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It was forced upon me...

Jan 21, 2006 Person link
Well, as most of you know, I've been trying VERY hard not to use a prom these last 3 months. And it's worked...

...up till now. Remember way back when the valk sucked ass, and the prom was all super-über? The key slogan of the Itani was "hey, in the interest of fair gameplay, if we had such a good ship, we wouldn't use it!".

Well, power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely. I was trying to play CtC last night in my hornet with about 6 other sercos, (Solra Bizna, Bunny, mr_spuck, spuck's dead hamster, Priapus, and some others, sorry I forgot you,) and there were about 5-7 Itani against us at any given time... valks, (which although they need skill, could still take down just about anything with a very good pilot). I'm not saying there's anything wrong with flying a valk, but me, (and my hronek,) just couldn't take it.

I'm ever so sorry, and I really couldn't help it, but I'm back in a prom. Consider yourselves warned. :D

Yours truly,
The attemptedly repentant Calder

P.S. Oh, and on a sidenote, yes, I still haven't regained my "shoot-all-Itani" attitude, and most likely never will unless something or someone REALLY provokes me...
Jan 21, 2006 smittens link
You are quite right. The power has corrupted you, and you're just looking for an excuse to hop back in your tard box.

" valks, (which although they need skill, could still take down just about anything with a very good pilot)"

A very good pilot doesn't NEED a valk to take you down. It just makes it quicker. And valks are NOT in the same league as proms at all. It takes two talented people minimum to take down a prom. One person who's not an idiot to kill a valk (these estimates are done thinking of average pilots. Obviously if Matriarch is in the prom or _Ghost_ in the valk its gonna be a little bit different)

The valk still has a loooong way to go to be "worth it" to bring down from Itani space.

Anyway, have fun blowing away all you've worked for as the ease of the tard box takes over. I hope our little surprise will scare ya straight though...
Jan 21, 2006 icbm1987 link

From what I've seen... Valks are the best damn chasers in the game. You can't run from a fight with a Valk.

If you want a Valk to stand toe-to-toe with a Prom... than take away the Valk's chasing ability.

Plus... it's only the Skycommand that everyone complains about... all the other proms are just fine.
Jan 21, 2006 Shapenaji link
Umm... no they're not.

The proms are ALL brutal because the AGT flare combination along with buku armor is brutal. Even on the basic prom, its a pretty quick agt mount.

I don't mind the Prom being more deadly than other ships, I just wish it were deadly because of the skill of the pilot, and not deadly because the damn thing flies itself. Seriously, an AGT basically gives you unlimited freedom to dodge, there's no reason to get hit, so the prom's size doesn't really come into play.

A prom will finish off anything, save a moth, that it catches in about 2-3 seconds. You don't NEED the skycommand to do it, the SCP just happens to be even better at multi-ing.

I think that if we want to have AGT's then the ships that can use it ought to be 2 person ships, a gunner for the turret and a pilot that mans the 2 small ports. In that situation, I would have NO problem with the prom as it is.

As far as this nerfing the hog, the hog should have other large port options than an AGT. I fly megaposi, others fly rockets, but a weapon that aims like the AGT is just too much.

I'm always surprised at how everyone calls the cent uber, when compared with an AGT hog. Flown correctly, the AGT hog should not lose against a cent. Nothing with an AGT should.
Jan 21, 2006 smittens link
I agree with most of this, but I think AGT can be rendered ineffective against someone who has enough experience against it.
Jan 21, 2006 Shapenaji link
And I entirely disagree. AGT can't be rendered ineffective... period.
Jan 21, 2006 Screwball link
With all due respect to Shape and his combat experience, grab an AGT and ask Maximian for a duel. He'll show you how to dodge the AGT. I do agree that Proms are uber right now, though.
Jan 21, 2006 Shapenaji link
Just based on the stats here,

The AGT moves at 180 m/s, faster than phase blasters, now, the only major difference is that the AGT will fire at the reticle no matter where it is.

Maximian is good, I should know, I trained him, but autoaim works at close range fine, you just maneuver so that it works.

If you ROLL, yes, the AGT is going to be totally ineffective against someone who knows how to fight back.

