Forums » Suggestions

Create Faction Standing Limits for each Nation

Jan 10, 2005 sarahanne link
I've been thinking about the faction standing and sercos killing itani but then talking a big faction hit.

I propose that each faction has an anti-faction so if you are able to go up to pillar of society in 1st faction the anti-faction is limited to respected only.

For example serco and itani would be anti factions. So a secro could work to be respected by the itani but would never reach admired, because their nation is serco.

Every faction would have an anti-faction to encourage players to make choices about how they play. It would also make starting nation more important to game play.

Each nation whould have a set of 7 factions that it allied with and 7 anti factions.

Serco vs Itani
Bio Com vs Xang Xi
TPG vs Aeolus
UIT vs Corvus
Valent vs Ineubis
Orion vs Tunguska
Axia vs Ineubis

You could mark the factions in bold to show the friendly factions and leave the anti-factions in regular font.
Jan 10, 2005 Shapenaji link
it would also be interestin if you could take missions which would up the standing of a specific group of allied factions. TPG and UIT for example.
Jan 10, 2005 NoAddedSugar link
sarahanne, do not fall into Itani Propaganda. The only reason why Itani allways cry for such a rule is that they do not want the serco to fly valks.

Thats it.

Have you ever heared a serco asking for such a limit?
Fact proven.

On the other hand... if you really want serco to become/stay the cannon fodder of this universe, just say that.

The Problem is not the fact that serco could work hard and bot days over days to get Itani standing. The problem is that some people hate the idea that serco could buy the best fighting craft in the game then.

There are other issues that are more important to fix:
- The friend/foe indicator of the radar
- The Prometheus
- The Warning if you shoot a protected player should be OBVIOUSLY
and so on and so on...

What do you think what I will feel if you limit the faction standings in pairs like you suggest?
I will loose my days of silly trading for faction points, because I have more than 6 nations/factions over 920 just because that was my goal in this game.

Having good faction standings DOES NOT HURT ANYONE
So why changing it?

> I've been thinking about the faction standing and sercos killing itani but then talking a big faction hit.

nobody force a player to kill a protected player in monitored space. If they are dumb enough to do so... they deserve a faction hit. And I really do not know, why you guides "fix" that standing everytime a player crys loud enough.

There are lots of players that got such a hit but NEVER bagged a guide to "fix" it, because it is wrong. It is not the result of a bug, it is not unfair... so why "fix" it?

Suggestion: The Itani are a race of monks. Please let them not buy weapons. they shall stay in Itan and sing songs... Not good? why? Because they worked hard for combat points? - I did too ... for standing points... weeks and weeks of hard work.
Jan 10, 2005 Shapenaji link
Well it does make sense to require a limit, in story terms... I could care less if you want to fly an itani ship (btw, the valk is a piece of junk right now compared to the ships which are available to both nations)
Jan 10, 2005 NoAddedSugar link
Perhaps. But I am angry because I will loose weeks of hard work just to see it going down the drain now. That is the reason I am miffed about it.

Just imagine a hardcore-botter and his reaction if you say that all ships and weapons are avayable to everyone now. unlimited, because in the storyline you are just a soldier for your nation. Did you ever saw a soldier buying his own tank in real life?

Or imagine ViciousNanite if you suggest trading should be meaningless beside earning money. No trading points anymore, because I never saw such a concept in the story.

got me? I am just fighting for my interests :)

> Every faction would have an anti-faction to encourage players to make choices about how they play.

why? there are no differents in the gameplay if you are loved by BioCom or XangXi.
In fact the only result would be that everybody will be loved by the factions that give good ships/weapons. Thats the same as now.
Jan 10, 2005 hakamadare link

"Having good faction standings DOES NOT HURT ANYONE"

eh, yes it does. if a player who has high standings with every nation attacks me in monitored space, i can't defend myself without taking a major faction hit (and based on the reports i've read, the faction hit can be large indeed). that's a serious problem.

as a side note, i'm also personally opposed to any Serco ever being able to fly a valk. there should be significant differences in gameplay experience for each nation; at present the nations seem to be interchangeable.

the fix is to find or create a task in-game for which the prom is best suited; i don't believe such a task exists right now, but that doesn't mean it can't ever exist. and on that note, i need to go start another thread.
Jan 10, 2005 Spellcast link
I like the idea of opposed factions, I am serco.

It does need to wait however until some other balance issues have been taken care of.
Jan 10, 2005 NoAddedSugar link
> if a player who has high standings with every nation attacks me in monitored space, i can't defend myself without taking a major faction hit

so the problem is the lack of police bots or the lack of vendettas abillitys to make differences in scoring the attempt to defend the own life or attacking unprovoked.
Address that.
And do not forget that every UIT can do that too. without working for it first. So... make every UIT KOS for Itani too then.

Or at least offer a way to change the char to UIT when this "standing-fix" will come out. Or create a diplomatics-faction without the abillity to join ctc and stay at high-faction-levels with all. Allthough I really do not know if I ever would change my nation... but that is another topic.

Oh... idea... If an admired serco kills an Itani in Itani space...
Beside the loss of about 900 Itani standings (allready in game, that is why I doupt that there really are serco doing that...)
let vendetta give a huge nation-bounty on him. 2 mill or so. Heck make him a permanent Itani-Headhunter-target if you want. Like 30x500K. I bet this will fix it too.
Jan 10, 2005 wylfing link
The unfortunate truth is that being admired by both Serco and Itani is mostly used as an exploit. As a matter of fact, faction standing is used as an exploit full stop. (I don't really care one way or another if Serco can buy the Valkyrie.)

Opposed factions would make exploiting faction standing much more difficult, and would introduce two major gameplay improvmenets: (1) UIT space would become vastly more interesting; (2) player "types" would be more diverse and meaningful. A system of faction friends and enemies would work best, so that a gain in a particular faction also gains slightly with its friends while dropping with its enemies and their friends.

I think it would be necessary to temper this with the opportunity to alter your faction standing with cash. That would allow you to achieve standings not normally possible (i.e., a Serco bribing his way into the ability to buy a Valkyrie), and would provide a handy money sink.
Jan 10, 2005 Phaserlight link
Good suggestion, sarahanne! I just don't think it makes sense that you can become admired by all factions when their goals are diametrically opposed in some cases.
Jan 10, 2005 roguelazer link
@OP: Yes.