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Nation War Event #5 on Sunday

Mar 10, 2006 moldyman link

1) As far as ships and weapons go, only two weapons are banned: Chaos Sawrm Missiles and Locust Swarm Missiles. This is done to recognize the "beep effect" in combat, ie scaring your opponent with all the target lockon alerts.

2) No running for obcene distances. This is subjective, but honestly,, I'll call it if you go out beyond 3,000 meters of anyone. This rule is flexible and bendable, but do not abuse it.

3) Once youy are dead, you are out. You may return to watch, but must announce this over sector comm.

4) Once you leave the sector you are out. This means no repairing at a station, no reloading and no jumping out to jump back in when your team wins.

5) The prize is two million credits, split among the qualifying survivors ONLY! If you have broken a rule above but have survived, don't expect to get credits.

6) The Nation War Event takes place in Sedina D-2 at the time of 11pm GMT on Sundays between three teams, each team representing a nation.

7) Team leaders are participants in the event, who represent their team when I speak to them. I expect them to be honest.

8) Things may change due to unavoidable circumstances. Always follow the instructions of Blue Streak or Erik C. , whichever one of my alts run the event (Usually the former)

Click this link for further reference to the past events that I ran:

Okie dokie. Rules will be changed as necessary. And, oh, always have fun. :)

-Blue Streak/Erik C.
Mar 11, 2006 toshiro link
I'll be there.
Mar 12, 2006 moldyman link
And now, the results of this great event. In total, twenty three people participated in this event officially (0 and space hunter made their presence known but were quickly chased away). the teams!

Esson Lennenk(Team leader)
Ecka Estenk
Root Baba

Shape(Team Leader)
Blue Streak
Shadis Solanna
Ote Isun

toshiro(Team Leader)
Alundra Odaio
Rogue Unit 0

The Furball:

With my signal, the teams took off, screaming battlecries. The groups quickly melded together. I'll admit it, I was a running ninny at the beginning. I just dodged alot and flew in circles, trying to get a bead on the proms. But enemy fire from behind kept distracting me. I eventually got around to firing a pair of flares at the attacker, throwing him off. He went on after easier prey as I came around and headed for A-Dawg, but his prom was destroyed a few mere seconds after I arrived.

I followed after a Vulture which was engaging a Warthog, after a few missed AAP shots, I fired two pairs of flares and blew his ship up, quickly moving in and finishing off the badly damaged warthog. It was then that i sighted 0 and space hunter, the latter being very far out. But 0 wasn't. I came up behind and fired two more pairs of flares, damaging him before he ran off calling us cowwards. Ironic, ain't it?

Finally, the warriors were spread thin. I saw my wingman fighting another Vulture, as they dodged and weaved incredibly, I fired my last pair of flares where I though he would go. It worked. :) Finally, the latecomer Redlac came back from AFKland and zoomed into the fight, finding he was the last non-itani survivor against a full, but severly damaged itani team. He took down a single itani pilot before being crushed by the mass fire from eight opponents.

Nautargos was also left in his prom, but the groups split up to take care of the non-participant threats and him, quickly ending the event.

All on the itani team, except Ote isun, survived and recieved 300k each, totaling to about 2.1 million (or 1.8 million if you exclude me).

I had lots of fun, and can't wait until next week. :)

-Erik C./Blue Streak

EDIT: Oop, forgot the standing scores. Itani and Serco are tied with three Nation War wins, UIT have two wins.
Mar 12, 2006 Shadis Solanna link
The event was a lot of fun. This was the first real big furball for me and Ote, my close friend. We both enjoyed it and look forward to the next one.

One small remark, you spelled my name wrong, it's Solanna, not Solan. Fun event, hope to defend the Itani honnor again soon.
Mar 12, 2006 Shapenaji link
Lots of fun, I'll be at the next one.
Mar 13, 2006 moldyman link

Fixed the name, sorry.
Mar 13, 2006 Demonor link
Arhmmm Moldy not to tease ya but....Can the storyline be a weeeeee bit to others aswell not to much I I I I I....Even if you havent seen much of the battle make alittle something up or gather some info :) tee hee
Mar 13, 2006 davejohn link
AKA Ecka Estenk

Yay, survived for two minutes this time....

Good fun , Thanks to Erik for organising it.
Mar 13, 2006 slime73 link
Darn it. The one event I missed and we won. -.-
Mar 13, 2006 softy2 link
That's a great event BS. Thanks for hosting it. And I shot up SH woo!

Btw, can you change my name from "Wailing Widow" to "Al"? I kinda borrowed that char...

Demonor : having played in it, it's hard for moldy to keep track of what's around him in the battle actually. I think participants should post their own story. I'll write one when I got the time.

Mar 13, 2006 moldyman link
/me has been saying that for a while...

