Forums » Suggestions

we need more pirates

Jun 30, 2005 tumblemonster link
Who, who, who, who and who?
Jun 30, 2005 Phaserlight link

The dude at the top of that list. Also, Phoenix and Icarus were very good (or at least they seemed to be) back in the days of alpha. And Prince Slaanesh is a great pilot, if only I could discover his true identity!
Jun 30, 2005 Borb II link
And they are around when?
Jun 30, 2005 tramshed link
I wont argue that they are good pilots, I like them all, but I would like to point out that Uncledave's duel score was a result of him showing that the prom of the time was ridiculous, and he was paying people 500k if they could get him below 50% using a light fighter.

Pirating, on the other hand, is a rough job, when I have over a mill Im rolling the money. The other cost you have to take in account is that pirates dont just lose one or two fighters a day, I dont know how many times ive had slews of players chasing me about kicking me in the face, right now there is NO incentive to be a pirate other than personal, and while im not saying pirating should be lucrative, it should have some specifically pirate perks, and it should at least pay enough to keep you afloat.
Jun 30, 2005 Borb II link
Haha I lose around 20 ships a day when I'm pirating just for statistical reference. (But then I don't run from any thing so I do kinda ask for it hmm?)
Jun 30, 2005 Chimaera link
:) they're good, and all alpha...

Phaser, you think too much in the past, there are a lot of VERY good post release players.
Jun 30, 2005 Beolach link
Who are all alpha? Of the top 10 on the duel rankings, more are post-release than alpha players, I think.
Jun 30, 2005 terjekv link
due to popular request, Alamar has started to pirate people -- something he has never done before without consent.

last nights victim took three systems to down in his moth (my first ever moth kill) and he had Martin, tram and me on his butt. I asked him to pay, while he was sitting still and mining in the Odia / Bractus WH. he started to run (from a standstill), I opened fire.

he popped in Pelatus, without making any attempt at using empty sectors, without reparing in Bractus and without dropping mines. the three of us shared the wealth of the cargo, 34K.

anyway, since we want more pirates and it's supposedly profitable enough, I'm going to try to make a living off pirating alone for a while.
Jun 30, 2005 softy2 link
The only way I can make enough as a pirate is to steal CTC cargo and sell them (yay, I started the whole business damn it.)

So for one week, I made it a point not to make *any* money EXCEPT pirating. Save the odd 20k I get from pirating people, the only money I make was from stealing CTC cargo.

I started the week around 200k, I ended around 300k. Along the way I lost a large amount of ships. I think I sold about 50 CTC cargo, at around 7-25k each. Sometimes, a nice Itani comes along and give me a bonue (thanks Alamar!). I seriosuly don't think this 50cu is still a record (anyone get more? Let me know!)

I was very proud that I actually "made" money. And as any good pirate can tell you : CTC cargo is the way to go if you need cash. This was back in the days when people still caraed about CTC.

100k in a week : now tell me how long you need to spend to get this money from trading.
Jun 30, 2005 terjekv link
if you know what to do, 15 minutes.
Jun 30, 2005 Obsidian link
That long?
Hmm lux goods with a 1500 profit (120 in a moth) I'd say even less if you had the knowledge.
Jun 30, 2005 terjekv link
well, you have go get to somewhere to start making money. :-)
Jun 30, 2005 Borb II link
Hehe, I keep my duel rating low. I think it's just a way for bad PvPers to boost their egos. So don't go by the duel rankings. Get out there and fight.
Jul 01, 2005 Martin link
Hear Hear Borb. :)
Jul 01, 2005 Phaserlight link
Dueling, pirating, and melee combat are all different skills, each requiring different tactics. Some pilots are better at one type of fighting than others.
Jul 03, 2005 Eldrad link
Tramshed, that wasn't UD. That was Mists (me). Also it was 60% and if they succeeded I would have also resigned the duel (but no one ever did).
Jul 03, 2005 leapfrog link
Hehe... This is a worthwhile discussion, at least... I find myself falling somewhere in the middle... I'm an "anti-pirate" by profession. We don't make *anything* with our craft. Traders trade... and make their profits. Pirates pirate, and make what little they make (and resort to trading to make ends meet). There are no rewards, very little benefit xp-wise, and we fund ourselves - primarily by trading. I have personally never asked for, nor accepted a gratuity for getting myself "sploded" while enabling a trader to succeed...

I know, I wasn't asked... but I figure I have given enough ships to the cause to respond. See a common denominator in the above? We have *all* resorted to trading (well, not counting the bounty exploit) to keep going. That is simply because that is the way to make "consistent" creds in this game.

The moth is the uber trading ship, plain and simple. It does need an "adjustment", IMHO... but only so much as to make it vulnerable. I personally think that it should be able to make it to destination versus a single opponent... it's a big ship and should not be *easy* to take down... but against two *good* pilots - working together... it should be fodder. I like *anything* that encourages "group" fighting... This will encourage escorting more (my field)... I love the idea that traders would need escorts to complete their missions... and that the success would be shared. In addition... I think that the pirates need appropriate compensation for their craft (without pirates, I'd be out of a job)... therein lies the true crux of the discussion... my 2¢...
Jul 03, 2005 leapfrog link
Wow... that sounded good... if I say so myself... :)~
Jul 03, 2005 Beolach link
Here's the problem with that, leapfrog. If it requires 2 pirates to take down a single, undefended Moth, then see the title of this thread - "we need more pirates."

But because the devs don't feel ready to start a serious marketing campaign, we can't really get more pirates yet. If more of the current playerbase switched to pirating, then there'd be fewer traders, which would make it that much more difficult for pirates to find traders to attack. So they couldn'r really be pirates, because there wouldn't be anything for them to pirate. Really, we need more pirates, AND we need more traders to be pirated.

And even ignoring that, I personally would still disagree with you about the Moth "should be able to make it to destination versus a single opponent". I think the Moth should be vulnerable, even against a single pirate. That would promote group combat as much or more than requiring two pirates to take down a Moth, because a Moth would need to hire escorts to defend it, and pirates would need to group up to overcome the escort, and to have enough cargo space for the goods. Also, it would promote diversity in trade ships. Currently, as soon as anyone has access to the Moth, they never use anything else for trading. If the Moth was vulnerable even to a single pirate, then it would give a reason for traders to use the smaller trade ships, as they would have a better chance at survival without hiring an escort.
Jul 03, 2005 leapfrog link
Hummm... good points. And I guess I agree with you..

But the economy of scale should fit. It's the moth's size, capacity, and performance that make it the vehicle of choice... If I have to make three trips in a smaller ship, or one trip in a large ship... guess what I'm choosin'? Especially if I am guaranteed successful passage.

I'm saying that the perf part of the equation can be nerfed a bit... and that simply makes a *more* equal playing field... and the smaller ships don't lose anything... and the effort to succeed in the moth is worth the little extra effort.

It's not the sheer number of pirates... but how they work together that should make the difference. And the same goes for the traders... *and* the cops... So I think we agree... just maybe not on the extent... I'd like to see more moderate changes... and adjust from there. Radical nerfs seem to just swing the pendulum... (although I am also of the opinion that there *should* be uber ships/equipment... but there should be a *cost* at obtaining them)...

Seta, of the clan Ralel