Forums » Suggestions

UIT imbalance

Nov 28, 2006 Aramarth link
Most of the game is well balanced, so first, good job on that Devs. That isn't as common as it should be.

The Serco and Itani both have a faction-only light fighter and then their exclusive toy. But where does this leave the UIT player? Okay, the maud is covered, though you need a bunch of factions to get the equivalent four variants. But where is the light fighter of the UIT?

The only thing close is the UIT Warthog (territorial defender). I understand it was changed a bit, so I can't comment on what it used to be like.. but here is what I do know.

On every chassis in the game, upgrading to the next mk above is an advantage. The vulture is the most basic example of this, as every upgrade increases the thrust to mass ratio of the ship from basic straight through mkIV to the faction reward models.

On the warthog this is not the case any longer (again, I can't speak to what it used to be). I've started flying the mkIII because it has the best thrust to mass, which is the key to moving your ship out of harm's way. But on the hog TD, unlike other ships in the game, the thust to mass ratio is worse (220/5300 = .0415). Worse than the mkIV (235/5600 = .0419), worse than the mkIII (235/5500 = .0427), and only a tenth of a percent better than the mkII (230/5700 = .0403). A TD user only outmaneuvers completely someone flying the base model (220/6000 = .0366666...), assuming the same addons.

This means the only advantage it has (0.1 increase in spin torque) is fairly mute. However, the entire problem can be remedied and the ship made worth buying all over again if one number changes. Please increase the thrust of the Warthog Territorial Defender to what it should be, equal to or better than the Warthog mkIV (N >= 235).

I could also ask why the BioCom vulture is identical to the mkIV vulture (except for the price tag), but as the hog TD is a major faction vessel, I'll pick my battles.
Nov 28, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
biocom is budgetversion of the vulture. Biocom based itself on cutting costs wherever it could on the design of the mk4.

Anyway, the td warthog used to be prime in sustaneable speed, later on on top speed, now i have no clue.
Nov 28, 2006 upper case link
i dont agree about the game being balanced.

there are a number of off-the-chart things out there. i'll refrain from naming an example so not to start yet another futile debate, like that of the prom (oops!).
Nov 28, 2006 bojansplash link
Someone forgot to mention
Orion rev c......
Orion Convoy Guardian Hornet.....
Tunguska Centaur Agresso....
TPG Marauder X.....
Axia Guardian Wraith....
Nov 28, 2006 TRS link
those are all great ships, but none of them are uit. anyone of any nation can get those ships. the advanced combat mission awards standing to the players base nationality. i.e. itani, serco, uit. uit end up with a high uit standing, and no good ships to use it on. the only thing that gives them a good start is relative neutrality with the other factions, and good starting tpg standing. the uit td should at least be in the same ballpark with the prom/valk, and it isn't even close.
Nov 28, 2006 moldyman link
Before they did some "rebalancing" the TD went 250 and the Vulture Mk1 went infini. ie they had niche purposes. Now, what he says is right. Thanks Devs!
Nov 28, 2006 toshiro link
The Territorial Defender Warthog, same ballpark as Valkyrie or Prometheus? It can't be. Unless you slap another port on it, it will always be inferior, at best outrunning the two others.
Nov 28, 2006 Jim Kirk link
The Territorial Defender should have sheilds...

don't kill me...
Nov 28, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
Um... the TD isn't meant to be a high level ship for UIT. The maud fills that role; this is in the class of IBG and SVG. As the only one of the three to sport an L-port, I'd say it has a definite edge.

Though the levels should be tweaked if UIT have to wait too damn long to get the TD.

[EDIT] Cunjo, are you ever *not* slow? Sheesh.
Nov 28, 2006 Cunjo link
/me kills Kirk

TD could use more thrust, especially after the speed nerf it got.

