Forums » Role Playing


Aug 14, 2005 zamzx zik link
mcduff, you have half the story, everyone has the RIGHT to be treated fair (well, in the U.S.A that is) and it is a GOD-GIVEN RIGHT, we can't take it away, but when someone abuses it, then it is up to US or the GOOD GUYS to stand up for what is right, and do the right thing. like in the alpha, when greifing was a problem (right now, what you call "Greifing" is was friendly play) noobs got attacked in there home sector. now, when this happend, the n00b cry'd out "help me!" and EVERYONE in the server ran to that noob, and kicked the griefers ass. the devs didn't do it, WE did it. and with the SM (space monkeys) some of them where pretty annoying. we didn't cry for the devs, we took up our vults, and when up in arms. the devs made the sand box. we make the peace and happyness.

the main problem is, these "adults" (and I use the term loosely) are not asking arolte "please, let me alone, I'm done now." they are crying "YOU DAMN BASTARD LEAVE ME THE **** ALONE" and they arn't asking in 100 "guys, so and so is wont let me leave" they are screaming "SO AND SO IS A ****** SPAMMER". you MUST group togeather, no one can kill 2 players in swarm rags at once. in vendetta, when it gets to 3 player or more vs 1 the one player sometimes takes out 2, or 1 but always dies. I know this, cuz' it happens to me.
Aug 14, 2005 Sputnik66 link
err, i should have read the RPG forums before suscribing to VO agian. from what i gather the community hates 1 person, and people are canceling their suscribtions because of no action, even after clearly stating in the rules this kind of activity is not premitted..

"1.1 Play Nice Policies - Activity within Vendetta Online

In addition to the general guidelines listed in section 1.0, players are also subject to these supplementary rules while playing Vendetta Online. While by no means an all-inclusive list of the do's and don'ts in Vendetta Online, it provides a suitable foundation by which the player can determine what activities are appropriate: "

2. You may not harass others.

Harassment is defined as specifically targeting another player or group of players to harm or inconvenience them. As harassment can take many forms, the Guide involved will make a determination as to whether or not a "reasonable person" would feel harassed and act accordingly.

3. You may not disrupt the normal playability of a sector or area.

Sector/Area Disruption is defined as any activity designed to harm or inconvenience a number of groups rather than a specific player or group of players. This includes making excessive and inappropriate use of public channels of communications.

9. "Role-playing" does not grant license to violate these rules.

Though Vendetta Online is a Role-playing game, the claim of "Role-play" will not be accepted in defense of any of the anti-social behaviors mentioned above. We strongly encourage role-playing, but cannot allow it to be done at the expense of others.

ect ect.. i'm sure people have repeated the rules, but it's common sense really. why are these not being followed? when i first came back to VO i saw nothing but arguments agesn't 1 person. i came back another day (today) and i still see the same arugments agesn't this person.. obvisualy everyone hates this guy to the point where they're canceling their accounts.. what gives?

from a business point of view, keeping more accounts, than just holding onto one, would generate more income. if people are canceling their accounts over something.. then something is DEARLY wrong.
Aug 14, 2005 Spellcast link
except that arolte is not harassing anyone.

""Harassment is defined as specifically targeting another player or group of players to harm or inconvenience them. As harassment can take many forms, the Guide involved will make a determination as to whether or not a "reasonable person" would feel harassed and act accordingly.""

the key words here are PLAYER and PERSON.
Arolte is taking in game actions against characters, not the people that play them. He has a very active thread in which he posted the in game conditions under which he will attack people. (he doesnt follow it perfectly, but he does try to follow that guideline)

""Sector/Area Disruption is defined as any activity designed to harm or inconvenience a number of groups rather than a specific player or group of players."" He has yet to do this. B-8 is well known as a free for all area, and grey space in general is defined BY THE DEVELOPERS as a no-mans land where anything goes. He is not acting in a way contrary to what the areas are defined as in game.

the last one is a very tricky one, but I interpret it to mean that you cant use roleplaying as an excuse to violate the other rules, EG you cant roleplay a KKK member who was put into cold sleep and revived in the Vendetta universe.

since IMO arolte is not violating the other rules, this one does not apply.
Aug 14, 2005 mcduff link
Then maybe all the people being targeted by Arolte should make a new guild, an anti-Arolte guild. The objective would be simple; to greif Arolte till he quits the game. Once he's gone things can go back to normal.
Aug 14, 2005 JestatisBess link
First I would like to congratulate you all for not getting this thread locked. With the recent increase in locked or deleted threads I wasn't sure if this thread would survive. Thanks you all for not starting a flame war so everyone can still give their opinions about what is happening in game.

