Forums » Suggestions

Exactly "HOW" Are Ships Built?

Oct 05, 2005 LeberMac link
3000m limits between stations, stations must be within a set 50,000m "sphere" from the "center" of the sector, and 500m away from where the "warp-in" points are. So there could conceivably be a hundred or so stations in one sector? How laggy would THAT be? How about remove animated (moving or gassing) station parts? Would each station show up in your radar? Could we choose station colors to help ID them? Would the number of stations show up on the little square in the System map? Would a Homeworld-like nav interface for a sector make it easier to find your home station in a crowd?

Being able to "rent" station space would be easy to implement without creating a bunch of rules about building stations.
Treat the stations as infinite boxes for now and allow players to rent as much storage as they need, payable weekly.

So, if you have 10,000 Neutron Mk III's lying around in Sedina, pretty soon that's going to start costing you 100,000 cr a week or something. Make it painful enough so that folks with huge stockpiles are encouraged to sell them off. Same thing with ships - you would have to pay for each docking bay you occupy over the ONE that is given away. (Plus this method will make everything a widget, with a cu rating, right?)

"Renting" station space is almost as good as having guild stations. Players could designate some of their space as "guild-usable" and allow guild-mates to pull from the guild inventory.

No new stations in WH sectors. I think you would be able to build stations in Bot/Hive sectors, but you'd better be prepared to get them to an "indestructible" stage quickly. (Or if stations ARE destructible, you'd better never log off...)
Oct 05, 2005 darvud link
An Idea: what if the goverments let out the existing stations?!

You can not build new station only rent an existing and develop it. If you can not pay the rental for 3 periods (RL weeks or monthes) then the goverment takes the station back. If another player (guild) wants a take over they outbid you or simply bribe somebody. The owner of the station has a week to respond (bid and/or bribe)

When the know universe expands (new galaxies, solar systems discovered) then new base for rent will pop up.

There is little sence to build a station in Nowhere. It will be out of the way even for the owner.
Oct 05, 2005 darvud link
"I think you would be able to build stations in Bot/Hive sectors"

not wise to build station in a war zone. What if the enemy wins? Or worse: both sides pilage your station :)


Oct 05, 2005 LeberMac link
Read the rest of the sentence, darvud...

in Bot/Hive sectors, but you'd better be prepared to get them to an "indestructible" stage quickly. (Or if stations ARE destructible, you'd better never log off...)
Oct 05, 2005 LeberMac link
darvud said: You can not build new station only rent an existing and develop it.

No, no, you rent SPACE in the station, not the whole station. You could rent 1000 cu's of storage in every station if you wanted.
Oct 05, 2005 darvud link
yep. Sorry I have to read more carefully


Oct 12, 2005 pirate_n00b link
Stations SHOULD be destructible.

Station Kits

Type : Outpost
Size : 55 cu's
Cost : 250,00 creds
Armor : 50,000
Shields : 2,500
Weapon Slots : 3
Space : 550 cu's

Items required for construction of stations.

Construction Drone

Speed : 20
Size : 10 cu's
Drone Liscence Level : 3

Im not going to get into the details, but i think that the addition of Capitol Ships and Stations calls for a cheaper and more effective way of defending them while they are AFK.

I was thinking of something about 3/4 of the size of an Aerna Seeker. It would be a Drone, and would require 2-3 skills

Drone Deployment
Drone Programming

maybe something else.

Heres a suggestion of a lvl 1 drone. Im NOT going to go into thrust and other stuff.

Name : Silverwing
Speed : 15-20
Weapons : default NOOBIE blaster
Tech : 1
Size : 20 cu's
Space : 2-5 cus of space (NOT including the engine and other items.)

Name : Mining Drone
Speed : 5-10
Weapons : Mining Laser
Tech : 1-2
Size : 50
Space : 75

This would add a REMARKABLE impact on the game, not only would owning a Capitol Ship allow you to launch fighters, but think of the cost reduction and space increase of adding Drones?

PLEASE ADD THIS!!! This is one of the reasons that i havent gone P2P and abandoned the game.

BTW if someone by the name of Ryukakakin is reading this, its me AvP, or Emperor Freeze :P.
Oct 15, 2005 rothgar link
I think that stations should be destructible untill they are complete.So you do build it in sections.

But heres the key: only guilds will be able to build stations and they will be incredibly expensive also the way these stations are owned, the whole guild can come to the station from the start unless the comander says that one guild member cant accses it for being bad to the guild or something.each guild will be given a ship that you cant buy normaly and only the comander can appoint some one to use these ships.These craft will have tons of armour noweapons slots no cargo capacity and will be able to have a massive batterie aswell.

the ships will tow the sections of the stations brought from either the factions or from people that aern't in a guild(so they can still stay in the game)and they will be able to preyed apon by rival guilds. the rival guilds can do three things to thwart the guilds plans.

1.They can destroy the transport or the section enroute(the section will be easier to destroy than the transport)

2.they can destroy the parts of the allready anchored half built station.

3. they can capture the station and claim it as there own.Take the transport to build stations fly it in to board the station and send troops(npc's)to capture the station.

