Forums » Role Playing

Simple RPing: Green = Good, Red = Bad

Jul 11, 2005 Borb II link
I always like the bad guys my self. I mean they are the ones that with out any kind of super powers went and became some thing, they made the uber guys quake.

But you still have not answered my question. What do you intend to do about escalation?
Jul 11, 2005 Sun Tzu link
Arolte, you don't seem to know Batman well enough :D
He's deeply brutal and very ambiguous (you never know if he defends the weak or pursues his personal vendetta after the murder of his parents). The guy who created all this (I don't remember his name atm) fell of his chair when it was brought into light by Frank Miller's "Dark Knight".

Now if you want to play it like Punisher, you're an outright criminal ;)
Jul 11, 2005 tramshed link
Anyone else notice the slew of psuedo-pirates we have been getting lately. "Im a peacekeeper, so I shoot everything I see." Also arolte, Id like to point out that if everyone else played the running game, you would never get a kill either, but we have a tendency to actually play the game.
Jul 11, 2005 Martin link
Arolte : "I'm not going to stick around when I'm outnumbered, outgunned, or outmaneuvered. Why would anyone be dumb enough to do that?"

Because I might win :D
Jul 11, 2005 Arolte link
Tramshed, clearly you don't understand the concept of what I'm trying to get at here. I strongly suggest you backtrack and re-read my previous posts before attempting to contribute something useful to the discussion. I'm NOT out to shoot people indiscriminantly. I couldn't have made it any clearer for everyone.

In addition, I've managed to kill people who have attempted to retreat on me. It's not impossible and it doesn't ruin the PvP aspects of the game. I point out again that retreating and regrouping are constantly used in war for tactical purposes. Throwing yourself into battle with a short-sighted mind is downright dumb and ineffective. Not everybody is set out to duel other players during combat. The duel function is there for a reason. Use it.

For those who are constantly having trouble taking down retreaters, may I offer you suggestion? Pssst... try using a ship other than the heavy drain centurion. You'll find that some of the slightly heavier ships are great for chases. I've also offered a suggestion on the forums to make following enemies easier, to help even further with that problem. So please don't give me any BS about it ruining combat for everyone.

I'm sorry, I just don't see Vendetta as a deathmatch arena for duelers. I see it as a battlefield. I actually respect my character's life and try to save it. Because it's the smart thing to do. I probably have plenty of money to survive hundreds of deaths, but that's not even the point. I WANT to stay alive. That's what every animal is biologically programmed to do, including humans. Which sort of ties in with RPing, no?


EDIT: I guess I should also add that during death it's a pain in the ass to have to buy a new ship from halfway across the universe, fly it over to the other half to buy the weapons for it, and then fly back to the battlefield once you're all equipped and ready. Not fun!
Jul 12, 2005 xava link
you know to start with i kind of agreed with your changing stance but having read this discusion you are not some peace keeper you are probably worse than any pker and defnatly worse than the pirates, at lessed pirates are freindly (the vast majority of the time anyway) and you can talk to them reasonably and descuse tactics even if they are on the other side of the fight (allthough currently i'm not on ether i have been)
all you seem to see is the enemy their is no people or diffrence between foes how bad they are, it's like that dare campaign they put though the schools that put dope in the same catagory of destruction as crack.

pirates currantly add life to the game yes it's fine to want to stop the random pkers but trying to grief all the reasonably fair pirates with them is not only anoying to them but wile they are quite reasonably pissed off at you it takes some of the fun out of the game for everyone else.

it's a good oponunity for pvp and rp if you launch a crusade against them using some fair tactics but the way you are doing this is just plane anoying.
Jul 12, 2005 tramshed link
If you want to stay alive stop going into battle. However, if you are going to engage in a fight with someone, be prepared for the possibility of loss, turning tail and running at the first sign of trouble is considered treason by most armies, and will get you hunted down and killed. You shouldnt bring up tactics of war when you dont have an army to wage war with. One ship which takes potshots at weak ships and runs in terror when it might lose isnt exactly waging war, or an army.

Jul 12, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
days of our lives part 2
Jul 12, 2005 Arolte link
LOL, Renegade. Good call.

Tramshed, I take it you're not familiar with guerilla warfare. You should look it up sometime. And it's pretty damned effective, I might add. It's not always about lining up your pawns and charging.

Xava, nobody is griefing anybody. There's that g-word again that everybody likes to toss around at the very mention of non-duel-based combat. Geez, talk about being brainwashed with drivel.

Are the tactics I'm using annoying? Of course they are. Duh! That's why I said I'll be using it on my enemies—to distract them AWAY from pirating. If you give them fair warning all the time they'll ALWAYS expect it, and therefore they wouldn't hesitate to pirate others in the future without any fear of getting hit in the back. They should be struck with just as much fear just as traders are on a daily basis.
Jul 12, 2005 terjekv link
nah, you annoy us to ignore you and go for the other fish, just like in the mining expedition. one of us might follow your running game and the rest go for the miner.

the same happens with traders, we get annoyed at you so we go and attack people that'll either stay or prey that can't run. either way, I'm certain your UIT fellows are happy about it.
Jul 12, 2005 Hoax link
See Arolte? YOU have forced the poor pirates to become terrorists. Shame!
Jul 12, 2005 Arolte link
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Sorry, terkjev, not gonna work. I've only just begun.

