no I was not YELLING.. I was simply getting everyones attention. And it seemed to work :)