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[ITAN]Estrian Prosis attacking traders in TRI.

Aug 20, 2015 csgno1 link
Is that what it is? Or is it disingenuous alts trying to glean information/location/plans about your guild. Being paranoid seems prudent given this game dynamic. Spying/distrust is common in war. Cause and effect yo.

Well you're paranoid and your guild is absent at the moment. Not all players use alts as spies, some just like to play where the action is. You've probably already read my opinion on spying via alts.
Aug 20, 2015 csgno1 link
Lol who are you again, Inevitable? It's slipped my mind. Was that supposed to embarrass me? I basically said the same thing earlier in this thread. BTW he kept coming back so it was either fun for him, or recognized as an opportunity to gain experience, or he was angry. He did call me a name once, but he was probably just getting into the mood.
Aug 20, 2015 biretak link
Don't let it go, Harpo, don't, just beat the dead fish. Watching Harpo beat dead fish is fun!
Aug 20, 2015 Inevitable link
No Harpo it was not meant to embarrass anyone. I think it's funny that you guys can grief a guild and that guild wont do anything except kick their own members.
Aug 21, 2015 Faille Corvelle link
There are no griefers in VO. If you see one, you should kill it.
Aug 21, 2015 csgno1 link
biretak, I believe the expression is 'beating a dead horse'. But 'fish' will work.
Aug 21, 2015 Surbius link
Can't we all agree that Estrogen is a little shit?
Aug 22, 2015 biretak link
yes, Surb, look at how he treated camocowboy, driving people from the game
Aug 22, 2015 RoboticMechanicalJeb link
EP really hates newbs.
Like he expects them to be suddenly good at combat when they start.
Aug 22, 2015 TheRedSpy link
Which is funny because he's been playing the game for years and he's still shit at the combat!
Aug 22, 2015 Kierky link
TRS: Which is funny because he's been playing the game for years and he's still shit at the combat!

lol. I'm shit? You must be terrible then, as the guy who lost to me 4/5 times in equal setups of your own SkyProm (AGT Flare).

Anyway, TRS likes to bait me, as usual, his own skill must be far superior to everyone else or he'll suffer from a flacid penis. In the meantime, I prescribe viagra, TRS.
biretak: yes, Surb, look at how he treated camocowboy, driving people from the game

"camo" made RL threats to me, and, as a consequence, was banned from the game.
Surbius: Can't we all agree that Estrogen is a little shit?

Sure why not, I don't particularly care for my image.
EP really hates newbs.
Like he expects them to be suddenly good at combat when they start.

There are no newbs in grey. If they want to play the newb card, they should go back to nationspace until they are ready. I make no apology for killing players who disregard the warning given to them in most tutorials, "greyspace is dangerous".
Aug 22, 2015 TheRedSpy link
Gee I'm sure you've got some evidence to back up that claim!

You're a great little fish, always take the bait.

It's just both surprising and somewhat disturbing that I'm here taking the piss out of you with TGFT. I mean what the hell happened did you suddenly decide not to be a stooge or did all my ranting about how you were an evil scumbag masquerading as a trader's best friend just to get a free trident actually sink into a few of the thick skulls over there in trader land. Cos I only said that stuff to make it harder for you to get a trident I didn't every really care about TGFT.
Aug 22, 2015 Inevitable link
You actually got someone banned? You are such a chunt. I hope cowboy follows through.
Aug 22, 2015 Pizzasgood link
Why would you be upset about the banning of anybody who is that stupid?
Aug 22, 2015 biretak link
Rin, kierky could have had a heart to heart talk with him since kierky was relentlessly tormenting him. Camocowboy was nice to players who didn't bully him on 100. I once had a player get like that after I was hunting him a lot one night and I brought it up with him the next day after he cooled off, and he apologized and it never happened again. You don't have to run to the devs especially if you contributed to it.
Aug 22, 2015 Niki link

That latency... you aussies must be masochists to fight each other like that.
Aug 22, 2015 Kierky link
That was like 3 years ago. Much has changed, lesbionage.
Aug 22, 2015 biretak link
TRS, if you log on again, we can give him a proper ganking :)
Aug 22, 2015 Pizzasgood link
I still don't understand. Anybody who is so stupid and volatile that they'd make real-world threats over actions in a video game is not worth knowing, let alone trying to have a heart-to-heart with. They're trash; discard them and move on. (Or drop them off at a psychiatrist's for recycling. After all, one man's trash is another man's treasure.)
Aug 23, 2015 TheRedSpy link
Yes I hear the servers have changed location to add even MORE ping!

Great! Can't wait for that!