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Jun 14, 2006 Tolandruth link
Ok I am using a trial account to check this game out. I'm at the login screen and I type my name and pass then it says "connecting" but stays that way. Is there something I forgot to do or does it take awhile to login?
Jun 14, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
Launch the game, click options, click Network, and change MTU Discovery to Compatability.
Jun 14, 2006 Tolandruth link
ok I launched my Vendettaclient, I click options but there is no section for network.
Jun 14, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
Run the Vendetta updator (it should be the .app that contains the client) to download the latest patch.
Jun 14, 2006 Tolandruth link
When I run it I get a message saying...

"Unable to run Vendetta Online

Please make sure you copied Vendetta Online to your hard disk and that your hard disk has enough free space. You cannot run Vendetta Online directly from the CD."

I put it on my HD and I know I have space because Its a new comp. Should I try DL'ing the game again? Maybe I'm missing a file.
Jun 14, 2006 Tolandruth link
nvm I found out the problem. I had a brain fart or something. I realized that I didnt have it on my HD because I thought putting the .dmg file was all i needed to do. Its loading the patches and I should be good to go. Thanks for the replies.
Jun 14, 2006 Suicidal Lemming link
No problem, I hope you enjoy the game!
Jun 23, 2006 who? me? link
its always great when people figure stuff out themselves!