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Ultimate/Planned Capital Ship Battle

May 01, 2005 DekuDekuplex Ornitier link
For those of you who participated, you may have noticed that although I am Itani, I repaired the UIT Zelor, not the Itani Solra, and wondered why. The reason had to do with the behavior of the Itani Capital Ship toward me when it first came out.

I was online when the capital ships were recently introduced about two weeks ago, and first tried docking with the Itani capital ship. At that time, my Itani faction standing was +991. However, I didn't make it to Itan before launch, and didn't know that I could make the Itani ship stop by hailing it at that time. I was unable to dock with the moving capital ship (partly because I didn't know the location of the docking bay), and lost two ships in failed docking attempts in ion storms.

Along the way, I encountered a Serco ship that seemed to be approaching the Itani capital ship in Jallik. I shot it down, not noticing that it was in an Itani station NFZ. My Itani faction standing dropped from +991 to about +91.

I finally caught up with the Itani capital ship in Sedina B-8, unaware of the +200 faction standing docking requirement. While evading enemy Serco fire, I finally entered the Itani capital ship's docking bay, only to be told "You are not allowed to dock." About two seconds later, my ship exploded in the docking bay from Serco fire.

In other words, the Itani capital ship let me die rather than let me dock after I had defended it from a Serco pilot in an Itani NFZ.

At first, I thought about lowering my Itani faction standing and going after it myself. When I commented on the situation on Channel 11 (the Itani channel), an Itani pilot told me that if I lowered my Itani faction standing to shoot the Itani capital ship, he would go after me. So I decided to work against the Itani capital ship without lowering my Itani faction standing (hence improved to +993).

I decided that the best way to accomplish this would be to repair a non-Itani capital ship. I didn't appreciate the Serco pilot who had blown me up, but I especially didn't appreciate the Itani capital ship that had let me die in the docking bay, so I decided to repair the UIT Zelor.

My personal policy is to repay grievances of this nature multi-fold. In this specific instance, I have decided on a tenfold payback policy. Therefore, I plan to repeat this kind of behavior nine more times against the Itani capital ship in capital ship battles, without lowering my Itani standing. Then I may decide to forgive the Itani capital ship (if I feel like it).

This is intended to be an Itani capital-ship-specific matter, not directed against the Itani nation as a whole, but only against the Itani capital ship specifically for refusing to let me dock in an emergency. It is also my way of complaining against the silly rules for reducing faction standing when destroying enemy ships in a nation NFZ.

Good luck in stopping me, Itani pilots. If you want to shoot me, you'll need to lower your own Itani standing so much that you yourselves won't be able to dock with your own capital ship! Then you'll all know how I felt when I wasn't able to dock. Be patient, and suffer nine more times. Then I may decide to be a little generous and stop.

-- DekuDekuplex Ornitier
May 01, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
/me thinks somebody has a vendetta
May 01, 2005 kename link
DekuDekuplex Ornitier: It sounds like you are upset at the Itani capital ship for your own ignorance. Three of your incidents with the capital ship are the direct result of your lack of knowledge.

1.) You didn't know you could hail the ship.
2.) You didn't know you were in an NFZ or perhaps how it operates.
3.) You didn't know there was a +200 limit on docking.

Thus you are only passing judgment upon yourself by blaming the IDV Sola. If it had just blatantly opened fire on you, or warped into you I could see some of your resentment, but this... this... this is just ignorance.

May 01, 2005 Borb II link
Hehe, funny.
May 01, 2005 fprefect link
Oh noes! Now the IDV Sola won't stand a chance!!!
May 02, 2005 Jakob LeMort link
DekuDekuplex Ornitier was a great repairman before and during the battle and I hope he continues to choose UIT as his vehicle of revenge. (Even if he does show up in the crosshairs as a red enemy)