Jul 12, 2005 xava link
just taking one rather out of the way word in my post and taking it to an extreme is not answering what i said about pirates adding life to the game and you not having a clear veiw of your foes.
Jul 12, 2005 Arolte link
I've got a clear view alright. You just don't see the bigger picture. Someday you will. I promise.

/me hugs xava
Jul 12, 2005 Hoax link
How does Arolte not have a clear view of his foe? He takes his cue from the game itself. Why not worry about how they became red on his radar in the first place?

Why is it OK for pirates to grief UIT because of Arolte.

What does hypocritical mean?
Why are pirates ok and pirate hunters bad?

Oh yeah poor BLAK had swarms shot at them by mean old VPR/IA thems VPRs sux0rs so bad BLAK was forced to kill UIT instead of being friendly pirates, hey it's only a game when BLAK are jerks though, lighten up they add flavor.

>at lessed pirates are freindly (the vast majority of the time
>anyway) and you can talk to them reasonably and descuse tactics
>even if they are on the other side of the fight

What is Arolte doing right now? It seems a lot like discussing tactics reasonably with the otherside, but then again what do I know? I'm just a council on that griefing guild of bad tactic pricks. Well I gotta go, we're having a Viper meeting about changing our charter to match our goal of wrecking all VO gameplay fo evah.
Jul 12, 2005 Martin link

So does this mean Alamar from BLAK is safe and Borb from IA (at the moment) is not? I think there are a few others with good UIT standing who are pirates as well. What does he do with those.

My attitude is I treat everyone according to past history, if I don't know them they either get help, or a pirate hail depending on levels. If I do know them then they get treated depending on past experiences.

Example in point. All of the Vipers I think I treat well. I try not to grief them or annoy them too much, with the exception of two of their members who made a very bad impression on me by calling me names upon my first encounter with those players.
Jul 12, 2005 Arolte link
Martin, if I could I would take those UIT pirates out as well. Unfortunately the game doesn't allow it. I've always been against turning friendly fire off for that reason. But... *sigh* I doubt the devs will change the friendly fire system anytime soon. I absolutely hate inexplicable and magical shields in a game that is otherwise fun and very immersive. I seriously hope there'll be a way to turn that off later on.

And don't get me wrong. Although the basic gist of it is to target red players only, I also know of those pirates who hide behind good standing. I won't hesitate to attack them either. I too take recent actions and reputation into consideration before pulling the trigger. But as always, "innocent until proven guilty" for those who are green.

I also ask red players who are in reputably good guilds why their standing is so low and whether it was intentional or not. I did that with Borb. I didn't attack him because I knew IA was against piracy. So I gave him the benefit of the doubt and recommended that he raise his UIT standing again. So yes, there are exceptions that need to be thought through.

Always keep in mind that no justice system is 100% fair. Accidents will happen. Mistakes will be made. Nothing is black and white in a universe full of RPing characters. But for the most part I think this system is fair in its dealings.
Jul 12, 2005 terjekv link
for most of BLAK, there is an easy way to make us stick around fighting the protectors of whomever. make it interesting to do so. if not, we go elsewhere.

if your objective is to bore us, oddly enough, we find something less boring to do. if you wish to keep us busy and keep others safe, give us an incentive to stick around.

with a game where death means nothing and respawns are fast and frequent, there is no way to "kill" or "remove" players for extended period of times, apart from station camping them.

you are perfectly free to play as you see fit, all I am saying is that if your goal is to protect UIT, you're not making it happen.
Jul 12, 2005 Arolte link
I don't think it's anyone's intention to make anyone leave the game permenantly (which is the only way to really neutralize the threat completely). Part of what makes the game fun is to have this ongoing conflict between two forces. Obviously there'll always be a threat. That's what makes the game fun. And that's what makes us stick around longer.

There'll be ups and downs to each of the forces involved. Some will gain and some will lose. It'll be sort of like an ongoing tug-of-war that'll be happening, with surprises thrown in once in a while. And as Vendetta continues to evolve, new tactics will be employed, and maybe even new methods of combat (even indirect) between guilds.

Point is, there's no use taking a defeatist attitude towards this struggle. Just because you can't permanently defeat your enemy doesn't mean you should give up altogether. You don't see law enforcement agencies or the military quitting, do you? Think of it more as a profession. To satisfy your combat urges while doing good in the process.
Jul 13, 2005 terjekv link
you can't permanently defeat the enemy, but there are ways of controlling your enemy. in VO though, pure force is very hard to use in that regard. law enforcement has a goal, and it is to keep the general public safe. the problem is, in VO, that's really hard to do in the same way -- there are really only a few ways of doing so:

1) block off undesired people from entering your space, which is very very hard.

2) run escorts for your nation, keeping them safe from pirates. somewhat boring, but I still run escorts for people a few times a week.

3) give the baddies something to do so that they stick around where you want them.

all other attempts to control people in VO are pretty futile at best. in the RP setting, fighting your enemies to keep them busy is a good way of protecting others, the problem is that you can't force your enemy to want to fight you, you have to make it interesting for the enemy to do just that.

annoying your enemy though, that'll just get you ignored. and when you're ignored, you're not helping anyone.