Forums » Suggestions

Make more medals to get...

Mar 14, 2005 TNAtits link
The current ones are boring and dull and easy to get -_-.
Mar 14, 2005 Beolach link
Here's a specific example that I'd like to see:

Currently we have the Master Prospector badge, awarded after completing 120 prospecting missions. 120 prospecting missions is IMO, a LOT of BORING work. To improve on this, I'd like to have an "Apprentice Prospector" badge, awarded after 25 prospecting missions, a "Journeyman Prospector" badge, awarded after 75 prospecting missions, and then have the "Master Prospector" badge changed to require 150 missions. For rewards associated with the badges, the "Apprentice" badge could give a 5% discount off of mining equipment (beams & scanners), the "Journeyman" could give the Advanced Mineral Scanner (which would help a lot on getting the Master), and the "Master" the High Density Mining Beam.

Also on the prospecting missions, there's next to no variety. 30 'roids with <X> ore. Couldn't it occasionally ask for 15 'roids, with at least 20% <X> ore? Or only require 10 'roids, but you need to bring back a sample from each (see: ). Or just find us 5 'roids - of Heliocene! Anything to improve the variety & interest of the missions (another link: ).
Mar 14, 2005 Shapenaji link
1000 pk medal!

and I wouldn't mind the top 10 duelists medal either
Mar 14, 2005 Beolach link
Top 10 duelists, eh? If you drop below there, do you lose it?

Ace Border Patroller: Has killed 100 enemy ships on Border Patrol missions.

<Faction> Trader badge: Has completed 75 trade guild missions for this faction; players cannot get badges for competing factions (Serco, or Itani, not both; UIT, or Corvus, not both; Ineubis, or Xang Xi, not both), Itani players cannot get Serco Trader badge, Serco cannot get Itani Trader badge.

Christmas Tree badge: For having 10 or more medals (now Genka doesn't have to say it).
Mar 14, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I'd also like to see a Medic/Mechanic Badge for repairing someone to full health from under 25%, 25 for apprentice, 100 for Journeyman, and 250-500 Master. Would give incentive for more people to equip repair guns.
Mar 14, 2005 ctishman link
-Instead of a medal, let's make it a Duellist Cup. Only one player may have it at a time, and there are gold, silver and bronze varieties. The current #1, #2 and #3 duellists have them, and as the places switch, the new players in those places get the cup from the old ones.

-Trade Badge: Make this one a simple "Licensed Trader Certificate", and give it after player has completed 25 trade missions with a faction. Once they do, they get a 5% discount on trade goods with that faction.

-CtC Partisan Badge - UIT ONLY
Earned for bringing more than 300u of cargo home for one nation in a given week. Bequeaths the Convoy Guardian Ragnarok (better top speed & hull) at participating stations for that nation.
Mar 14, 2005 johnhawl218 link
I like the Duelists Cup idea, simple to do, like you said, top three on the list get the badge, and it's removed if you drop below requirements.

As for the CtC Badge, I think that the requirement should not be 300 units as I have yet to see anyone do that in a week, and personally I don't have that much time in a week to do it anyway. That's an unrealistic goal in my opinion, perhaps 150cu's, and not give a ship, just a badge, OR access to the neutron MkIII's.

For the Trade Guild Badge (which we already have) I propose that instead of completing 1 mission like it is now, or 25 trade missions like you've propose ctishman, that you have to complete 100 "timed" trade guild missions. Adds more to it then just the ability to fly in a strait line.


And some more to add to the growing list:

Bounty Hunters Badge-
When you pay to become a "licensed" Bounty Hunter you should also get a badge so that pirates, traders, miners, guards, etc alike should be able to tell that you are one. A simple BountyHunter Badge would do the trick, one for each nation, possibly with the nations emblem with crossing guns or something like the pk badges. Would be interesting to see the nations symbles.