I must agree with Shape, Arolte’s behavior is only a small part of the problem. They real problem is seems is Guild’s unwillingness to enforce any of its rules. If no action, even direct violations to the rules of conduct; don’t get you at least a very stern warning then what is the point of having the rules?

I know Guild doesn’t agree with the overwhelming number of players who think that Arolte’s behavior is unacceptable. And I know this is not a democracy, which has been said by the developers and guides before. I know our general opinions might not matter but I’m sure our money does. I’m distraught to see so many players leaving because or Arlolte’s and others actions. But hopefully by them leaving and canceling their accounts (and hopefully it will be only temporary) Guild will begin to understand what a serious problem they have on their hands.

I implore you all to email John at Let him know directly what your concerns and problems are with this game and other people’s behavior. Maybe if we speak loudly enough they might hear us and do something about it.

Lastly I’m trying to get a forum set up that we (all players) can post to with out moderation. I understand Guild needs to keep the “Be Nice” policy but I’m frankly tired of seeing posts deleted, modified or locked on these forums. I’ll post the information to these forums when it’s all set up.

Please keep up the discussion and continue to “Be Nice”.

Aug 14, 2005 Spellcast link
JB there are a dozen player forums where such activity is possible allready. check the community sites page.

mcduff: thats a perfectly acceptable solution, as long as the guild doesn't target any other CHARACTERS that arolte the PLAYER might choose to create, (unless they also behave in the same manner). IF for instance he creates an inept Serco trader/miner named Hollandaise Sauce who is totally non-combative and never flys anything but a quad mining beam hornet, your guild would have to leave that character alone or you WOULD be harassing him.

A group banding together to deal with an in-game problem is perfectly acceptable IMO.
Aug 14, 2005 mcduff link
JB: I went and created a MSN Group just for that purpose. Heres the adress

Spellcast: "JB there are a dozen player forums where such activity is possible allready. check the community sites page." I didn't think of that myself but the group is there if people want to join it.
Aug 14, 2005 JestatisBess link
mcduff: Nice job. I just signed up and waiting for aproval. I reccomend you make a ne thread in general and invite everyone to join up and maybe email the developers to add it to the community sites. Maybe we can finally have disscussions un moterated.

thanks again

Aug 14, 2005 mcduff link
JB: I approved you and sombody called blkboy. I also emailed the devs as per their instructions on the community sites page.
Aug 14, 2005 sissoko link
ok U may remember me as Dani ei, and i havnt been playing for a while, so this is my opinion after reading most part of what is written on this subject. note that i haven't xperienced this ingame in any way.

I totally agree with those players that cancels their accounts now, hell im even tempted to do the same.
Why? u might ask.

1. i stopped playing cus i had no more fun in the game. this is also the reason others are leaving atm.

2. this is not about arolte the player, but at the flaws and broken rules in the game. so its up to the devs to handle it, atm the playerbase cant do sh*t.

3. like borb and alamar and shape and others i am also tempted to cancel the subscription of one of my all-time best games, I love vendetta and check the forums every day. but reading the devs response on this matter is disappointing, and makes me want to take similar action as those aforementioned

like outlined in #2 what more can thye players do than cancelling their accounts to get attention to a issue that 99,8% of the playerbase agrees upon.

Arolte, your "RP philosophy" has greatly dissappointed me cuz it is based upon several broken elements in the game. in the same prossess u manage to turn the whole community againt you, and you put the devs in a tough spot, because this isnt a technical, but social problem. Also resulting in several outstanding members of the community quitting the game for who knows how long...
Aug 14, 2005 Sun Tzu link
I'm browsing this forum after several weeks off and I see a very interesting point in discussion here.

