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Request For Comments - On Toxicity and the Future of our Community

Feb 08, 2019 incarnate link
No.. I'm getting rid of /vote mute. That's part of the goal here. See the OP.

Vote mute has a tendency to be abused by factions of people trying to silence other factions of people.

This mostly should "go away", once they have to flag lines of text and specify a category, as it makes spurious "mute attempts" super obvious, and will result in those people immediately losing their ability to "mute" anyone.

So basically "/report" with a catergory type of "spam" will result in the same behaviour as a current "/vote mute" (X number of the reports will result in a 30-min mute), but the act of the individual "/reports" being made still each respectively require flagging recent lines of text and defining a category.

Thus, even if the reports result in an immediate 30-min mute, there will still be long-term repercussions as well, once the reports have been administratively reviewed.
Feb 08, 2019 look... no hands link
I have a couple questions then.

Question one

Lets say for sake of example I were to /report greenwall toxic

Would the /report function automatically forward the last 2 or 5 or whatever minutes of 100 chat. OR would I have to manually enter that stuff in a 'report window' for lack of a better term?

If I have to manually put the stuff into some 'report window' then some easy method of copy/paste would be needed, unless there is one and I've not noticed it.

Auto-forwarding has the advantage of ease of use. The downsides I see are:
1) It may be over utilized, make it easy enough and people will do it without thinking.
2) It can lack specificity. WHICH thing he said in the last 2 or 5 minutes did you find so bad?

I'm not sure how to fix problem 2 without making it too clunky to use.

The best I can think of, and I realize it might be terrible on mobile is to have a hybrid of the two ideas. /report pulls up a window where you can *somehow* highlight the relevant chat. How to do that? I don't know, check boxes at the beginning of every line? Would that be feasible for people to use on mobile without a stylus? I have no idea, I only use an old (used) smartphone to listen to books, my regular phone is an old style flip phone.

Question two

Would the /report function have multiple flags and what should they be?

I would suggest a few

spam -obvious
toxic -generally being nasty in chat
off topic -non offensive, but off the set topic of 1 or 100 (chatting about cars in channel 1 or something)
language -excessive use of foul language, racial slurs.
bug -something appearing to not function as designed
help -something in the interface is unclear
Feb 08, 2019 incarnate link
Would the /report function automatically forward the last 2 or 5 or whatever minutes of 100 chat. OR would I have to manually enter that stuff in a 'report window' for lack of a better term?

This is basically all described in the OP at the start of the thread..

- Yes, you pick lines from those shown in the "report" UI, so basically the last N lines of text from the given user. There is no copy/paste, it's all built into the UI. Usability on mobile will be fine, I don't want to go down a UX-design rabbit hole on this thread..

- You also pick a Category. So, if they're being spammy, you probably don't submit that under "Sexually Explicit" or "Racism" or whatever else. I don't have a specific category list yet.
Feb 08, 2019 look... no hands link
Ok, sorry I must've forgotten or missed that part in the OP.

It sounds like it's worth a try. I can't how it'd hurt at least.
Feb 09, 2019 SR_7134_HELLCAT link
Put us in the timeout channel for beings naughty boiis

I will seek revenge for sabatoge-ing my Pepe guild to...pfft...hahah ....PELE. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGA. PELE. HAHA. timeout channel is 667. I've been there a few times the folks are so nice...we should get a badge for being in the timeout channel called "Dunce".

But for real,All jokes aside now that I've vented

The toxicity in this game is further fueled by constant ravaging of new players; Constant raging war that leads to keyboard warriors; And even those who actually kill and trash talk the other person into rage quitting. Sounds dumb but..well, It happens. Believe me; I used to be one of those assholes. The game needs work; no doubt about it; but until then, we have to deal with the cards we're dealt I guess.

Feb 09, 2019 Whistler link
I wonder how others feel about the nearly constant sexual innuendos on 100. Does it feel like a hostile environment for some? Would it be curtailed by the game-related rule, or sort of allowed under RP?

@Hellcat: You bring up PEPE so often and so publicly that I'm starting to think that maybe you don't realize that the PEPE name and associated meme have been associated with hate groups to the point where the frog's creator is even alarmed:

The RoC clearly forbids guilds associated with this type of thing. I can only imagine that you did NOT know this up until now.

