Forums » Suggestions

Wormhole jumps to in sector jumps (animation)

Jun 07, 2007 ShankTank link
Basically, I think it would make more sense to keep the animation we have already for wormhole jumps only, but it would make more sense to make the in-sector jumps to be like.... accelerating really fast or better yet, the warp affect that they have in Star Wars (which is probably one of the very few accurate features of their universe's space to ours).
Jun 07, 2007 slime73 link
It actually used to be like this, but it got changed due to easy running and high speed ramming I think.
Jun 07, 2007 upper case link
we had exactly that long ago.

it got removed "temporarily" until it would get replaced. it never did and it's a shame.

there was an exploit (called "warp-kill") wich used the sudden forward acceleration to ram into someone and make them explode. it got fixed by making the ship rotate some random degrees and thus making an intentional kill somewhat improbable.

but cry-babies kept on whining and the feature was ultimately removed because it didn't allow would-be pirates to shoot you while you warp out.

game balance sucks.
Jun 07, 2007 ShankTank link
I'm not talking about changing the ship movement, just the animation at the end. Like it would be like it is not (as far as ship movement) then it would do the acceleration/warp+acceleration thing but during that point it would be just a plain, unhittable animation.
Jun 07, 2007 upper case link
so are we. the animation was different for in-system jump compared to the system jumps (the blue thing we see everywhere today).

the old in-sector jump was way more cooler. you had a 3rd-person view of your ship (somewhere to it's right) and your ship would blast off to what seemed like 2000m/s leaving a trail of fireflies in it's wake.

ok. not fireflies, but something that looks like the popcorn cannon. there was a "pt-yoo-wish-y" sound to it too.
Jun 07, 2007 Himo Amasacia link
Would sound like a really cool thing to bring back. I have to admit the first wormhole jump I did was a bit anticlimactic. "oh.. its just like the in system jumps.. except that it has a bit of extras on exit.. whee"

How come the pirates could not kill you was losted as a reason? Surely they have the time till you got to 3k to kill you before you warp?
Jun 08, 2007 toshiro link
Some find difficulty in doing that.
Jun 08, 2007 west0914 link
Maybe have the drive take a “warm up” period before the turbo away. That way, you could still be shot just like entering the WH but instead of the WH opening up, you just boost away. Personally, I like the idea of making “jumps” better, as in Battlestar Galactica.
Jun 08, 2007 upper case link
himo, in the name of "game balance", all the good interceptor ships were rendered useless.

so then the in-sector warp thing got removed to give a chance to the rats to shoot you down as you snailed through the blue-warp process.

you also have to know that previously, the blue warp thing actually shielded you from death. you could not shoot down anyone that was warping out of the system.
Jun 08, 2007 toshiro link
Which was a Bad ThingTM.

I still think people warping in should be protected for the duration of the animation, though.
Jun 08, 2007 csgno1 link
Yes, protection inbound.
Jun 08, 2007 FatStrat85 link
Yes to new in-system warp animations!
Jun 08, 2007 ShankTank link
I think that warping out animation shouln't be protected but warping in should. People should know when not to warp and when to warp out of a sector when someone is chasing you, but warping in, you have no idea if there's a HAC sitting on the wormhole on the other side.
Jun 08, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
I agree with the sentiments that in sector jumps should be visually unique from WH'ing. Perhaps more so than even just visually. However, do I find warping in headed straight for a closeby enemy HAC to be stingingly exciting, fairness aside.

I don't see the why the game cuts to 3rd person and the loading screen though. Seems like it'd make sense if your screen slowly got blurrier, until nothing was visible, at which point your physical whereabouts would reside in "the void". (This is where the game would load you from point A to B, just without showing a loading bar.) Then as you entered the sector, the bluriness would pass, and you'd have control the moment your ship was physically in the sector.

As for accelerations and things, PsyRa had this suggestion that maybe be relavent.
Jun 08, 2007 tarnok link
I think it should be changed back to how it was back in the day.

And I wouldn't nessisarly call call the "warp-kill" an exploit if BOTH ships were destroyed in the process. Or atleast severly damaged.

I would LOVE to have that back.
Jun 09, 2007 The Ori link
The entire wormhole jump being the same as the in-system jump did dissapoint me as well. I think it would be great if we could have another animation for the in-system (liked the Star Trek idea). Also, the warm-up period does rid/lessen the complaining from pirates about not being able to shoot people on their way out. I'd be a very happy man if there was the old warp effect (wasn't around for that) and a sound effect for both the warping in/out in-system, and through a wormhole.
Jun 09, 2007 SilentWave link