It's not intended to go against prom and valk, it's intended to go against AVG and IBG, and for a while anyway, it did... but then it got nerfed.
Nov 28, 2006 Lord Q link
yeah the TD used to have an insane top speed, but the turbo nerf a while back was more of a cap than a scale back so the fastest ships got the worst of it.

as it is i believe the TD is the lightest of the Hogs but my favorate has been the mk2 for a while now (infiniboost and near the highet speed in the game is really usefull for traveling long distances)
Nov 28, 2006 Aramarth link
Y'all are hit and miss on my point, but most of you got it. Just at the basic level, there are TWO ships per player faction. The Serco have the SVG and prom, the Itani have the IBG and valk, and the UIT has the maud and TD. This is all the more I need to say about that, I don't intent the TD to be an equal ship with the SVG/IBG, I just want it to be USABLE.

Right now there is no reason to fly it because if you put the same weapons on the mkIV you have the same stats or better. Thus the TD is paying more to get less, aka useless. It just needs equal thrust and it is back in the game.
Nov 28, 2006 upper case link
dont get me started on the valk.

it has become "the most fearsome 2nd best ship" while it's suppose to have the #1 spot. the vult owns it.

and the rune is a joke. it requires trade 5!!!!!!!!! why?!!!!!!!! it's been dwarfed to a 2cu setup!!!!!

/me hyperventilates...
Nov 29, 2006 bojansplash link
/me hands upper a paper bag

This discussion is pointless.
It has been mentioned a gazillion times.
Devs know all about it and, probably all of our suggestions will be implemented in VO Rev.244.
Nov 29, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Alright, how's this then? A nation specific power cell *just* for the UIT. They get the almighty Fast Jump Power cell, 50/sec and 100 capacity. Yeah it's cheap. So is the Prometheus and Valkerye. As for the WTD, let's not start messing with that one, because it's the ship that's commonly found guarding convoys.
Nov 29, 2006 vIsitor link
Yes, yes, the Devs do indeed know well the problem, but it is our responsibility to keep the problem high on the billing of things that need fixing.

The Union of Independent Territories is not a military state, true, but we still necessitate proper patrol craft to police the space-lanes. Before the Nerf, the TD served this role well as a short-range interceptor, while remaining less effective in single combat against dedicated military craft. After the Nerf, it maintained all of its weaknesses and lost its only real advantage: its speed. Without a maximum velocity proportional to its high drain, it is essentially worthless.

Mind you, that all of the other good escort craft are closely held by corporations or military interests. A reliable general-purpose patrol-boat is noticeably lacking from the Union's arsenal. The TD should not perhaps be as good as the aforementioned specialized craft, but it should at least have the oomph to do its job.
Nov 29, 2006 bojansplash link
OK what UIT players need is an special UIT only interface button: *fly TD hog like a pirate unbot*.
It will activate awesome pirate unbot powas and you will all rule the universe and
enslave all sercos and itanis.
Nov 29, 2006 Demonen link
Maybe the UIT need to get over it, and just use the standing boost the toons are born with to get both the Prom and the Valk?

When (if...) we get a faction revamp, I'm sure there'll be a way for UIT to change factions to Serco or Itani, like in most other games where there is a "Neutral" faction.
Nov 29, 2006 CygnusX link
If UIT ships suck so much, why are ~50% of the players online most of the time UIT? :-P

I do agree that the TD has been nerfed into utter uninterestingness though. And the Marauder has been completely irrelevant since the Behemoth was added to the game. Let's hope there are some surprises in store for the UIT population on the redesigned ships front?

(I didn't say this, especially not here, but nobody flies proms anymore either, because they're sick of 'tanis whining about how unbalanced it is. Nag nag nag, it definitely isn't after the nerf.)

Nov 29, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
Yet another thread that deals (via the TD's nerf) with something we've never gotten a straight answer about from the Devs:

(1) Speed cap? What the HELL were you thinking? If traveling speed needs reduction, that thing that always prevents any sudden, unbalanced additions of *new* stuff to the game sorta requires a proportional reduction.

(2) We did notice the justification issued at the time of cap was that "game has gotten too fast, combat is too quick." We also noticed that what you said makes no fucking sense. The act (cap of top boosting speed) and the rationale therefore (combat needs slowing down) aren't just less than compellingly connected... they're totally independent.

Someone with red text in their name (not SA, I've seen how useful her comments are) want to explain WTF, finally?