But if you maneuver correctly, their dodge is useless. At long range, you just turn autoaim off. The spray is nuts. Faster/lighter ships have NO advantage at long range.
Jan 21, 2006 Ghost link
Aye. And on the topic of Valks being able to take down just about anything with a good pilot, I would be much more afraid of an IBG than a valk anyday.

And just to combine two topics: Anyone ever try fighting a ship with AGT while in a valk? The shape of it just completely eats AGT fire. From my experience in a valk, if your opponent has an AGT and knows how to use it, your only hope is the sunflare. If you're opponent has an AGT and sunflares (like everyone's favorite ship!) then you might as well go run into an asteroid, it would be less frusturating.

The only success I've ever had in a valk against Gat turrets is when I'm able to bounce the target around with flares, preventing him from pointing that AGT at me, while following up with neuts.
Jan 22, 2006 softy2 link
Sure I can dodge AGT.

I just can't dodge AGT and flares at the same time.
Jan 22, 2006 Gavan link
Actually you know what's really fun. Try and sit at 250 dodging that spray and pray of the agt. Its hours and hours of fun!
Jan 22, 2006 yodaofborg link
I dont have a problem with AGT, or flares, i mean, if they have flares, you just hang back n count to 12, if they have AGT, well, its only really effective at short distances, I mean, if AGT is so uber, how come I cant hit anything with it?

But yeah, I tend to agree with the general tone here, comparing a valk to a prom is nuts, the valk is a fat assed potato, with lots of turbo speed, which makes it a great chaser, but turbo speed is all its got, with that fat ass, an energy only loadout is pretty silly, and with rockets, the little bit of thrust advantage it has is kinda made irrelivant due to weapon mass.

Where as the prom has enough thrust to take out stuff when loaded with AGT + Flares + pure xith, I stopped flying one (I used to use the *but I only use it for CTC excuse*, funny how prom pilots seem to need an excuse to fly one....) after I realised I had had the same damn ship for 2 damn weeks, and this wasnt 2 weeks of mining, or trading, or even 1 on 1 pvp, but this was 2 weeks of hardcore CtC, when sometimes it would be 4 or 5 tani's v me and 1 other serco sided pilot. OK, it got a little bit of a thrust cut since then, and with most other loadouts its meat, but put flares on a prom, and its a beast. (the spread of the L+R ports is way too much).
Jan 22, 2006 Person link
You want to make it ANOTHER hog/atlas thing?

I agree that the prom is a bit over the top in 1v1, or even 2v1, but if you're bounty hunting, ctcing, or any other activity that requires anything more than PvP grit, it doesn't come up to the bar. That's the kind of balance I think is good for games.

The prom is good in solo combat, but can't chase/run worth shit.

The valk, isn't as good in solo combat, (unless you have a VERY talented pilot,) but you have no chance whatsoever when trying to run from or after it.

It's like having a small, elite and manueverable force against the entire Chinese army. You choose what fights to get into and get out of, but if you give them time, they'll decide the outcome of the fight. The prom has a very distinct purpose as it is, and IMHO, that's the way a nation specific CtC ship should be.

Now IF you wanted to make a PvP variant of the prom, here's what I would do to make it more fair:
1) lower the armor to 15,000
2) make the actual ship model a little, (20-40%) bigger
3) decrease the turbo to 200 m/s 60 drain

It doesn't make a helluva lot of RP sense for a nation to manufacture something like that, but if you want to nerf it, go right ahead.
Jan 22, 2006 jexkerome link
Bah, just settle with demeaning all lame promjocks ingame until they log out, people...
Jan 22, 2006 Ory''Hara link
Nice thread title. Has Miharu had a chance to comment on this one?
Jan 22, 2006 LeberMac link
Ory'Hara thread deletion prevention mechanism activated:
11:22PM - Ory'Hara
Nice thread title. Has Miharu had a chance to comment on this one?

Wow. Keep digging that hole, man. I hope that as you dig further, the VOID's not waiting for you on the other side...
Jan 23, 2006 bojansplash link
Why do brave serco and Calder promjocks run when they are out of flares?
They are so cocky with a full flare rack, when they are out they run like chicken.
Jan 23, 2006 moldyman link
Funny, I've seen many Itani promjocks do the same exact thing...
Jan 23, 2006 jexkerome link
All promjocks are cut from the same cloth; everyone knows that!
Jan 23, 2006 CablitoEsconar link
"Concentrate your firepower... on the nearest Prometheus"