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VO will not load Characters

Jun 03, 2010 toshiro link
Pretty much what it says in the title. When I log in, I get the EULA, and after that, I wait for my characters, while VO tells me it is getting them. LittleSnitch tells me I have a working connection with VO's game server.

Anyone have a similar problem?
Jun 04, 2010 Tertior link
No, but I have other problem with graphics (10.5.8 ATI Radeon X1900 XT)
to see... coincidence
if we go back to the origin of the coincidence, she becomes inevitable
Carl jung statement citing a Hindu temple

PS tosh, reload your game, you never know...

UP: fixed with last update 1.8.129
Jun 07, 2010 toshiro link
Hmm, it worked... after waiting a non-trivial amount of minutes. I blame my ISP.
Jul 14, 2010 dflremo link
I have a similar problem it doesn't does anything after i login and says getting characters i've been waiting for over half an hour for it to respond but nothing