Forums » Role Playing

Simple RPing: Green = Good, Red = Bad

Aug 14, 2005 KixKizzle link
Its rather simple actually,
(OH YEAH I SAID IT! I'm one of those "Its so simple I figured it out!" Kinda ppl. So bow to my excellent problem solving capabilities!)
Arolte challenges the unspoken rules in VO.
I will not name them seeing how everyone knows them and it would then become the written rules of VO.
These are common sense rules.
Rules that noobs violate but then get molded into the "way of VO" as the community guides them.
They reason that this is the most harmonic way of playing the game for everyone.
Arolte never grasped why ppl played the game a certain way.
Therefore he challenged the rules in his state of teenage pimple-dom-I'm more important than everything else in the world that revolves around me.
This of course upset everyone because they grasped long ago what VO was all about.

He's one of those players who say "Its just a game! What's the fuss all about?"
You'll notice that only new players say that.
No VO vets try to reason this unless they say something like "Take a step back from the game and calm down. Its not real." (except of course Arolte)
To most ppl though, they see this game as it is.
They don't belittle it by saying "Yeah so what if its an MMO. Its still just a game."
Well this MMO is a game full of ppl. A community of ppl who play for fun as a whole.
Arolte does not care about the community so therefore the community must die.

Simple really.
Aug 14, 2005 runlevel0 link
Don't bother trying to explain your actions.

You shoot at anything that moves, the only thing which refrains you from shooting fellow non-pirate UIT is that they can't get hurt.

I really wonder that you aare taking the time to try justify yourself. You are [flame deleted], but not for the UIT, SErco or Klingon nations, but for the humans who play a game called VO. That's all.

And your not very smart neither: How would you call a guy who A) says I (Larry LB) runs from him (you) *when you can't kill me being +1000 UIT*.., but that's only words, there are even fun facts:

Once Gaylic asked me to escort her through Sedina to Serco space in her moth (you where in B8 with your spam rag)... So I decided to test if I judged your right as being a blockhead and accepted.
And I was right: From the first moment you noticed that I was in B( you engaged me spamming like wild, ROFLMAO. Gaylic happily jumped to Latos and serco space in his full loaded moth while you where wasting time and ammo on a guy which shows a nice green dot on your radar. LOL

So I'm shure I bothered you and I can predict your ways of action:

A) summon one of your alts when you find me on a station and station camp me (careful, I can take my govbus of doom and get you a nice KOS, I don't mind to 'die', remember, my PC dosn't suffer, nor does my keyboard).

B) attack me with your main char "Arolte", even if I'm in Dau L11... After the things I have seen you doing I would believe anything.

So, regards, and keep on wasting ammo on me if it makes you happy.
Aug 14, 2005 Arolte link
Sigh... the cycle of hate continues.

>Don't bother trying to explain your actions.

I don't intend to, since there's plenty of anger mongering and mobbing going around. And either way nobody listens. But since you're new at this I'll entertain you with a few responses. You ready?

>You shoot at anything that moves, the only thing which refrains
>you from shooting fellow non-pirate UIT is that they can't get

This is a false statement. Occasional mistakes are made, but for the most part this is a grossly false statement. It's nothing more than propaganda sparked by a mob.

>And your not very smart neither: How would you call a guy who
>A) says I (Larry LB) runs from him (you) *when you can't kill
>me being +1000 UIT*.., but that's only words, there are even
>fun facts:

I don't know where you got this from. This is COMPLETELY false. I don't know if you cared to even notice, but I don't mock runners. I never did. In fact I seldom even chat during combat. I save that for trade runs. Maybe you should check your logs again or get your eyes checked.

>Once Gaylic asked me to escort her through Sedina to Serco
>space in her moth (you where in B8 with your spam rag)... So I
>decided to test if I judged your right as being a blockhead and

The only person I saw recently with Gaylic was Norseman. The two of them were fighting each other. But since both of them were in a pirate guild, I engaged. No Behemoths were seen within the vicinity. You were probably attacked because A) you have low UIT standing, B) you wore a pirate guild tag, or C) you appeared red on my radar. Don't fool yourself by thinking you're a special victim of anything here. It's all in your head.

