Forums » MacOS X

Can anyone actually download the app from BitTorrent?

Sep 30, 2004 JohnnyRocket link
It's not finding any peers for me. Has this been a problem for anyone else?

Sep 30, 2004 Tertior link
It's ok for me by bit torrents.
Download the link and after open your bitTorrent
DL : average 150kb
Mac os 10.3.5
Sep 30, 2004 Arolte link
Ahhh... for me Bit Torrent 3.4.2 is broken. It doesn't work at all under Panther. When I double-click the application, it just kicks me back to the Desktop. And no wonder, it hasn't been updated since 10.2.x. Better alternatives include Tomato Torrent and Azureus, which can both be found at with the help of the search feature. Anyway, just a heads up.
Oct 01, 2004 raybondo link
It worked fine on our 2 10.3.5 macs.
Oct 01, 2004 Phaserlight link
worked fine on mine too
Oct 01, 2004 Utumno link
i got 2meg/sec out of bittorrent 3.4.2 on 10.3.5 :)
Oct 01, 2004 JohnnyRocket link
Must be the firewall here. I'll have to download from home. I was hoping to download here and put the app on a CD-ROM. We've got a smokin' frame relay here. I guess I'll have to settle for downloading on my DSL at home.

Oct 01, 2004 Lazy_Warrior link
Stupid question but... where is the link?? I only see a link to the message board, and to the bittorrent homepage.
But no download link.
ok, the browser keeps on loading, and it doesn't seem ever to be done. but nothing happens, and no download link.

Could somone please post the link a torrent file?
Oct 01, 2004 raybondo link
Oct 01, 2004 Lazy_Warrior link
It just keeps waiting for the page to load.. nothing happens :( only a time-out.
Oct 03, 2004 sinclair44 link
For me, the generic GUI client is broken (i.e. it downloads much more data that it needs to... on a particularly big torrent, I had about 3GB more bits down than actually went into the file, calculated of the program's own numbers). However, the python source works fine.