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No Significant Faction Standing Hit for Killing a +200 Orion Player in NFZ

Apr 01, 2007 Keyser Soze link
It should be considered an exploit.

Not to name any names or anything, but a certain player, let's call him "Roda Slane" for now, was flying a skyprom in Latos N-2. I was following him out and getting ready to jump, when he turned around and shot at me. I tried to return fire, but it said he was under Orion protection, so I tried to run back to the station. Before I got there but after I had reached the NFZ, "Roda Slane" managed to flare me in the back and kill me, yet he's still friendly with Orion and under their protection when I try to defend myself. I have +200 Orion, and don't want to tank it to hated when I don't have any UIT faction with which to get it back, yet "Roda Slane" can shoot and kill me at will in their NFZ, and I'm not allowed to retaliate.
Apr 01, 2007 SCAR X link
That's because at +200 they don't give two shits about you.

Work harder and stop bitching.
Apr 01, 2007 mr bean link
i dont think its fair that he was able to kill you in a stations no fire zone, regardless of what your standing is, if you break your factions rules there should be consequences
Apr 02, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
Beans, care bears like you aren't welcome in grey space. There's got to be somewhere in the universe that you can kill for free. The faction system's going to be reworked, but you'll still probably end up getting flared in the back if you don't watch yourself. Maybe you should go play in nation space, where it's safe?
Apr 02, 2007 mr bean link
what about the fact that the person who posted this would have been punished for killing the aggresor while the agressor was able to kill him with no worries. i believe that people should be able to defend themselves in an nfz, perhaps players can kill someone else in the nfz if the other person attacked first.
Apr 02, 2007 Impavid link
The current faction system is bass-ackwards. I hope they fix it soon. Regardless of your standing, if you're not KOS and a station sees someone attack you, they should punish the attacker.
Apr 02, 2007 SCAR X link
That was a BS argument when you first made it, and it hasn't gotten any more cogent in the intervening period, Impavid.

Bean, aggression isn't something that makes you a bad person in a faction's eyes. You have to exhibit that aggression against someone they really like. Welcome to the harsh world of realpolitik.
Apr 02, 2007 yodaofborg link
What part of NO FIRE don't you newbs understand? NO FIRE zone means NO FIRING, you think you are above the law just because someone attacks you? WTF!

And as for the faction system, yep, its a bit of a mess, but if you don't have the standing required for protection, thats nobodys fault but your own. Go play somewhere where you do.
Apr 02, 2007 Impavid link
Dr. Lecter-

My argument was and remains completely valid. You just don't agree with it, which I understand, you being one of the flawed system's biggest beneficiaries.

The current faction system is backwards, defies common sense, and enables the abusers while simultaniously punishing the abused.

I hope they fix it soon.
Apr 02, 2007 yodaofborg link
Did you just call me Dr. Lecter, or am I missing something?

Because if you did MUHAHAHAHAHA!

And I still stand by my not-being-lecter point, You are not in any position to kill or shoot at anyone in a no fire zone, thats up-to the station authorities, and while I agree the faction system sucks beans, I think the only problem with NFZ's is the lack of protection offered by a station, they should have them cap-ship=ray-guns-of-death that have a 1500m instahit range, or something, but in no situation should a player be alowed to breech the NO FIRE rules. But thats another topic thats also been done to death...
Apr 02, 2007 Impavid link
SCAR X is Dr. Lecter.

Station death rays = A good start
Apr 02, 2007 chillum baba link
Once someone has attacked you in the NFZ and gotten tempKOS you can kill them without faction loss... though you'll still get an SF if you break the NFZ, of course.

The rest of this thread isn't worth responding to.