The best I could do for you was remove the image and alter the guild tag. You are invited to change it to something that is not affiliated with a hate group.
Feb 09, 2019 incarnate link
The sexual innuendos can get pretty excessive, these days. I'm fine with curtailing them.
Feb 09, 2019 Tripod war of the worlds link
my input on the matter of toxicity is if you remove the means to be toxic you wont have to do all this work in monitoring and changing. Proposal: Remove all channels except sector and system, “but what about the Ch 1 noobies!?” ummm tough luck lul, over half the communiy was never helped in channel 1. Learning the game is not hard at all, most of the time it is foreign speaking peoples that have a hard time with english. Channels gone, toxicity is still there but at least not everyone can see it, “then leave channel 100” if channel 100 exists then people will be on it especially toxic ones so they can get their gain. Remove channels, perhaps give more help tips on sector loading screens or reference them to

In my eyes I can see how this will help the community, maybe turn it to be played in a totally different way, add mystery, and give new players something to strive for. This is my input and its not hard to do.
Feb 09, 2019 incarnate link
This has been suggested many times, and the answer is the same: We need 100 to show people there is game activity. This is especially critical for newbies. There will not be enough system chat to demonstrate activity in some regions.

Someday we may rate-limit 100 again, the way we did years ago at launch when we thought it might get overwhelmed. But, for now, 100 and 1 are going to be "a thing", hence the need for improved tools and policies.

We had a healthy community for many years, with 100, and we can do so again.
Feb 09, 2019 Tripod war of the worlds link
I remember when i started in late 2014 there were people, ALOT of people im just like wonderin what happened to everyone, and even seeing vids from >2010 vo there were more so am wonderin what you guys did to get big in the first place, and maybe that could work again, idk just throwin stuff out there, maybe its a question that no one can answer because no one really knows :/ VO is a awesome game and deserves alot more people and support.
Feb 09, 2019 Roda Slane link
Shaftesbury defined politeness as the art of being pleasing in company:

'Politeness' may be defined a dext'rous management of our words and actions, whereby we make other people have better opinion of us and themselves.

Practically everyone knows how to be civil, most of the time, and most people know how to be civil all the time.

I have suggested a combined public channels rate limit of average reading speed, just so that we can functionally read it, with provisions for channel contention interleaving, where the most people get to talk, here.
Feb 09, 2019 Savet link
I'm a little sad. There's no way I wouldn't have been banned for my drunken jokes even though I wouldn't ever consider my behavior to be toxic, but Inc may have a different opinion. I think it's important to understand the difference between off-color humor and divisive toxicity or we're going to get too far into the Hello Kitty Spaceship Adventure realm.
Feb 09, 2019 Whistler link
Well then explain the line as you see it.
Feb 09, 2019 Savet link
Without getting too specific, I would see the following graduated scale as being useful. And as I type this out, I think it would be helpful for a warning to pop up on the general chat when somebody reports offensive chat behavior to give the players the opportunity to self-regulate their behavior. Sometimes people don't realize how offensive they are being and I have probably fallen into that category a time or two.

Mild Clever or not-so-clever innuendo or pun that makes a sexual or off-color joke without being disparaging towards any specific person or people.

Borderline Topic relevant self-deprecating or non-directed humor that makes a crude or obvious reference to something that could be offensive if used as an insult but in a general context could be viewed as humorous. If Nina Conti would make her puppet say it, it probably fits here. Sparingly, it's probably okay but in excess, it's a candidate for corrective action.

Offensive Vulgar or offensive comments directed at a group of people or a specific person. A comment insulting another player's sexual orientation, race, intelligence, etc. This type of comment is not okay and should result in corrective action.