It took me some time and various characters to realize that there is a fair number of players in this too small community who think they are entitled to (a) define what good play is and (b) regulate the community on that basis and (c) impose their standards on everyone. They are supposed to know what is good for everybody else and good for the game.

Now they are not even afraid to write that they want designated players to leave the game. They have a decisive argument: they know that people are cancelling their accounts because of the bad player that they elected. And the Devs are requested to do something about it or they, good guys, will leave the game.

Today it's Arolte; yesterday there were other goats, tomorrow there will be new ones.

It is as old as mankind. Unfortunately.
Aug 14, 2005 Shallazar link
Greetings, I'm new here been around for about 5 or 6 days now. I have a background in working for a p2p MMORPG, and figured I would post my thoughts. A player and a character are the same. If you are using the term player to describe the person behind the monitor playing the game your in the right area.Think of it this way what does NPC stand for, it stands for Non Player Character. Harassment of a player does not just stand for saying So and so is a blah blah blah, it can also be targeting their player character over and over simply because you do not like them.As for roleplaying I find it ironic that in almost all MMORPG's that 95% of the players hardly roleplay at all. Now moving on to the pirates in B8. I have had more help from the "pirates" in B8 than anyone else ingame. I had one talk to me a while,and then while I was doing a trade run thru grey space shot my moth up till I was at 18% then he simply said I'm not gonna kill you cause I know you need money. I had another pirate actually take the time to show me some pvp tactics. He spent around an hour or more of his game time just to show me some tricks, and give me some advice. One thing that made me give my CC number up for this game was the players online seemed to have a great community going, and were willing to help new players. I have not seen anyone going out of their way to make life horrid for a new player. Personally, I belive that if 1 person is acting so bad that it is causing the community to fall apart and that in turn is causing the company to lose money that maybe something might need to be done. I also think that the community could band together as whole and solve the problem themselves. It was suggested that people join forces and then run said person off the server this actually works, unless the person is actually just looking for attention.
Roleplaying involves more than killing someone then talking trash about it. I have never understood the need to talk trash about anyone in a game. If you want to role play a good guy that is out killing bad guys simply say something along the lines of " Evil begone for the presence of Good has arrived and will strike down your wicked ways," Ok that was a bit bad as an example, but you get the idea. Roleplaying a kill is not killing someone then shouting out I'm so leet, and your such a stupid noob. One of the big problems with roleplaying is going out of character. It's hard to roleplay, and help new players without going out of character. Maybe a strict RP cc could be set up for RP, and then use 100 and 1 for general chat. Ok enough of this old mans ramblings. I'll close by saying one last thing, and if you don't understand it don't worry most don't
Sometimes you just have to take down your pants and slide on the ice.
Aug 14, 2005 zamzx zik link
Shallazar, most of the players in gray space are the vets, from the Alpha and Beta tests
(such as myself) Arolte is a nice guy. mainly, if one or two players get killed they claim said player is lame, bad, evil, and everyone believes them, pisses said player off...and it slowly falls past the point of reason :)