>And I was right: From the first moment you noticed that I was
>in B( you engaged me spamming like wild, ROFLMAO. Gaylic
>happily jumped to Latos and serco space in his full loaded moth
>while you where wasting time and ammo on a guy which shows a
>nice green dot on your radar. LOL

Once again, false statement.

>So I'm shure I bothered you and I can predict your ways of

>A) summon one of your alts when you find me on a station and
>station camp me (careful, I can take my govbus of doom and get
>you a nice KOS, I don't mind to 'die', remember, my PC dosn't
>suffer, nor does my keyboard).

That would be had to do, considering I don't have any alts. Never did in all the years I've been playing Vendetta.

>B) attack me with your main char "Arolte", even if I'm in Dau
>L11... After the things I have seen you doing I would believe

You've only heard, not seen. There's a world of a difference there. But if you like jumping the bandwagon of hatred you're more than welcome to do it. It'll just make you look more incompetent though.

>So, regards, and keep on wasting ammo on me if it makes you

Gladly. And I'll be waiting.
Aug 14, 2005 who? me? link
your funny arolte
Aug 16, 2005 Arolte link
Just so everyone knows, all bets are off. The role playing is still there, but in light of all the bitching I've decided to keep my intentions a secret now. Some of the targets will continue to be what they have been in the past. Some will change. I will continue to keep sector and private level communication up for some friendly taunting and small talk. But I'm just not going to waste my time and energy trying to explain every single questionable act that comes up. I want to play the game, not write a novel. But I still want to role play. So here's to a new style. Some will see me as a really, really evil bad guy. Some will see me as the good guy. So with that being said be sure to keep your guard up and be ready for anything. And most of all, try to have fun while getting blasted into oblivion!


PS: No this will not involve griefing. But it may involve non-consensual combat and ambushes. So no flames about that please. I'm just giving everyone a fair heads up. All bets are off and I'm keeping all weapons free. Thank you and have a nice day.
Aug 16, 2005 KixKizzle link
So basically you do whatever you want.... How has anything changed?
Aug 16, 2005 johnhawl218 link
now he won't say anything after or before.
Aug 16, 2005 Celkan link
Naw, he'll still "shake his prommy little butt" at you to taunt you into triggering the SFs.
Aug 16, 2005 Dr. Lecter link
"now he won't say anything after or before."

The day Arolte can keep his trap shut before, during or after doing whatever it is he does, is the day I'll stop eating itani liver. This post RE new intentions, etc ad nauseam... but I'm digressing.

Devs, groups of up to eight capable pilots have hunted, chased, and barely killed this obnoxious, offensive and pathetic player (we're well past "character"/player distinctions at this point) over the past few days. Our self-policing actions have been almost completly pointless for two reasons, both of which only YOU can remedy.

(1) Spam n' Sprint: as has been said many many many times of late, running is far too easy. Momerath phrased it as "game dynamics favor the loner," though that's not entirely accurate; unless annoying players, rather than effecting a kill, is the goal, the loner accomplishes nothing. Jump delay, auto follow course setting, limited jump energy with slow regen... all are nice, but let's see something effective by week's end. I think, though with LeverMac's oft used cavaet of "I'm not a programer, a simple delay prior to jump within a system, exactly like the log off delay but set at 3-4 seconds, would be best and easiest. If someone wants to run in circles in B8, so be it. Sooner or later, they'll be caught. But let's not be chasing a prom across Sedina for an hour :P

If it produces problems (4 seconds of delay is too much and nobody can escape at all), push it back the other way. But sometimes "good enough" quickly beats the hell out of "overconsidered and delayed."