The ideal system would seem to be one where people report things that they genuinely take offense to. If somebody views a comment that would fit in the borderline category, they should not report it unless they are actually offended. If enough people are offended and decide to report it, then it's a candidate for corrective action. While we need guidelines and rules, it's important to understand that chat is a fluid thing and too much intervention can also have a negative impact.
Feb 09, 2019 SR_7134_HELLCAT link
As a person who has a a mixture of bad humor and drunken tendencies; I can tell why Inc wants change. People going on rants on why Skittles are better than M&Ms based on colorblind surveys posted by the national beurea for def people(it's the illuminati,I'm trying to tell you!!) And somehow spins off into sex or angry politics. VO has a tendency to brew unharnessed violence, and what better way to solve that then good old fashioned pews? But if the person who wins brags,that starts a whole nother argument. See the pattern here? It's a street with a roundabout at both ends. You can't get out of arguments now and then,sure, But it's honestly up to the person themselves to not start something. I know it's hard but sometimes you have to swallow your pride and suck it up, cowboy. (And cowgirl or whatever you are,it's 2019 after all). Why don't we NOT punish people. Why don't we practice all that forgiveness Jesus was talkin bout, huh? Or whatever. So to sum it all up, my point is: There's no way around the toxicity,in logical means that is,so in my opinion, it's like little brothers ...When you ignore them they stop bothering you and eventually go away. So ignore the toxicity and it will eventually croak and die.

Feb 09, 2019 Roda Slane link
If I am to understand Incarnate correctly, he wants a very positive public facing chat experience, that will attract more players, or at least not drive off existing players.

I am regularly invited to "by invitation only" house parties. Some of these are not even +1 parties, you call and ask in advance if you can bring a +1. They only invite people they trust. Even then, some of these host have had to identify terms of invitation: "Be civil, or leave", is a common one going around. Despite the terms being named up front, on occasion, I have seen a host ask someone to go home. Most host prefer to handle things in private, so I do not know the full extent of it, but I am pretty sure there are people that are simply not invited anymore. This what is going to happen here. Some people will be banned from public channels, or the game completely.

I have promoted the idea that non public channels be relatively free of moderation, and I have not heard any objection. So we can still talk pretty freely on off topic channels, and even segregate topics. 6969 could be for sexual innuendo, 74039 pro trump, 666 toxic, or what ever, as long as it doesn't incite cross channel responses from public channels. Get used to changing channels.

But public channels should be the kind of conversation that the most other people want to hear, and that the game devs want heard. public channels are for advertising the merits of the game. That means community and fun.

If you have a house party, you want to be known as a great host, you want your party to be fun, you want your guest to want to come to your next party.

edit: On occasion, fellow guest of these house parties have commented to me, negatively about other guest, plane or in words that amount to the same: "They are bringing their drama here.", and you could tell by their tone, they considered it a breach of etiquette. This issue could be boiled down to a "no drama" rule. Leave your drama at home. Public channels are not the place to talk about your personal drama, or to incite drama.
Feb 09, 2019 SR_7134_HELLCAT link
I did suggest this. See
For referance; please add on. these channels should have natural chat filters that cannot be turned off, for such words such As "crackerwood" or the N-Word. We could even implement this on 100.
Feb 09, 2019 Whistler link
I find Savet's post interesting. Today I noticed innuendo that started to get a bit raunchy as the terms got more explicit. I said something innocuous on 100 to let people know I was on, and self-regulation happened. The rest of the day has been decidedly pleasant overall. I think the community in general knows where its line is - we just need to be able to hold others to it without it being a horrible sh*t-show of negatively when all we wanted was to have a drink and fly around.
Feb 10, 2019 Wind Employment link
If you got problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but sexual innuendo isn't one. Yes I guess some people find it less than funny, and here in lies the problem (and one of the reasons I feel bad for people in a position to moderate, like whistler) - one persons line isn't always the same as someone else may have it.

I guess having "the line" set in stone, and none of this behaviour be allowed would be the only solution that would work. Not only would this then be able to be enforced without worry by guides (I'm not saying you worry whistler, I guess even you have to think twice sometimes), but would also give the community as a whole a line to adhere to. Saying "oh, sexual jokes are allowed unless they cross the line" - who's line is it anyway?

-- Clipper
Feb 10, 2019 Gruumsh link
I apologize if this has been suggested, but i can't read this whole thread >.<

I think adding a permanent /ignore command in game that I can use personally so that I can't see certain people's chat would be an immense help. It would definitely make my experience more enjoyable, as i like being on 100, but in doing so i must accept that i will have to wade through the text of people i find particularly obnoxious. Also, the potential for people who are extremely toxic to have fewer and fewer people responding to them, while 100 remains filled with other players talking happily, could be helpful.