Blackhole Goldclaw
Aug 14, 2005 Spellcast link
[This post was removed due to profanity directed at a user - FM]
Aug 14, 2005 Shallazar link
As I understand it VO considers the term player to be the actual character your playing, and not the person behind it. A band of people using their player characters to hunt down another player character non stop could be considered harassment, such as 1 player character constantly going after the same player character over and over again could be. I understand that there are 2 factions that are at war with each other, and those are the Serco, and the Itani with the UIT being semi neutral. As for the D&D idea it's nothing like D&D or AD&D since 99% of the time in a D&D or AD&D game you are playing with people that you know in real life, or you end up getting to know them. Also in the D&D world it's alot diff since playing an evil character can be rather fun and amusing because your doing things that others have no idea you are doing. I know this because I played a thief/assassin in a group for a very long time. Trust me poisoning a character in your grops wine while he is sleeping can be a challenge in the D&D world since you have to tell the DM sitting there what your doing. A pen&paper game is so different than an online game. I can not say if Arolte is a bad person or not since I have never met him ingame nor do I know him in real life.What I have said, and I am saying again is IF and I use the word IF because I do not know all sides of the story that he is acting in a manner that is causing problems then maybe something needs to be done. If he is actually roleplaying a "good guy" and is out hunting only those that are evil aka pirates maybe his style or the wording is the problem. If he is just doing it to be an asshat, and to try and run people off the game or to try and ruin peoples game play then there is a problem that needs to be looked at.I have roleplayed an evil persona online for several years, and it can be rather fun.One thing that some people forget when they are out killing is that there are real people behind the sceen , and not everyone can handly getting killed over and over again. When I worked for a MMORPG as a Chief Game Master I saw several incidents where players from the same area or even the same town would get into it online, and the result was actual death threats to people in real life. Not everyone that plays is an adult that does not take everything personal. There are always younger people on that are playing, and sometimes getting killed over and over can cause them to throw a fit, and the same can be said for older people as well. We are all humans with emotions, and sometimes people just get fed up and blow up at each other.People also tend to carry a grudge against other people, and so when person A is playing the evil part person B finds out that person A has an alt, and then takes out frustrations on that alt. If you do not think this happens then you really need to wake up. It's sad that it happens but it happens. I'm not taking sides either way I am just saying that if it is a true case of a person being an asshat and trying to ruin the game then it needs to be looked at. If it's just someone over roleplaying a good guy maybe just simply ask him to tone it down a bit, and he might just do that.
Aug 14, 2005 zamzx zik link
spellcast, people are calling ME a dick. people called Phoenix a dick (at times, he was one :P ) either Arolte had a bad day, or week, or whateva, I've been having a bad year (my house is under constuctsion, all our stuff is packed, for 5 months sleeping in the basement with 5 other brothers and or sisters...
Aug 15, 2005 runlevel0 link
Answer to [Arolte - edit by FM]

AS a good example of a troll you explain things from your point of view, and this lets us (just for fun) have a glimpse at your nature.

You apins things as if many ppl where sitting peacefully in B8, chatting and talking about roses and icecream, and then... suddenly Big Nemesis Arolte(TM) the Terror of the Seven Seas appears bringing Dead and Destruction(TM) ¡Bwahahahahahaa! ...

But the reality is that ppl in b8 are normally shooting at each other, many times via the /duel option. Then you appear (or already sit there), look for who is loosing and when players are distracted you shoot them in order to get PK...

No, nothing against it. I'm not angry with you, you are just part of the fun: VOs clown. It was *very* funny to see how you reacted *exactly* as I predicted; shooting at me in B8 even when you saw that my UIT standings makes it impossible for you to hurt. Nice. I think I will make myself into some kind of B8 police force by simply sitting there in a moth and letting you shoot as much as you want.

Your self-image of Great Nemesis is nothing but the result of some kind of wicked distortion of reality. I'm a very bad guy, very very bad, thing on me as the incarnation of Robert Terwilliger II (Bwahahahaha), so I'm going to make something very , very bad which will hurt you a lot, as much at least as when your parents told you that Santa Claus didn't exist:

The ppl in B8 is not afraid of dying... they indeed do it dozens of times in the time they are there. I myself 'die' 20 times or more (I'm very bad PvPer), but ... The only drawback we get is having to jump back, and that takes us seconds. Neither or computers are affected, nor or spouses divorce, nor or bank accounts changed in any way because a counter function in a game engine reaches zero and calls another function to make something else.

Guy, you are wrong if you thing you will achieve any kind of glamour or greatnes because of playing Vigilante role in an online game: You wont get laid by anybody just because you are able to use a joystick and a limited part of a keyboard, even if you where super at it. This is a game, a pass-time, as good as petit point or painting by numbers. And I swear it: I never saw a person get laid or get rich because of being killa in petit-point.

Aug 15, 2005 KixKizzle link
"And I swear it: I never saw a person get laid or get rich because of being killa in petit-point."

You haven't?
That's pretty much the only reason why I play.....

Aug 15, 2005 Spellcast link
zamzx zik: apparently you missed the smiley. it was sarcasm.