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The Vendetta Worldbook 2.0- Preview Online

Apr 18, 2004 ctishman link
The Vendetta Worldbook arrived a month or two ago, and kind of sat there fermenting, never really getting anywhere. I contemplated removing it entirely, and at 2:00 A.M. I made the decision not to kill it off after all, but instead develop it more, and roll it into VendettaWeb when that project reached fruition. Yesterday I completed the gruntwork on the Ships section, and I'm opening it up for criticism and corrections. The Map section will be redone later, and then opened up to criticism of its own.

There are a few guidelines as to which criticism is acceptable, and I'll lay them out here.

Oh, and one ground rule: Criticism submitted without a suggestion on how to fix what's wrong will be at best ignored, and at worst ripped apart and left to rot in the sun.

Acceptable Criticism:
Typo correction
Grammar Correction
Style and layout criticism
Content criticism (e.g. what you said about the Maud sucks! Here! Try this!)

Unacceptable Criticism:
Anything without a suggestion on how to fix it
OMG WTF FLASH SUXXORS!!!! (you want a _______-based version? So make one! I'll even supply source images! Email me: ctishman at mac dot com)
OMG WTF the res is too high! It doesn't fit on my screen! Well, I'm sorry about that one. This is kind of a legitimate complaint, but I had to draw the line somewhere, and 800x600 seemed to be a good place to draw it. As you can see, it's kinda cramped as it is, with 300x240 or so for the ship description.
OMG WTF WARES TEH FACTIONS? They're not done yet. So there.

Beyond that, enjoy!
Apr 18, 2004 roguelazer link
How come all of the ships are in red? I mean, I would have done green for the non-nation ships if I were you... Furthermore, why were the old Red and Gold ships made by their respective factions (The Warthog, the Hornet), but the Blue ships weren't? The Centurion was blue, darnit!
Apr 18, 2004 ctishman link
click them.

Edit: TPG and GSC are subsidiaries of the Itani government, AISCU is with the Neuts' construction union, and Lady's Grace is nominally allied with the Dominion. I decided to group them on how they looked rather than their historical ownership.
Apr 18, 2004 Starfisher link
When/if the devs put out their "thousands of sectors"... heh, have fun with that ;)

The ships section is fine, IMO. I like the clean illustrations and little historical tidbits.

Very good job!
Apr 18, 2004 Arolte link
Love the navigation. Love the design. The informational font could use a little anti-aliasing though, to match the typeface used for the rest of the menu. Another thing that bothers me is some of the ship descriptions. You've got these fictional companies for each ship and you're putting fictional descriptions as to what the history is behind each one. I like the way you pulled it off by offering some detailed story, but I think you should hold off on going that in depth until more of the official storyline is revealed for the final version.

Let me explain. You've got a wonderful sector map that's accurately depicted, which sort of reflects this as being some type of factbook for the Vendetta universe. But placing fictional names/stories in something that should be factual sort of contradicts what you've got down as a concept for some type of factbook. You see what I'm saying? Other than that I think it's awesome. Keep up the good work. When the game becomes more complete this should prove to be a valuable contribution to the Vendetta community.
Apr 18, 2004 ctishman link

1) we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, eh? Muahaha...

2) Thanks!

Okay. I don't see the problem with the fonts on my machine, but I do see how it happened and sort of halfway expected it. The problem lies in that you don't have the font I used on your machine. Anyone know how to embed fonts on Flash MX (2003, not 2004)?

True, it's totally made up. I wrote them because I love writing stories about things like this and trying to weave obscure bits together. There's actually more I wrote that I didn't put in. When the real story comes out, I'll correct them. Until then, I'd prefer to leave them up unless they're somehow offensive to the majority of viewers.
Apr 18, 2004 roguelazer link
Okay. It should somehow store the color that you're using. If I am viewing the centurion in blue, I should view the others in blue.

Furthermore. Add text at the bottom to the effect of (click the ship to change its colour)

Furthermore. How come I can't change colours of specials? You don't like the black market?

Furthermore. Why are 0 and 40-46 not present?

Oh, and are you gonna put this in a HTML page eventually? Because it was annoying to make the name myself for the bookmark. :P
Apr 18, 2004 Celkan link
Oops, didn't read carefully
Apr 18, 2004 Pyro link
ctishman, could you either randomize the starting colors or have them be what the ships were originally (e.g. gold for Hornet, blue for Centurion)? It seems a bit... biased... :P
Apr 18, 2004 RelayeR link
Great job...I like. Can't wait to see the rest!
Here are a couple of changes needed though...

