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Feedback on CV1 Oculus Rift Experience

Mar 21, 2017 Zenchess link
So, my first experience was the game's menu being completely behind me. So I guess sync up with the oculus home or steam vr orientation before the game starts?

I had great difficulty finding out how to select anything in the menu. My xbox one controller (which was synced up prior to starting the game)'s only interactable button just opened up a keyboard layout (none of the keys of which I could actually use). I then found out by trial and error that if I pushed 2 buttons at once, the keyboard menu would close.

In desperation I went to the touch controllers. There is no visible interface for the controllers, except there was a line shooting out one of them far off to the left. Through painful distortions of my wrist, I was able to get this line to intersect some of the ui elements, and then randomly by pushing buttons I could get the menus to work.

The first thing I had to do was hit 'force gamepad to interact with menus' - and then the xbox one controller started working in menus.

It seems like the most natural method of controlling menus should be to simply stare the 'eye pointer' onto a menu and hit a button, but I couldnt find a button to do this.

Feedback on the game:

In my first 'trip' inside the game I felt absolutely exhilerated to look around and see the familiar starting area all around me. However, I quickly became motion sick and had to quit playing for at least an hour.

In my second experience, I briefly tried the same thing and noticed the motion sickness starting to happen. I tried messing around with the alternate ship interiors, with the philosophy being if it feels like you are sitting in a ship the movement shouldn't be so queasy. I'm not sure but I think the alternate ship 3 felt the most 'stable' in that I felt I was sitting in a ship and not just moving my body through empty space.

I'm looking forward to future improvements and I really think this is the future of space combat online, if the motion sickness issue has been handled ( I don't know how games like elite dangerous and and eve: valkyrie fare in this regard as I haven't tried them yet and haven't read too much on it.

Now to try some flight simulators...
Mar 27, 2017 Zenchess link
So it turns out that I was under-spec for VR. I did some tweaking and also overclocked a bit and now VR is a lot smoother. Vendetta Online no longer makes me queasy playing it, and the actual experience is godlike. Imagine you are flying around and a ship flies over you and you keep your eyes on it by just looking straight up.

Disabling the virtual keyboard and switching to keyboard + mouse is the way I eventually went.

Feedback on the virtual keyboard: The enter key should send chat messages, the only way I could figure out how to actually send the input was to press the down arrow key a few times after typing something (to highlight the "done" key) and then pressing enter.
Mar 28, 2017 Zenchess link
Another 'bug' I noticed is that if you disable the virtual keyboard in the menus, next time you start vendetta online it will be enabled again automatically, which is not what I want
May 10, 2017 incarnate link
Thanks for the feedback. The current Oculus Rift implementation is a bit behind right now, as most of our efforts have gone into polishing the more "officially released" GearVR and Daydream implementations.

We'll be coming back to the Rift version soon, to bring it up to spec for release as well.
Aug 21, 2017 DanielWatson link
I should state that I got the RIFT by being fortunate and for having booked a demo from an optimistic standpoint Buy in Dallas, TX. I had been prepared to tap on the preorder catch 3 times over the most recent few months, however, first I needed to attempt it. I utilize perusing glasses so that was a noteworthy worry. Following a moment or two, I disregarded that and was totally inundated and getting a charge out of the basic demos.