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Aug 02, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Well, Im leaving rocket arena till 3.3 come out, it's just been made utterly pointless. Everyone rocket rams in valks theres no challenge anymore and when I found one weapon that counters rocket ramming perfectly people just whine and whine because I use it. Whats the weapon? lightning mines and no I don't station mine I don't lay them within 3k of the station the only people that get hurt are rocket rammers and deminers yet there's a group of people who start to cry about it whenever I do it because apparently it's a "lame" tactic which is really funny because after a few deaths one of them starts nuke exploiting.

I really hope 3.3 fixes these issues because vendetta was a really great game but rocket arena just plain sucks.
Aug 02, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Rocket Arena? Could'a sworn thi swas called Dance Dance Space Bass Fishing 2004.

Anywho, yup, welcome to the community, you kill people, they nuke exploit, and some say it's a valid tactic. It depends, if the nuke is fired from far away, it's a valid tactic, if it's fired from inside the dock so the person can dock it is not valid, bug off blasty. ;-)
Aug 02, 2003 The Kid link
people bash me for mining ships too which stinks...
Aug 02, 2003 Independence link
i've never been called lame for using mines. then again, thats probably because i only use proxy mines. only a matter of time though, i guess...
Aug 02, 2003 Celebrim link
I've never understood why people whine about mines, but yes, lightning mines are there to thwart overruns.

On the other hand, I feel that in many ways the game is closer to being balanced than it has been since 3.2 came out. All the light fighters are fairly usable, and the Valk while still better than the other lights is a whole lot closer to being in the same ball park. Yes, Valk with tri-flares might be marginally better than any other configuration, but I don't feel that it is just ruling and if I do notice a problem, its not with the flares but with the way that getting rid of the boosting tapping bug has effected my ability to consistantly out manuever a rocket barrage.

The heavy fighters look pretty usable to, but they are most effected by the changes in the engine balance.

I really don't think any big changes need to be made in order to effect some balance.

The main things I see:

1) Reduce the energy consumption of the heavy engine from 65 to 60 per second.
2) Reduce the ammunition capacity on the sunflare to 12.
3) Increase the Prom's hull by 2000.

The only other real balance issues are improving the more neglected weapons until there is some point in using them.
Aug 02, 2003 UncleDave link
Agreed, but add 4k to the prom, not 2k :P
Aug 02, 2003 The Kid link
the prom is fine, the valk and maud has to be toned down a little.
Aug 02, 2003 Arolte link
Hunter, man, I think I've got a newfound respect for you. The reason for your temporary leave is the same as mine. Rocket ramming pretty much sucked all the fun outta the game. I also mine people too, and in fact I caused Icarus to throw a tantrum when I lured his rocket ramming Valk into a heavily mined area of s14, using nothing but an empty Centurion. That had to be one of my best moments in Vendetta history. Still, I wish all the rocket ramming would stop so I won't have to resort to mining and nuking so much. When the day of balanced ships and weapons come, everybody's true skills will shine through and the game will be fun again.
Aug 02, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link

for the first time I totally agree with you :D

1) heavy engine isnt really used a lot and if you do use it , you ll get quickly chased down by a medium type.

2) Was thinking exactly the same or upping th enumber of gemini shots. But I prefer lowering number of rockets or hightening the total number of rockets to 24 "it will tune down the 3 flare users(they will only have 9 shots in stead of 16) and the double flareusers get a max of 12"

PS: at the same tie the quad flare will have 6 shots in total.

3) The prom could certainely use that little boost, it is a fine weapon in the right hands , but sometimes it needs an extra lastingrange for it to be really usefull.

PPS: blaster, the specials are all fine, and they will be very balanced once you need to do 3 missions before you are able to buy 1. So no instant replacements anymore, or just a certain number aquirable every week, or ...


PPPS: tri-flares isnt the problem celebrim, it is shooting them from close range "<150m". It is pretty difficult "sometimes even impossible" to avoid
Aug 02, 2003 ctishman link
Yep. I haven't played much in a week because almost nobody uses anything but triflare valks in combat. If you do get into a good fight with someone in another ship, it's about 10 seconds before a triflare valk shows up and blasts you both mid-duel. It's quite simply ridiculous.
Personally, I'd like the ammo on the sunflare down to 8 or even (gasp) 6! Why, might you ask? Because it's the low-end rocket, not the midline Jackhammer, or the high end Screamer plasma rocket. Let the Jackhammer excel in ammo capacity and the Screamer excel in damage. The Sunflare should be to rockets as the ion blaster is to energy weapons.
Aug 02, 2003 The Kid link
Oh and I object to decrease the energy consumption of heavy engine.
"heavy engine isnt really used a lot and if you do use it , you ll get quickly chased down by a medium type."
I disagree to that, bigtime.
Aug 02, 2003 ctishman link
Why, Blaster? Every time I use a heavy, I run a little ways, and then run out of energy. I end up helpless while I recharge, and the sprinting Medium catches me with energy to spare.

Oh yeah, and a note on my earlier message. Screamers with a capacity of 10 shots? Goodness yes!
Aug 02, 2003 Chaos link
Ill join you guys leaving untill 3.3

Not just all that above, i get way to much abuse :)

Asus out.
Aug 02, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
Wow I've got someones respect :D

The amount of abuse I got because of the mines was just ridiculous I almost felt like leaving vendetta for good but I'd like to see how 3.3 works out. :)

The problem is tri-rockets, they have a very good chance of hitting you because it's like a sphere with a 90m diameter flying at you and if fired within 100m it's quite hard to dodge (unless you're in another valk) then the fact that you can fire these "Spheres" with a only 0.5 second delay and without using any energy makes them 10x more effective than energy weapons.
Aug 02, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Fly by them, they'll fire and miss, dodge 16 times and they'll run, attack them with all you got at this moment. (they'll start to be more ammo concious after awhile though)

Ignore the comments they say. (why are you running? etc.)
Aug 02, 2003 ctishman link
Not everyone's as good as you or I at dodging rockets, and therein lies the rub. Even I get hit sometimes, and usually by someone who displays little skill in their use of the weapon.
Aug 02, 2003 Hunter Alpha link
I usually dodge the first 5 - 9 shots but then they get desperate and just ram me and because I'm not in a valk I'm the one who dies. And even if I do damage them to around 50% hull they always run. Combat is simply pointless to non-valk/rocket players and hopefully 3.3 will fix this. :)
Aug 02, 2003 Icarus link
Aug 02, 2003 roguelazer link
Just make a better rail gun for pete's sake. I can counter quite a few rocket-rammers in my dual-rail vult using physics mode, but I run out of ammo after a couple of people and the energy usage is so off the charts that only a heavy battery is of any use, making multi-sector trips a little... hard?
Aug 02, 2003 ctishman link
Shh. Both of you. This is for discussions of rockets. He need not have mentioned you, and you need not have replied. Done. Take it to email.

Back on topic: Yeah, I've noticed that too, Hunter. Even if you are better than them and start winning, they inevitably run, and since you can't chase them down, they often dock, repair and rearm, then come out and kill you just as you dock.

Edit: Rogue, check my thread on the charged cannon in "Suggestions".