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Beta opening and full reset on Weds

Sep 28, 2004 yodaofborg link
How the hell are we going to be the same level as n00bs?? I have been plying two years, and have been reset 3 times, AND I STILL HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN HOW TO PLAY...., May take us longer than before to level, but we will still be leveling faster than em huh??....
Sep 28, 2004 AgY link
You can get "a" maud, your nt standing or faction doesnt matter. But you need to pay a higher price, and maybe travel a longer way.

What i mean with balance is...
...that a level5 guy can get a dual swarm rag...
...the amount of trade mission you _have_ to make...
...what level you need for a fc batt (level 6?)...
...that you can run from your enemy at any point...
...that wh hopping is still possible...
...that there are levels which give you nothing...
...that a level 8 guy can get a valk...

And all this is stressing me up because ive spend a lot of time leveling up.
Im now 12/13/13/11, and i spend my time in fleeing from lvl 8 guys in tri-flare valks. And you may agree that this sucks.

Not only because they have valks and im not, but because they still can dock at corvus, which is 'the pirate faction'.

There is either no place for me or the balance sucks.
Sep 28, 2004 Laika link
I'd love to give you 2 or 3 valks for a maud, AgY, I can't find one.
Sep 28, 2004 Arolte link
I find it hard to believe that Corvus is the pirate faction. Where is everybody getting this from? Wouldn't that mean you can't get a faction decrease if you engage in combat next to their stations (do pirates care??). I pirated a trader at a Corvus sector before, and boy did it cost me dearly. If it is indeed supposed to be for pirates, then something is screwy.
Sep 28, 2004 yodaofborg link
The corvus and sedinia sectors are known as the pirate sectors as it says so on the NAV screen (Open your nav screen, expand universe, higlight Odia, and what does it say??....)

Plus i killed a Station Guard in M14 (obviously a Odian ship, as its black, how many stations do you know of that sell black ships??....) And ok, i only got +2 light,but no nation decrease,...

There are NS stations in Odia though,... Read the descriptions in the nav comp, im sure you'll see why its considered *pirate*

[Edit] Maybe the Trader was 600+ with the pirates????....
Sep 28, 2004 Starfisher link
You don't get sunflares until level 9 heavy weapons. I'm finding it hard as hell to level heavy weapons because using heavy weapons during missions currently yields... light weapons experience.

AgY, don't be gold next time.. or NT. That's not a pirate faction. Serco will get you the best vulture in the game and evenutally the sky-command prom, and itani gets you the valk. NT just gets you the ability to trade, although a maud is a pretty decent ship.

And flee? Last time I was in that area you chased ME away. Granted, I was in a scanner/dual tach valk ;p, but sitll.
Sep 28, 2004 Icarus link
"...what level you need for a fc batt (level 6?).."

Got a F/C at lvl 3 Trade from Corvus, but it cost about 13k, can get it anywhere alese at lvl 4.

I'm still on a rant about how Sunflares require such stupid levels compared to Gauss, and the way the other two rocket types (Ice and Star) are stupendously underpowered. Chaos swarms are damn evil, and even they are available before sunflares...

Arolte, Corvus no longer cares who or what you kill... Didn't you get your hated status with them in the old 18 sector universe?

Sep 28, 2004 Arolte link
I see. Bah. I wish they'd just make a faction reset instead of a full reset. I think the full reset should be reserved for final release. Oh well, we'll see how it goes. If final release is slated to be released in a month (or a little more?), then I'm not sure I'll be motivated enough to play considering it'll be pay-to-play by the time I get any worthwhile ships/weapons. D'oh!

Sep 28, 2004 Tilt152 link
Well it be possible to view other pilot information besides mine in the future?
Sep 28, 2004 yodaofborg link
Tilt, you already can, if you press your charinfo key (k by default) while locked onto another player, it will give you *limited* info about this player.....
Sep 28, 2004 Tilt152 link
Yeah but how about when your in the station and not in space targeting someone else?
Sep 28, 2004 yodaofborg link
Yeah, but when theres a few hundered players online, wont that be tricky? there used to be a scoreboard, but errrm.... Any wise devs lurking?? (or devs wifes?
Sep 28, 2004 silentsuicide link
/me looks at in progress....
/me blinks
5700 n00bs......
dear lord we need a beta player chat cannel set up asap!
100 and 1 are gonna be swamped.....
Sep 28, 2004 yodaofborg link
Cant we all just jump onto channel 50? (halfway, they will never find us

Sorry FM, i know OT, but errrm... the end is nigh... =D
Sep 28, 2004 silentsuicide link
50! good choice! me heads ingame and makes his default channel 50 :D
Ps Im suggesting the use of 200,300, and 400 (Itani, Serco, NT respectivly) for help chat, to cut down on the ammout of noise we will have in general chat.
very simple bind if you want to make one
/alias newbiepoke 'join 1; say 'Type /join ### for help chat. For Itani ### is 200, Serco 300, and NT 400.'; join 100''
/bind anykeyhere newbidepoke
Sep 28, 2004 AgY link
I still want an answer, _nothing_ goes OT here......

Btw the manual is hopeless outdated.
I doubt that there are enough capacitys to help all of them.
Sep 28, 2004 roguelazer link
Channel -1 is obviously the tester channel.

As for balance, I agree that the F-C battery should be taken out. I also agree that valk level is too low and flare is too high. Move the valk up one level and the flare down one level.
Sep 28, 2004 Icarus link
Yay! Someone agrees! ^^^
Sep 28, 2004 zamzx zik link
yes, I think too that it needs to be a rep update only. (I spent all summer leveling to 7/6/6/4!)

it is not much fun helping n00bs, if you almost ARE one.
Sep 28, 2004 ctishman link
We can't have levels where you don't get anything. That's really discouraging. Also: The Valk is good and solid, but combined with trigauss, it's overly deadly. I'd make the Gauss a heavy weapon. It's got the power and ease of use that make it comparable in damage per second to a far heavier weapon.