For the Neutral Maurauder:
"...each carry eight standard cargo units apiece."
This is should be either:
<"...each carry eight standard cargo units."> or <"...carrying eight standard cargo units apiece.">

"...the AISCU says that the pilot will recoup the cost in three profitable runs, and offers a gift certificate good for a Neutral Meal at the Golden Arches if you do."
Did you mean to say that the gift certificate is offered if you DO NOT recoup in three runs?
Apr 18, 2004 ctishman link

1) That has the distinct possibility to be really, really hard. The problem lies in that each ship is a different movie loaded into the ships move (loaded into the main movie). I'm still working out how to pass commands back and forth between movie clips. Once I figure that out, I will implement it.

2)Yep, I see that text bug. It has to do with my boneheaded decision to have three separate text boxes in three frames. I have no idea why I did that. Anyhow, I'll just put a unified text box on a different layer. Thus, the movie only has to store a single instance of the descriptive text, and I can further cut down the file size of the individual ship movies. W00t. Thanks!

3) Because specials belong to their nation, and color changes suck. Oh, and because the Maud has like 40 shades of gold and grey on it that I really don't want to transform into blue and red.

4) 0 is not present because it does not exist. It is a figment of your imagination. 40-46 will be added when I modernize the interface of the maps component.

5) Damn you, Team Laser Explosion!
Apr 18, 2004 ctishman link
1) Mmmkay :)

1) Yes. I can and will. :D

Grammar stuff. Yep, I was way tired when I wrote that. Or high. Or both. I don't remember. Anyhow. I'll fix the grammar when I get home. Yeah, that whole golden arches bit sounds like I was high and craving McDonalds'. I'll fix it :D
Apr 18, 2004 Celkan link
I was gonna ask for a url, but had not read carefully. Looks good, but I would like:

a) the stories to be less biased towards the serco on the Warthog, Vulture, Prometheus, if they are going to not be that way on the others.
b) colors need to be defaultly nation appropriate. it appears biased.
c) get to work on the factions.
Apr 18, 2004 ctishman link
1) you mean, less biased towards Serco on the "Serco" ships? I'll work at them, but I just don't have any experience, having played nothing but Serco characters since 2.9 or so. Can someone give me some hints as to what I should say about Itani?

2) I can do that!

3) yes SIR!
Apr 18, 2004 roguelazer link
I'd start here.
Apr 18, 2004 ctishman link
Okay, here's my Fixes In Progress list:
Roguelazer's #2: Solved.
Apr 18, 2004 roguelazer link
Uploading fixed versions is good. If we're talking about the same #2... Why don't you use this list for naming fixes?


1. Antialias or embed font (Arolte)
2. Use official storyline (Arolte)
3. Remember ship colours (Roguelazer)
4. Make info text about how to change ship colours (Roguelazer)
5. Change special colours (Roguelazer)
6. Add sectors 0, 40-46 (Roguelazer)
7. Embed swf into html document with <title> (Roguelazer)
8. Add random starting colours (Pyro)
9. Fix repetitive text describing Maud cargo boxes (RelayeR)
10. Un-Serconify the ship descriptions for old red ships (Celkan)
11. Nation-appropriate colours (Celkan)
13. Use (Roguelazer)

Now, when you fix something, just give the number from this list.

[ Reference for those too lazy to rtft : ]
Apr 18, 2004 Magus link
How about instead of un-serconifying the old red ships we Itanify and Neutralize the old blue and gold ships?
Apr 18, 2004 ctishman link
Complete list, with fixed items:

1. Antialias or embed font (Arolte) <--FiXx0r3d
2. Use official storyline (Arolte & Roguelazer)
3. Remember ship colours (Roguelazer)
4. Make info text about how to change ship colours (Roguelazer)<--FiXx0r3d
5. Change special colours (Roguelazer)<--Not gonna happen. It's not like the dictionary lists the phone numbers of prominent dealers under the entry for "crack cocaine". As far as they're concerned, the black market doesn't exist. It's black for a reason.
6. Add sectors 0, 40-46 (Roguelazer)
7. Embed swf into html document with <title> (Roguelazer)<--FixXored
8. Add random starting colours (Pyro)<-FiXx0red
9. Fix repetitive text describing Maud cargo boxes (RelayeR)<--FiXxor3d!1omg!1
10. Un-Serconify the ship descriptions for old red ships (Celkan)
13. Eliminate ship "jiggle" on Hornet, etc. (myself)<--FixX0red
Apr 18, 2004 ctishman link
Magus: Sure, but as I stated earlier, I haven't sunk myself into Itani and Neutral culture the way I have with the Serco. I simply don't know enough. Who do they worship? What is their history? Why should they be proud to be Neutral/Itani?