As for the defense of the station when no players are around, the guild can hire mercenarry npc's or free pilots to protect the station.It will also have sentry guns.and to make real war, the more stations you have the more mercenarys the comander can hire to defend the other stations so that he can get more pilots to capture other stations.After all this is Vendetta; one huge clan war!
Oct 15, 2005 pirate_n00b link

the Highest tech Station should take 10 HAC's to destroy, dont make them indestructible, thats just Bull shit.
Oct 15, 2005 rothgar link
Then lets make it an option.

you could destruoy it if you dont want to capture it, but as you say it would take a huge amount of firepower to destroy and you can add armour to and stuff, also the more modules it has obviuosly the harder it is to destroy.

That satisfy your destructive taste? ;)
Oct 15, 2005 LostCommander link
Thanks for the bump, LeberMac. I do not know why this thread did not catch my complete attention before. :)

I will first throw out my crafting-system suggestion as I will be referencing it:

I would suggest that stations should have an owner-management tab that is, surprise, only accessible by the owner(s). This tab should allow:
Identification of the station's full owners.
Identification of the station's part owners.
Station storage and landing rights settings.
Facility access settings for all facilities.
Posting and de-posting of missions and buy/sell bids.

Full owners of a station may do anything, except remove another full owner from the station (they may choose to remove themselves). Part owners may do anything except add other owners (of any type). Any particular character or account may be blocked from storing stuff on the station or landing there at all. Also, mission, storage, and landing rights should have a general access limitation -- public, nation, guild, private. The "Nation" limitation setting would require the identification of a faction and the minimum faction standing required to [take missions / store stuff / land & repair]. The "Guild" setting would allow the identification of up to 3 guilds. The "Private" setting means owners only, and is the default setting. Each facility should have its own access limitation settings, as above.

The owners of a station with a Trading Post module may post missions and buy/sell bids. All mission and bid posts have their own limitation settings, as above. Buy bids must leave enough credits to pay for the entire bid. Sell bids must leave enough stuff for the entire bid. Any bid, full or remaining, may be cancelled at any time with the remaining credits/stuff returned to the bid poster. Any character visiting the station (and therefore has landing rights) may see all applicable missions and station buy bids, as well as a list of useable facilities and their use cost. A character must have storage rights in order to see station sell bids. The missions and bids ought to be sortable by at least a couple different methods (e.g. alphabetically, by LL requirements, price, etc.)

** This would allow:
Multiple equal-owners for stations (full owners).
The identification of station care-takers/employees/responsible non-owner people (part owners).
Maintenance of security with the rejection of “the unwanted”.
A reasonably complete, yet fairly simple to implement, system of restrictions/limitations.

I would like to throw out the question, “Should players be able to directly PAY for the use of station facilities, or should they simply be an access/no-access deal?” I would be concerned about the limited availability of facilities early on, but removing the pay part of facility usage would reduce the Devs programming efforts...

Also, see this thread about station storage limitations:

I would like to finally note that hardly ANYONE should be able to AFFORD a station, but anyone should be capable of buying/building one.

Also, to keep things sane, I agree with LeberMac that several limitations, beyond cost, to station placement should exist. I agree that stations must be at least 3000m from each other and no further than 50,000m from the jump-in area; I suggest that stations must be at least 1000m away from the jump-in area, 500m away from any non-station large object (read: asteroid), and completely banned from placement in wormhole sectors. The major nations researched VERY hard to be able to place defensive stations so close to the semi-mobile wormholes and they will under NO circumstances be willing to leak either the results or the equipment. I would also suggest that a maximum of 5 stations be permitted in any one sector.

I have come up with some sample prices for stations, modules, and facilities. Everything costs 250 times as many credits as it has hit points (HP) in order to build, plus 500,000cr for each crewman that must be transferred to the station. Facilities cost 2,500,000cr for each scientist or artisan that must be transferred to the station. Ship construction facilities cost and additional 100 times the credit value of the cheapest variant model it can construct. Construction then also has the following costs: [Edit - whoops, my first post's credits were off a bit...]
1 Consumer Electronics, 1 Consumer Robotics, 0.5 Ion Core, 2 MicroTech Replicator, 1 Oxygen Recycling System, 0.5 Plasma Core, 1 Simple Plastics, 2 Steel, 3 SynthWood, and 1 Vismetal for each required crewman.
1 Steel and 1 XiRite Alloy for every 1000 HP.
1 NanoPigments for every 7500 HP.
1/5 of a Cooling Systems for every Ion Core and 3/5 for every Plasma Core.
1/3 of a Phase Array for every Ion Core and Plasma Core.
1 Silksteel for every Plasma Core.
1/30 of a Power Regulators for every Consumer Electronics and Consumer Robotics, and 1/3 of a Power Regulators for every Cooling Systems, Ion Core, Phase Array, and Plasma Core.
1 Industrial Metals and 1 Simple Plastics (wiring) for every Consumer Electronics, Consumer Robotics, Cooling Systems, Ion Core, Phase Array, Plasma Core, and Power Regulators.
1 Manufacturing Tools for every 100 other components.

All component requirements are rounded up to the nearest whole unit. This does not require that stations be destructible (although I think they should be), the HP can simply be considered a component of the cost for size. My spreadsheet is located here:
Oct 16, 2005 pirate_n00b link

Rothgar that DEFINATLY satisfies my taste for dread.

But a Nooby base shoud only take maybe a Trident Light Frigate or smaller :P.