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Capital ship Vs CTC: overspreading the player base?

Feb 01, 2005 johnhawl218 link
First, the CTC routes ARE different, the only time the opposite faction is in the way is if they are trading, or they are after the transport. Second, I don't CTC and therefor could care less about there routes so I've never had a need to complain. Zipping around is not quite what it would do. Sure you would be able to get from point a, on one side of the universe, to point b, on the other side, but, you still would have to purchase a ship once you got off the transport which potentially could be in hostile or unfriendly territory, which will not work to your advantage, plus you can not carry cargo. So, the only real advantage is that you can get across the universe in half/quuarter/etc. the time it would normally take, so that those who want to do both CTC and Border Patrols can do so.

But again, I don't see a reason to create any new system of travel at all, just to cater to a few pilots that wish to be active in both ctc and border patrols, that would be a TRUE waste of dev time IMO. You can't be everywhere all the time, make a choice and stick with it, or, get in your cent and infiboost the zones you need to to get there in time.
Feb 01, 2005 Starfisher link
I just want a hidden sector to find :/
Feb 01, 2005 ctishman link
What we have right now is an amusement park with one ride (CTC) and three really nice concession stands (Trading, botting, etc.) Our roller coaster is the nicest, smoothest, coolest roller coaster in the state, but it's also the only damn ride in the park, and while visitors praise the smooth operation and short lines, they bemoan the lack of activities.

No MMORPG ever died because there was too much to do, but many have failed because there's too little to do. It doesn't cost Guild anything to keep stuff like frigates and CtC running, except for the initial investment of time to get it up and stable. After that, these activities provide for a more rewarding experience and will eventually attract a wider player base.

-Racetracks are a good idea. Scatter them through various places in UIT space, charge an initial entry fee and race players through it for the best weekly time, combining the pot and giving 50% of weekly takings to the winner. This also serves to take money out of general circulation, counterbalancing the trade missions. Good racers could win millions, but lose it all next week in a rampant overbet against the newbie from Geira Rutilus.

All the pieces are here already: Player->NPC hailing, NPC->Player hailing, chat-based inventory interactions, so why isn't there smuggling?
For Example: A Corvus transport hails you in grey space, offering you mucho bucks to take these crates of 'consumer goods' across your nation's lines to a neutral station somewhere in the interior. Uh oh, here comes a station guard, asking you to hold still for a cargo inspection. You bug out before he gets near. Arriving at the destination, you get cash and Corvus standing. Run off with their goods, and... well, nobody runs off with Corvus' stuff. Nobody. Except Jimmy. He ran off with Corvus' stuff, and they found him taking a naked spacewalk.
Feb 01, 2005 johnhawl218 link
Smuggling and Racing are great ideas, got to have the booky for betting on races.