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Turbo speeds across the board

Jul 28, 2005 Harry Seldon link
Recent issues with running, speed of travel, as well as arguments over the 'Moth's speed capabilities have led me to come out and say this: Turbo speeds across the board are WAAY too high. I mean, we fly 3-4 times faster under full turbo than under normal acceleration.

So, my suggestion is to bring turbo speeds down across the board. 140 or so maxiumum (fastest of the fast), and I think that even that may be a bit fast. Slower ships, such as the Moth or Atlas ought to have a top speed of 110 or so.

Here's what this slower speed would allow:

1. Slower travel times, thus giving people time to attack ships like moths en route to their destination.

2. It would be harder to run, and it would be simpler to stay engaged with one ship.

3. This would also open up possibilities for equipment widgets which would allow maneuverable turbo, while keeping the speed of combat within reason. I however, do not think that it should be possible to maneuver under turbo for extended amounts of time. It would have to be properly balanced.

I understand that 'real' phsyics don't have a maximum speed. However, I've played a number of games which involve a much lower maximum speed, and I've found that chasing players in those games has proven more fun than in VOs current system.

Remember, Fun > Realism
Jul 28, 2005 Forlarren link
fun = monkeys

But I do aggree with Harry for a differing reason. Slower travel, means runners taking more time to retreat, re-arm, and repair. It also gives a better since of place. When one can just fly around the entire galaxy in a matter of minutes having a home base, having borders are meaningless. An accross the board slowing of turbo could solve many problems in a single stroke.
Jul 28, 2005 Spellcast link
running would be no more difficult, because the relative top speeds would remain the same.

I'm still of the opinion that there needs to be a marked difference between fast fighter style combat ships, heavy bomber style ships, and transports.

my most recent posts on the subject :)
Jul 28, 2005 Harry Seldon link
But you'd have more time to catch them, and they would go out of firing range more slowly. So, yes, running would be more difficult.

This also means the Moth would be easier to catch and shoot, because it would remain in firing range longer.

And to add to the list of links supplied in your post...
Jul 28, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
then i still want a personal trnasport vessel with a mad infiniturbo speed

since going round already takes long enough.
Jul 28, 2005 Spellcast link
only if it has 0 cargo, 0 weapons and 1 hull rene.
Jul 28, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
i could agree with everyhting but the hull :D, i was hoping on at least a hull of 3k...

tripple flare smokes it. (dual flare with some luck).
Jul 28, 2005 terjekv link
I want to be able to hire someone to take me between places, we don't really need a ship to do that. pay some credits, be moved to a station of your choice in some time. add some faction restrictions and there ya go. if you're looking to go from Itan to Sol II, you'll need to change shuttles in UIT space or something. also, you can only buy tickets from places that admire you, to places that admire you (this'll prevent trading abuse a fair bit, and also make it so you can't "teleport" into a place to start building faction). oh, and corvus shuttles don't go outside of grey.

as for price, maybe 1K credits per system and time wise let it take 30-60 seconds per system.

but, back on topic, hmmm, not lower turbo speeds, but something like Spells suggestion to make fighters not have the juice to turbo for long.
Jul 28, 2005 Lord Q link
i don't see slowing ships across the board as helping anything. Running will not be signifigantly harder as it is an across the board decrease, and it will make the playerbase more fragmented (because getting around the map is more of a chore). I also think increasing the time it takes to do things like trade runs is a bad idea (i can barely tolerate more than 1 or 2 long range runs in a day as it is)
Jul 28, 2005 roguelazer link
I like this idea. When I really want to enjoy VO, I use a stock busl. I find that the slowerness of it makes the game look better. I dunno, but to me, roids look nicer if you're cruising by them at 50m/s waiting for your battery than if you're flying by them at 240m/s. Everything also feels MUCH larger if the ships are slower.

[stamp of approval]™
Jul 28, 2005 Lord Q link
yes, but there is nothing preventing you from going slow now, and sometimes you don't want to look at the scenery so much as get to where you are going.
Jul 28, 2005 roguelazer link
Exactly. So we force people to look at the scenery. Was I not clear enough?
Jul 28, 2005 Arolte link
I agree with Lord Q. The last thing I want is for everything to be slower. I think the ship speeds are fine as they are now. Plus with my graphics settings there isn't much to look at. Sorry.

Jul 29, 2005 Apex link
The only things that need decreasing on the Behemoth as it is are it's Turbo Acceleration, and maybe it's armor (just a tad). Behemoths always get away because they accelerate to their 180m/s top speed in not too much time at all considering their mass.

Decrease their Turbo thrust so traders can still get away if they have enough momentum, but they will have a hard time escaping if they're at low speed.
Jul 29, 2005 Arolte link
Okay.... believe it or not I'm actually starting to agree with you, Apex. 'Cause I noticed even the Prometheus doesn't accelerate that quickly. At least the Mark II model I have.
Jul 29, 2005 Shapenaji link
Actually Spell, running would be very different...


with 3000 m to travel, the relative speed may be the same, but the TIME with which to use that advantage increases greatly.

Furthermore, for the high drain fighters, it means that running out of energy is not a fatal problem. Since, when they drop to normal speed, out of turbo, they will only be going 40->60 m/s slower than the prey.

Running would be VERY hard, since it would be much tougher to get a good lead by turboing first.
Jul 29, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
no reason to repeat yourselve shapy boy :D
Jul 29, 2005 Harry Seldon link
Precisely, Shape.

Perhaps, to help traders counterbalance this increase in their travel times, missions could be worth more? As I see it, the only real downside to this change, would be the increased time involved in trading missions.

Edit: humm, would it be possible if we could test suggestions like these on the test server?
Jul 29, 2005 momerath42 link
Unfortunately it can't be done just on the test server, Harry. It requires a change on the client side. This suggestion has been made before, and the reason we haven't made the change is that, as it is, it can be quite boring to turbo across a large sector. A possible solution to this, given lower top speeds, is to essentially scale down the whole universe. This takes time, and we'd probably end up doing it several times to find a good balance. Anyway, its not out of the question, but we think the things we're currently working on will provide more fun per man-hour.
Jul 29, 2005 Beolach link
A while ago I posted this suggestion: about short-range ships that did not have the ability to jump to different sectors or warp to different systems. What would you think of having ship classes like this:

Short-range: Cannot turbo, cannot jump or warp; significantly higher non-turbo speed and acceleration than other classes of ships.

Medium-range: Can turbo, cannot jump or warp; turbo speeds range from slightly lower to moderately higher than short-range class ships' non-turbo speeds; turbo drain ranges from 45 if the turbo speed is lower than short-range non-turbo speed, to 50 if the turbo speed roughly matches short-range non-turbo speeds, up to 65 as the turbo speed increases higher than short-range non-turbo speeds.

Long-range: Variety of can or cannot turbo, can jump and warp; wide range of both turbo & non-turbo speed and acceleration; the higher the turbo speed & acceleration, the lower the non-turbo speed & acceleration. Those long-range ships that can turbo will be roughly equivalent to medium-range ships, except that they will cost significantly more.

On the ships that can turbo, the turbo speeds could be made lower than the turbo speeds of today's ships.

Would require a lot of work on the devs part, but might be interesting enough to be worth it. Would add a ton of variety to the ships players can choose from.