Forums » Suggestions

making Wormholes more dangerous

Apr 27, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
I personally don't really like that idea, one person could ruin a flag capping party.

I think being dragged in and loseing the loading race should choose randomly Does the wormhole stay open that much longer or does it collapse? The farther behind you are the more likely to collapse it should be.
Apr 27, 2003 Celkan link
in the second scenario...

B would be dropped into the void due to the wormhole closing 3 seconds before B got to sector x.
Apr 27, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Much better =)
Maybe 2 seconds, cause loading can be pretty fast.
The loading screen should have the wirefram model of the planet but not the planet then say "Loading the void..." =)
Apr 27, 2003 Urza link
Guys. you're saying that modem users should get screwed if it's bsed on loading times.
Apr 27, 2003 Pyro link
Or someone with a slow comp...
Apr 27, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
MWahahahaha!!! "Scuba Steve 9.0" has just dropped "Pyromaniac" into the void....
Apr 27, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Hrmm, if the beasts do get 100k bountys, getting droped into the void with a lot of ships would be useful. But then the drop point should be random.

I'm not really for the droped into based on your speed. I prefer actual stats controled by you.
Apr 27, 2003 Celkan link
Just remember that my original idea was based on ACTUAL physics.
(might have been quantum... who knows)

a1k0n? what have you to say?
Apr 28, 2003 slappyknappy link
The only problem I can see with being sucked into wormholes involuntarily is the risk of being swept away to an unknown part of the galaxy, where you would be forced to share space on a living ship with several puppets. And the worst part is, there is the real risk of having the series cancelled before you find your way back.
Apr 28, 2003 Biscuits link
This "Void" sounds remarkably like "Witch Space" from the Elite game (yonks old game) where aliens called "Thargoids" used a technology to knock you out of Hyperspace and into their clutches. They were mean fighting machines and worked in groups of up to 8 warships - but if you killed 'em you got loads of kudos for it!!! :o)

It was cool in Elite, and I am sure it would be cool in Vendetta too!

Maybe you could buy a "special" ship that was unavailable anywhere else - that looked totally non-standard - Organic say (for example) - any nation could get this ship too!

Would you need to lose Chat for other people NOT in the "void"?
People "outside" would lose contact with you and say "oh s**t he must have been voided in the jump!!". People inside the "void" could still chat to others that were inside too, just not be able to talk to outsiders anymore.

This idea sounds really cool to me!!!
Ships from the Void would be totally cool too - people can gasp and go "oohh" when you dock into your home sector space station with a new sexy looking ship that is totally different than ANYTHING they have seen before (until everybody has one ;o) !!).

Bit of a ramble that one - soz :o)
Apr 28, 2003 Biscuits link
soz - double post.
It's still a cool idea though! :o)
Apr 28, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Lol, i just thought of it myself, i just have always wanted a utterly dark creepy sector.
oh oh maybe every couple minutes a star would flash very brightly and you would see the big shiny teeth of the monsters =)
Man that would scare me.
If we adventually get music for ingame the music would over 1 minute get very crackly and cut out. Just to make stuff even worse, no music! =)
Just remember, if there is a ship, it would be inbetween all 3, it be manverabl, have cargo, and be hard to break. But not better in any one feild then the other ships. Besides, if you can afford it, thats great, the trick is getting it out!
Apr 28, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
me would love if it would be equippable with a beamcannon :D , one like the devs have "eheh"

then the ship, exactly like the devs had one, so as small and as shiny as that one but still organic

me likes that :D

Apr 29, 2003 drageo link
I like this idea,

Perhaps we could go the whole hog and turn this void into hell?

I mean, on vendetta i havent seen any fire yet.. no explosive fire or anythin..

Explosions of ships doesnt have fire.. i know its space.. but..
Apr 29, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
Hmmm.....anybody seen the beginning sequence to Wing Commander 4?
the artificial atmosphere in a cap ship could make huge fires not just fighter explosions. I mean when I lose a Capital ship i want it to be a dramatic movie sequence, after all these things are IMPORTANT to you.
May 02, 2003 rich link
i love this idear but i think it shouldnt b done on speed if it was i'd b screwedf every time

0-24%===80% void
25-49%===60% void
50-74%===40% void
75-99%===20% void
100%-100%===0% void (duh)

think it should b done like that like "Suicidal Lemming" said

also i like the idear of very cool looking ships and daned wepons. something like that or mayb craped up wepons that are realy good but like can go wrong and blow up and damage you.

i realy like the idear of the void and hope it get made. wat u think ??

May 02, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
erm.....not criticizing, but I couldnt tell what you were saying rich...
May 03, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
yeah didn't understand the first part,

but I did understand the last part, like in any RPG, you get a weapon, and when you equip it you look badder , meaner but also look a little bit feverish, so actually kinda a Cursed weapon that for instance hightens your agility but takes your hull down with 50% and so on and so on. Or some other amount, was just as an identication.

May 03, 2003 rich link
soz if i didnt make the first part to clear.

people were talking about doin it on loading speed but if it was done like that if any1 tryed to go in at the same time as me my 56k would just put me in the voide.

if people rembered they could just go through knowin i would go there.

so i think it should be done as "Suicidal Lemming" said on the bat ie.

u can create a wormhole at any bat leaver but it some thing like.

0-24%===80% void
25-49%===60% void
50-74%===40% void
75-99%===20% void
100%-100%===0% void (duh)

makes it fairer 4 me coz i realy dont like the idear it could b done on loadin speed.

hope that a bit clearer

May 03, 2003 Suicidal Lemming link
Yah, loading time is a bad idea, not everyone can afford cable modem, not everyone has acces to cable modem (or its equivelents)