(2) Insta-spawn: damage and death mean nothing, making any attempt to police another player's actions by armed force ineffective at best, and a drain on resources at worst. Damage affecting ship abilities, I am sure would be difficult and timeconsuming to affect. However, something K.I.S.S. easy could be implemented to reduce people jumping right back into the thick of things. Outright downtime per death is not overly burdensome; a minute or two isn't going to cause anyone to pull out all their hair. But more importantly, pilots should be both able to die w/o harsh consequences... but not cavalier about death in general. I suggest a much longer downtime for X number of deaths within Y minutes; having been killed once or twice or thrice, the pilot should grow increasingly cautious. That next death, be it from spamming the leviathan and not caring about saving their ship, or because a group of eight very annoyed players have hunted you for an hour, should cause that pilot to face a harsher punishment. As for number of allowed deaths, in what time period, and resulting in what incapacity... that's best left to you, Devs.

On a more more...fuzzy... note, I do not beleive the Devs/Guides can take action directly against the actions of those who have stirred up the recent shitstorm. Rules and standards are very different things, and only rules can be effectively implemented in this sort of enviroment. I do empathize with those who feel that common sense should dictate a result here; I can see clearly that certain players deserve to suffer for their actions. However clear that may be to us, and even to Devs, making a workable system based on that is doomed to failure.

John can't define "griefing." Not surprising; there's also nothing close to a universally accepted definition of "terrorism" in RL, either. The actions ingame of late that have upset so many are essentially terrorist actions. VO, having no true civilians, is an enviroment even less conducive to a rule against what Arolte and perhaps others have been doing. Heavyhanded retaliation against such individuals, when rules cannot effectively discriminate the arseholes from the warriors, cannot be taken based on rule of law or however you'd like to think of the Devs here. Unlike RL, however, effective vigilanties are an easy and entirely proper solution in VO.

All of which brings me back to points (1) and (2), supra. Devs, you can't fix the problem directly, but you can and must give the community the tools to do so. By doing so, you fix the problem and preserve the integrity of PvP and the rules that govern VO.

WE look forward to being able to be an effective "extension of the Strike Force."

Dr. Lecter, S.S.L.
LT. [ABKA]; Forum Manager, [BLHG]; Generally Pissed Off Serco
Aug 16, 2005 terjekv link


from Arolte himself on how he'd deal with enemies if they passed by a sector he was in today:

# But yes, I'd attack them if I happen to cross them. I would
# however NOT pursue them if they left me alone after that
# attack, since that appears to be main concern behind this whole
# griefing business.

now, cut him som slack, let history be history, and see if you can't all get back into some decent roleplaying and play the game.

if any disrupting behaviour occurs (no, getting typekilled or being attacked on sight and chased a sector or two as a one-off event, *isn't* disuptive), have a chat with Arolte to see if you can work it out, if not, email John.

oh, and have fun. mokay? :-)
Aug 16, 2005 Arolte link
Oh yeah, might as well lock this thread also. It serves no purpose anymore. Keep suggestions in the suggests forum. Keep further complaints in the IA forum. There's no point posting here about it if it won't even be heard. That's all.

Aug 16, 2005 Chimaera link
Aug 16, 2005 Borb II link
Lock'in load!!!

*Click Click*

But yeah I really don't see a reason my self to have this topic around any more. Really I never saw a need for it in the first place but what ever.
Aug 16, 2005 KixKizzle link
I'm actually kinda hoping we break 200....
It'd just be so dang cool O_O
Aug 16, 2005 Arolte link
Well the Custom Binds thread has this one beat in terms of post count. But it's getting close...
Aug 16, 2005 Beolach link
Wakaday Mk X had more. So many that it was stretching the webpage, and got moved out of the offtopic forum so it wouldn't stretch.
Aug 17, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Trueness. I've got it safely stashed in the Archive. I'll bring it back out when the stretching issue is resolved.
Aug 17, 2005 Forum Moderator link
In looking back, it appears the principal posters have agreed to lock this thread. I'm in total agreement. Let us move on.

All together: [LOCKED!!!]