Forums » MacOS X

Binds & aliases for macosx?

Jan 06, 2005 dcwin link
I have a 2 y/o G4 Dual Processor Mac, OS 10.3.7, and everything works great (I LOVE this game!) However, I decided to try a joystick (1st time ever) and then discovered the /bin and /alias threads. I'd really like to use some of these, but I can't figure out how/where to install them. I read the thread about this here, but it mentions the Package - I can't FIND any package, only the app. Can any kind soul here please help me out? PLEASE!?! Pretty please with sugar on top?!?
Thanks in advance for any and all assistance,
Jan 06, 2005 dcwin link
HAH! Found it! Now, I can at least try to apply the most excellent instructions on SpookyWiki.