Forums » Suggestions

Make the game better

Nov 05, 2006 Jim Kirk link
Set up polls for players to vote on in stations so you have a feedback value, and know what is the most important addition that players want in the game.
Nov 05, 2006 ananzi link
Scotty: Cap'n! The engines are overloading! I donna think she can take any more comments!

Kirk: Damnit Scotty, I need to post my opinions! I don't care how you do it, just get it done!

Scotty: Capn', the least you could do ista look and see if its been posted before!!!

Kirk: Allright Scotty, but we only have a few minutes before the zorgrons attack and destroy the Planet of Ideas forever!
Nov 05, 2006 Lexicon link
<Zorgons Attack>

Kirk: Scotty, I have been, and always shall be, your friend...

Scotty: Damnit Jim, shoulda read the bleedin' Pinned threads! Even ananzi wants you to read 'em!
Nov 06, 2006 Whistler link
Your ideas are appreciated, and it's true, you really do need to read:

The game has a direction that is dictated by what is feasible now, and what must be done to make other things feasible. The devs try to strike a balance between the two. There is a vision and a backstory that has long been in place. What we see is the vision, shaped by the backstory and by pragmatics. What is the most important might not be what is wanted the most. Theres a rather large list of things that should be and will be in the game that aren't yet.

I don't think the polls are all that helpful in that some things just aren't feasible (or wise) no matter how many people want them right away. I prefer the way we have it now, where somebody suggests something that the devs may never have even thought of (to even put up for a vote) that becomes part of the game immediately or in the future.
Jan 22, 2007 Jim Kirk link
i would still like the right as a player to vote...
Jan 23, 2007 drdoak007 link

[ ] jim kirk should be able to vote
[ ] jim kirk shouldnt be able to vote

[ ] jim kirk's votable status is important to the progression of VO
[ ] the opposite of what i just typed

[ ] voting wastes resources and only show's a digital readout of what the thread already states
[ ] voting is fun, so stop mocking it.

[ ] when did players get "rights"

vote away my good man, vote away.
Jan 23, 2007 Harry Seldon link
'Make the game better'

Can you get more generic than that?
Jan 23, 2007 LeberMac link
I don't know why the devs can't just "Make the game BETTER." I mean, clearly it's not BETTER yet. So just quickly DO IT already! I mean, it's soooo easy! Just, you know, make it "better!" Sheesh, you'd think that a professional team of developers wouldn't need to be TOLD to just make the game better already.

I just "Photoshopped" this image together, you know, with that special Photoshop command that just magically creates whatever's in my mind on the document. Seriously, I have no idea why anyone with a copy of Photoshop can't just DO it, why do graphic artists have to be PAID at all when anyone with a copy of Adobe Creative Studio can just, you know, "Photoshop" it.
Jan 23, 2007 moldyman link
LeberMac, I regret to inform you that you are being sued for copyright infringement. It is blatantly obvious that your "Make Better" button is a knock off of Staples' "Easy Button".
Jan 23, 2007 genka link
Sorry to be all off topic and whatnot, but this thread reminded me of something I saw while making an accounting system for my illegal drug business in lua:

GetSurveyQuestion: function: 0x6cd3590
GetSurveyChoices: function: 0x6cb9890
SubmitSurvey: function: 0x6cb98b0

Eh? EH?! Amazing!

Edited in PS:
I don't like polls, polls are silly.
Jan 24, 2007 drdoak007 link
Let's take a vote.

[ ] Polls are silly, no voting.
[ ] Polls are not silly, no voting.
Jan 24, 2007 Demonen link
I'd urge you to copy the WoW "I Win" button, but theirs is also broken, so nevermind.

On the other hand, I do agree that the developers should set up some sort of forum where players can post suggestions, and maybe developers can post stuff for user comment. We could call it the "Suggestions" forum.
Jan 24, 2007 Whistler link
There's no time for that!
Jan 24, 2007 LeberMac link
Actually, Moldy, the "Make Better" button is kind of an old graphic designer's inside joke. Been around since MacPaint, essentially. ;)