Forums » Suggestions

Many groups of two cents

Dec 09, 2004 Solra Bizna link
I've played VO for about a month now, and there are only a few real problems that I have with the game. I'll list them here, discussed already or not, in no particular order:

A) The "skill" system.
My main char's current combat license levels are 6/8/6, but many here will agree that I am more skilled than some random guy who botted for a year to get to 11/16/9. Shouldn't my license levels reflect that?
Also, due to the lack of a real reward, the only reason there really is to initiate player vs. player at all is to capture purified Xithricite. (which I only do because it's hard.) Sometimes I attack someone out of boredom, but I usually end up gaining nothing but a large bill, even when I win. It's pointless to really try, when killing the most skilled player in the game will get me no more experience than killing four TyCorps Assaults. (which, incidentally, I find INCREDIBLY boring, but that's definitely for another thread.)

B) Multiple characters in single accounts.
It's good, I like it. The main problem I have is that there are not enough slots. The game is more interesting when I play several characters at once, especially given how fun re-gaining those first three levels can be. (fighting Guardians with diminished equipment can work wonders on one's actual skill level, I've noted.)
Additionally, it should be possible to be "online" as multiple characters at once. I see how this could be exploited, though, a partial solution would be to allow only one connected IP at a time to a given account...

C) Hive queens!
What reason do I have to kill them, apart from gaining a few cu of Xithricite and the ultimate useless commodity (ten Prosus worth of weapons exp)? They should be a more important part of the game.
It would also be cool if you could gain standing with individual Queens, and get certain rewards for defending them against players who wish to hunt them. I would start an alt solely for this purpose if it were implemented. Ideally your standing would reset when the Queen dies, and be something like -610 to start with.

D) Guild limitations
I am not the only one who has seen the paradox of requiring 10 members to start a guild, but only 1 to keep it in existence. Also, one of my alts joined a guild whose members all promptly went AWOL. I know a dev/guide could probably resolve this latter situation rather quickly, but it shouldn't be necessary to go crying to the Devs for this sort of thing. Something should be done...

E) Navigation system
It needs waypoints. (see other threads for exactly what I mean, I may be trying to throw the Forum Search feature out the window, but even I have my limits.)

F) Strike forces
It makes little sense for my alt (3/4/1) in a practically unarmed Wraith MkII to be chased (and killed) by 5+ Strike Force bots and several Seekers when the other side gives my main char (6/8/6) exactly the same treatment. Also, it is unfair that they can turbo faster than any PC ship, and some Strike Force bots seem to have uber-Neutron cannons (killing a Centaur with a single hit) while others have something rather like a NeutIII (which makes a bit more sense).

Note that I am not trying to argue these specific points; I am not saying that they NEED to be changed, only that as they are now they lack something in MY eyes. I'd still probably play if none of these were fixed.

To balance out the general negative vibes from the above page (!) of complaints, I'm going to try to list several things that I like as they are about Vendetta:

a) The standing system
Specifically, how hard it is to gain and how easy it is to lose. If anything, it should be harder and easier, respectively, if realism is the main goal. (How many streets do you have to clean of litter to make up, legally, for killing a policeman in the United States? And no, I don't honestly think they should be changed... merely trying to show the good side of the way it is.)

b) The bot AI
Heck, they're pretty darned effective against me.

c) Swarm missiles
They make dodging interesting.

d) Station diversity
Anyone who played the original EV can probably remember the appearance of both station types. (hint: one had one ring, one had two.)

e) The combat engine
It strikes a good balance between real physics and actual combat.

f) Multiple owned ships
I even name them. I'm not the only one, either.

g) The bind system
Though it would be nice to be able to /set custom variables. (and no, guys, I don't use any combat binds. i.e. strafing binds)

h) Compatibility
It runs on my Blue-and-White G3. 'Nuff said.

i) Mining
I actually find it relaxing, sometimes, to just pick a distant spot somewhere and mine my brains out.

j) The backgrounds
Dey look purty...

And now, a genuine suggestion:

1) Cargo pods.
Vulnerable objects amounting to little more than inflated rubber balls. Preferably very expensive, very heavy (to tow, for example, or ram), and very small. Preferably (and in my eyes most importantly) able to be left in a certain area (to be picked up at a later date) for a long period of time. This could mesh nicely with the ability to carry equipment in a cargo bay, equipment cache for a CtC/pirate group inside a hollow roid near a key wormhole, for example.

/givemoney devs 34c (34 being 2 times 17)
Dec 09, 2004 roguelazer link
Actually, I've been against the multiple-characters-per-account thing for a long time. You haven't seen it yet, but it gets exploited a lot for things like nation chat and guilds. I would be even more against increasing the slots or allowing multiple connections.
Dec 09, 2004 Tyrdium link
Other than FM's IRC relay bot, I can't think of a single good reason to allow multiple connections.