Miners Guild Badge-
Could also give a badge to a mininer who has successfully mined 1000cu's of each type of ore available. That's all the common, rare, very rare and extremely rare ores. Possibly make this a multi-part badge that can reflex the work that has been done to date, like a badge with smaller badges attached to it to reflect the different ores that have been completed.
Mar 19, 2005 TNAtits link
Also, mabye a 50 behemoth kill medal. That would be fun and hard... Mabye a medal for 25 guardian kills. A medal for giving 1mil to a noob or somthing would be cool... A medal for getting POS with all 3 main stations and a medal for getting 999 standing with all stations...
Mar 20, 2005 DekuDekuplex Ornitier link
Personally, as a trader, I would recommend medals for earning 25 million, 100 million, and 500 million credits.

Another suggestion would be philanthropic medals for collectively donating 5 million, 15 million, and 40 million credits to newbies of any Combat Piloting Level lower than four.

Still another one would be medals for completing 100, 250, and 400 trading guild missions.

There could also be medals for mining 250, 1000, and 5000 crates each of Heliocene, Pentric, Pyronic, and Apicene ore (the four extremely rare kinds of ore, according to the Vendetta® WiKi ( see )). I.e., there could be three ranks of medals (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) for each of those four extremely rare kinds of ore, for a total of twelve mining medals. For example, a miner could have Silver Heliocene Miner, Gold Pentric Miner, Bronze Pyronic Miner, and Bronze Apicene Miner medals.

To top it off, there could also be a Master Miner medal for achieving all four of the Gold Miner medals. These medals could collectively make mining much more popular.

There could also be guild solicitation medals for successfully inviting 5, 15, and 40 new members.

In addition, there could be CtC (Capture the Cargo) medals for the following categories:

* 25, 100, and 500 successful enemy transport kills
* 25, 100, and 500 successful cargo recoveries
* 25, 100, and 500 successful cargo captures
* 40, 160, and 800 kill assists
* 40, 160, and 800 cargo assists

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier
Mar 21, 2005 TNAtits link
There should be a medal for getting 10 then 25 medals :)
Mar 22, 2005 johnhawl218 link

We need more goals in game!!!!!!!! OTHER THEN PVP
Mar 23, 2005 TNAtits link
YAR... mabye with these "new missions" we will get more medal opertunitys... *looks over at devs and glares* I'm waiting :)
Mar 23, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
Mar 23, 2005 Shapenaji link
Crip, christmas is as american as toxic apple pie.

Why crip?.... why?
Mar 23, 2005 CrippledPidgeon link
It's the largest Christmas Tree (a-la Genka) that I could think of. Deku's 41 medal suggestions kinda push things over the top.
Mar 23, 2005 Shapenaji link
hehe, nah I knew why you were posting it.

But I really don't mind the christmas trees. I'd just like to see the ornaments like easter eggs. A few appearing every now and then, for random achievements.

I mean, we don't really have all that much secret tech out there.
Mar 24, 2005 Solra Bizna link
What about a 100 mentor point medal? :P
Mar 24, 2005 Beolach link
To help with the christmas tree effect in CharInfo, higher medals could replace lower ones, so if you have 500 PKs, it would only show the 500 PK badge, not the 25 & 100 ones.
Mar 25, 2005 DekuDekuplex Ornitier link
Re: CrippledPidgeon:

> Deku's 41 medal suggestions kinda push things over the top.

I double-checked the number of medals suggested in my post, and it was actually 40, not 41. But, yes, that was a lot of medals, I guess.... ^_^

Re: Beolach

> To help with the christmas tree effect in CharInfo, higher medals could replace
> lower ones, so if you have 500 PKs, it would only show the 500 PK badge, not
> the 25 & 100 ones.

Umm ... I'm not sure if reducing the potential number of medals would be such a great idea. Personally, I would prefer to be able to boast about the total number of medals earned. Otherwise, I would just try to earn many lower-level medals before trying to earn any of the higher-level ones....

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier
Mar 25, 2005 Beolach link
Sorry, I didn't mean there would be fewer medals, it's just that if someone has all 3 Mentor badges, all 3 PK badges, all 3 Prospecting badges (from my 1st post here), etc, you have to admit the CharInfo screen will be very cluttered. I only meant to keep it from being so quite so cluttered - there would still be the same number of medals earned, they just wouldn't all be shown. I mean, if I see someone with a 500 PK badge, how tough is it to figure out that, yes, that player has also earned the 25 & 100 PK badges, even if they're not displayed?