Forums » Suggestions

Nebula - for dueling

Nov 05, 2005 solarblitz link
I know its probably restricted by the graphics engine, but I'll post it anyway. Is it possible to create Nebula around the universe, cause It would allow dueling to be more fun. Nebula would be a area, that restricted visibility and meant we had to really on radar more as visibility would be restricted say 300m, Let me know if theres a reason we can't or if you agree with this.
Nov 05, 2005 Spellcast link
please see thread

listed alphabetically you will find in the "n's"

nebulae, able to fly through

thank you and welcome to vendetta online.
Nov 05, 2005 Harry Seldon link
Yes, it's been suggested before. However, that's no reason to write it off. I think Nebulas would add a lot of depth to the gameplay. Dunno how well the engine would handle it though.

I know that in Freespace 2, Nebulas were loads of fun, and a nice change from the missions that just had the starfield. However, the low-fps missions were always the ones with Nebulas, though it wasn't usually bad unless there was lightning too. :P

That said, I'm TOTALLY for this. It's high time we saw some new gameplay advances.
Nov 05, 2005 Spellcast link
my point wasnt to write it off, but to direct him to the prior discussion.

It has a link to a pertinent thread so we dont keep making new ones about the same stuff.
Nov 05, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Thanks Spellcast.
Nov 05, 2005 Harry Seldon link
My point was not so much that you were writing him off, but that the community has a tendency to write off 'ad nauseum' suggestions, and that this topic, while it has been suggested many times before, is a topic worthy of discussion.

Some topics are 'ad nauseum' because they're poor ideas, or simply don't fit the concept of Vendetta at all. Some topics are 'ad nauseum' because they're something that would be worthwhile, and players see that. This is one of those, at least in my own opinion.

As for A1k0n's post, "Oh yeah, another thing. Nebulae span very, very vast distances. The gas in them isn't dense, at least as far as I know. So my opinion is that if you were inside a nebula, you'd only know because there is background radiation of visible light. It's not like the fog would be thick enough to reduce visibility of anything closer than a few million km."

While being true to science is worthwhile in some aspects, some things, like Nebulas are worth bending/ignoring the laws of phsyics for, simply because they would add a terrific new aspect to gameplay.
Nov 05, 2005 solarblitz link
I only raised the point again, cause we were disscussing it last night whie having a bus war, And it was agreed that it might even the skill differance between noobs and experienced players cause thed have to rely on there instruments than on what they could see. The perfect example would be like in many of the star trek films, a thick fog where visual don't really work till with in a close distance. may be some purple,blue or red alpha-ed light effect, like in an ion storm just thicker. It might be vast but, you could tuck it of to one side in say sedina s8 a popular dueling sector.
Great game though, i love the fact we have input
Nov 05, 2005 Harry Seldon link
Now tell me this wouldn't be fun...

Nov 07, 2005 roguelazer link
Freespace 2, right?
Nov 07, 2005 who? me? link
augh! that wouldnt be fun at all!
Nov 07, 2005 Harry Seldon link
Yeah, Freespace 2.