Forums » Suggestions


Nov 06, 2006 VonCuddles link
What would be nice is a gravity weapon (i.e tractor beam) which lets you manipulate roids and other objects (say a ship) launch a roid or hold ur target or keep a buddy close. buy better grav cannon(I like that name) for increased range or one with the capability to do damage but with a weaker pull or one with a strong pull so you drag bigger odjects like large roids and fling them at an enemy, use them as a shield, or pull cargo closer so you don't have to travel all the way to get them instead they come to you with the help of my grav cannons.
Nov 06, 2006 moldyman link
Idea suggested before.

Conclusion: Movable roids, stations, etc puts too much of a strain on the server. Just try being in a sector with 40+ bots to understand just some lag. Imagine over 100 roids plus a station moving, even a tiny bit at a time.
Nov 06, 2006 Dark Knight link
My head a splode.

Nov 06, 2006 VonCuddles link
didn't think of it like that i guess your right.
Nov 07, 2006 Whistler link
Thanks for the re-direct, Dark, but keep your head on. I've been at this for years - frustration won't help. There will always be another new player who misses the thread.