And it's not like I'm in a heavy or died this time. Valks are pretty damn fast.

Al, the name's been changed
Mar 13, 2006 moldyman link
Oh, before I forget, thanks to McDoogle for kicking me to restart this event, even though he hasn't been in it recently. (b^.^)b
Mar 14, 2006 softy2 link
Here is the write up. I try to give some insight to the itani strategy, but when the shooting starts, I can only tell you what I was aware of.

Prologue : [edited, the previous one was a wonderful demonstration of how smugness can turn on you and embarrass you in many different ways when you get things wrong. Thanks to thebrier]
Me : If you be my bodyguard,
Shape : Sure.
Me : I can call you betty then, but call me Al.
Shape : Ok. Hi Al*!

The first thing we realized when we saw the Red team was that there were lobsters, lots of lobsters**. And lots of other ships too. The Blue team were all flying lights, 5 IBGs and 3 Valks, so we realized that getting into any protracted furball with the flare-AGT packing proms would be suicide. So wes decided to basically hit quick then run. As light fighters, our advantage is that we get to choose where and when we fight heavies.

The other main strategy was to pair up : Shape/Al, BS/?, Max/Ghost, Ote/Shadis and doubleteam our opponents.

It was clear that since the Red team has the most numbers (9), and has lobsters to boot, they'll be our first target. The Gold team has 6 members, and we figured they would be thinking the same thing.

The battle :
The start of the battle was really cool, as the teams melted together and I could see the enemy ships zipping past me with blasters spewing. While the other 3 pairs went for the lobsters, Shape and I broke off and went after toshiro. Shape engaged tosh, and began a furball. I sneaked up behind tosh and shot him a few, but was distracted by the ratatata of an AGT from a lobster. I disengaged, and ran as I don't intend to get caught up with the lobster. After a few moment, I returned to engage tosh who were still furballing with Shape. This time, I got a nice bead on him and destroyed him.

At this moment, the battle has fragmented into several pieces, covering maybe about 3000m radius (i estimated this from doing a quick tab through all the radar targets, while waiting for my heavy battery to recharged : a thing I constantly needed to do). It was quite hard to maintain situational awareness, but I was basically following shape and engaging whoever he was engaging with. We teamed up on a vult (I think it's viper88) and Shape happily shot at him and hit me instead (grr). SH showed up and started to shoot at me, so I broke off and disengaged while keeping an eye on him to see if he went after Shape. He didn't, so I went back to doubleteam Viper88 and sent him packing.

After this, I called out SH as our next target. I didn't know if Shape went after him, but I did and he was heavily engaged with another IBG, so I sneaked up on him and blew him up with a lucky stream.

I went looking after Shape (feeling a bit guilty that I broke wing to go after SH). I got to about 500m of him, but then ran smack into a smoking maud. Yay, target of opportunity. Not bothering to target him, I sent a stream and to my surprise, he blew up, probably hit by somebody else.

Then 0 decided to crash our party and went after Ghost. Ghost started calling for assistance as he was down to about 10%, I told shape i was breaking off to help Ghost and did so. But by the time I reached him, 0 has been chased away, with his parting shot being "coward", before he warped out of sector smoking.

By now, the Red team has been pretty decimated. So it became a Blue vs Gold fight. The Blue team members were all still alive, but pretty heavily damaged (I think I was the least damaged, since I was busy sneaking up on people and not getting into fights). So I didn't return to Shape but instead jumped on any non-blue ships left. I shot a few at a lobster (I think it was MotraX), but didn't do much except getting my nice hull splattered with holes when he blew up in front of me, guns ablazing.

Then, 0 showed up again. This time, we went after him with glee and he was nicely toasted with extreme prejudice. I don't know if he was being suicidal or being brave. I settled for neither.

Anyway, the last non-blue ship still alive was Nautargos and his prom. Everyone went after him, and when he blew up he took a huge chunk off the ships near him, including mine.

Well, that's that. Hope you enjoyed the writeup. I apologize for not being dramatic and being overly "me", but hey, I have only one pair of eyes!

* 10000 credits to the first to catch the reference
** Proms

[edit : to get rid of some bad grammer. solly, i speako no good inggelish.]
Mar 14, 2006 moldyman link
Nice! Better than my crappy ass writeup
Mar 14, 2006 thebrier link
Shape : If you be my bodyguard, I can call you Al.
Me : Ok, call me Al*.

I get the reference, but it's wrong. :) If you're Shape's bodyguard, then he can call you Betty. And Betty, when you call can call him Al.
Mar 14, 2006 softy2 link
thebrier : doh. you are right. I suck! Come to think of it, I thought the phrase didn't quite follow the tune!

/me smacks self and runs to edit away his incompetence....