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How Many People Have not been griefed by anyone?

Aug 15, 2005 Forum Moderator link
I have been griefed in the past, and did enjoy it. I didn't have anything better to do so made a game of trying to distract my assailant as I tried different modes of escape. It might have been a different story if I was new and couldn't afford to screw up a training mission, I suppose. I tried making super-fast stripped down ships, combat heavy ships, atc.. I forget what worked at the time. I've escaped by asking a question of my attacker and then launching and running like hell when they reply, attacking and damaging them and then running like hell when they dock to repair, outright killing, etc.. It used to be much harder without station guards to kill off mines and threaten attackers.

Still, the best way to deal with an unwanted attacker is to log off and get a snack. They are usually gone when you get back.
Aug 15, 2005 smittens link
Well thanks FM now that'll never free me again
Aug 15, 2005 yodaofborg link
Thats a very alpha attitude you have there FM, after all, we aint getting a free ride now, why the hell should I log off? Or why should anyone?


My first griefer in alpha was AB!, it was tottaly my fault though, I wasnt new, and homed in the then *pirate station* - Sector 10, I had found a great trade route, and I was sticking to it! The station was like a roid (not like the one in verasi) there was only 2 ways in and out (iirc, if you went in one, you came out that same dock) I spent a few hours trying to undock after AB found me there, I think it was nukes, but it could have been swarms, he also had energy (I was a trader) I could not undock, the only advice the community could offer was log out, because he was more well known. I logged out for an hour, came back to find someone else in the same situation I was, I logged out for 6 months after that. (and when I killed Ab recently in a 1v1, i felt so damn good, revenge is sweet, no matter how it is served)
Aug 15, 2005 andreas link
Back in Alpha Icarus and Tradeship1 used to wipe the floor with me. I remember dying ~ 50 times in a row. But I never thought of that as griefing. It was fun and it encouraged me to learn to fight. I have met really only one griefer in this game. Griefing is for me when you intentionally prevent people from enjoying the game, for example by repeatedly killing noobs and telling them to "adapt, switch to UIT, or log off". And that kind of behavior just pisses me off.
Aug 15, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Because no activity is going to be fun for everyone at all times. I pay for lots of things that sometimes just aren't for me. Movies that don't appeal or have idiots (aside from myself) in the audience, books that disappoint, sporting events where the teams play badly or the crowd is annoying, plays that are poorly acted or attended by tuberculosis sufferers, cable channels with insipid movies, and so on. If I can avoid feeling frustrated all day by the simple act of wandering off for a few minutes to do something I would have to do anyway, why not?

Ultimately, I am responsible for my own feelings and reactions.

But, we're kinda veering off.
Aug 15, 2005 yodaofborg link
*I pay for lots of things that sometimes just aren't for me*

You have usually been drinking, or on drugs at this point then?

If I pay for something, and I dont like it, I usually take it back, only I cannot here, sad thing is I will be back, cos I like this game, one thing does have to change though, You all have to realise this isnt alpha, this isnt a test server, THIS IS GOLD, it has been since Oct 31st, or nov 1st 2004 ! depending on pre release! And were not pre release customers promised something cool? Are bugs reported not supposed to be fixed? I'm all for more content, but hows about fixing the stuff we have.

Thats my major beef, sod griefing. :P
Aug 15, 2005 LeberMac link
/me innocently and politely asks Miharu what she'd like for said Tequila that she's been, erm, holding for me...

And Broma, knock that off! Dangit! I'll need that stuff to keep the nanites away!
Aug 15, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Yes, yes, that one sentence, isolated from its context, can be argued with in that way.

I now choose to exercise my ability to manage my own feelings and reactions.

/me wanders off to read something else.
Aug 15, 2005 Beamrider link
Hmmm...I think there is time for another tequila bash or two before Lebermac gets back.....

Where and when is it going to be?
Aug 15, 2005 runlevel0 link
nop, you have been griefed by biology.
Aug 15, 2005 JestatisBess link
/me never been griefed. Annoyed a little but never griefed.
Aug 15, 2005 smittens link
The closest I've come to being griefed is when I fight someone, lose, and get so pissed off that they're better than me I throw ship after ship at them (although usually this only succeeds in teaching me how fast my credits can go away)
Aug 15, 2005 roguelazer link
Not for a long time, since the days of n00bie, maybe even since the days of the quad-rail of doom (rails used to do more damage than they do now, and only use 10e/shot. Hornet with quad rails could kill any other ship instantly)
Aug 16, 2005 terjekv link
you are responsible for how you react, just as the griefer is responsible for his actions. the difference is that he gets to play and enjoy himself, you don't.

as the devs have said they're trying to put stops in place to prevent such happenings, I find it disturbing that a guide suggests that just logging off is a proper solution to the problem.
Aug 16, 2005 FSNI link
Just to try to keeep this needle threading the right hole...

This thread is about being "Griefed" and enjoying the experience.

I am so glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed my tiny grief experience. I was begining to think I was the only one.
Thank you all for validating my feelings.
Aug 16, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Thanks FSNI

terjekv, you have your opinion and I don't think you will ever budge from it. I don't see much point in debate here. My opinion, equally valid to yours, is drawn from experience with this and other MMORPGs as well as life in general. I understand what you are saying, I just don't agree. In the end, Incarnate dictates what aspects of gameplay I should become involved in and how I should become involved, so you needn't be overly disturbed.

In the interest of moving forward, let's just let it go.
Aug 16, 2005 terjekv link
well, you're of course free to speak your mind, and your point of view is of course fully valid. but I'm not the only one who won't budge, and you're not the only one who has drawn experience from this and other MMORPGs as well as life in general. this habit of yours to speak down to people like that is just a wee bit hard to let go.

in the interest of moving forward, thinking about what you say under the label of "Forum moderator", and how you phrase those posts, might be a good idea.
Aug 16, 2005 johnhawl218 link
The first month that I played, every time I logged on Icarus and or Phoenix would hunt me down and station camp me till I logged off. Of course, not until I gave a few shots at getting out the station. At the time I hated them for what they did but in the long run they only showed me my weak points and made me stronger for it. Of course at the time, they would succeed in getting me to log off as it's no fun to constantly being blown up, but over time they got less and less interested, probably due to pk# being reached, but for whatever reason, they stopped. Not once though did I ever feel the need to go snitch on them or post thread after thread about them. Of course I'm more used to that type of behavior from experiences with other MMO's. In the end, I got a little payback collecting a bounty on Phoenix and not sharing the bounty with him, which made him quite upset, hehehe, that was a good day.
Aug 16, 2005 Forum Moderator link
"in the interest of moving forward, thinking about what you say under the label of "Forum moderator", and how you phrase those posts, might be a good idea."

Point taken. In the interest of moving on, I'll post my opinions as my player character in the future. I do hope that people will be able to appreciate the disinction.

I don't agree that I talk down more than anyone else, but I'll take it under advisement.

And now: Back to our topic already in progress.

I've never really had the stomach for repeat kills (excluding official or unofficial duels). It's just seemed lame to keep at it.
Aug 16, 2005 Celkan link
I think, FM, what Alamar was saying about talking down was that you were using a condescending tone more than a) you usually do and b) most of the other people in the thread. Just my interpretation.