Forums » Suggestions

Suggestions for Ship Interface

Oct 06, 2004 Suricata link
I agree its busy, but like I said, everything is turned on, if you think this is busy though, try the hud in Eve with everything turned on :-P
Oct 06, 2004 leothetuscan link
Suricata, as much it may be implied in the replies, the real reason I think there is this comparison with EnB, its because it really worked.

Thank you for the 9 HUDs.

It proves the point that EnB was by far the best HUD (its my opinion, but I think it is shared by quite a few players out there).

Your work only applied what works with a HUD. To me, it is just coincidental that there is a resamblence, but by no means "the same".

I do believe in "what works best", and your suggestions show that. I do give credit to the EnB devs, for having the brains to come up with a winner (in more ways that just the HUD).

On the other hand, Vendetta is a different product, with a different philosophy and a different take at Space Entertainment. As shown in your last picture, each game has its own feel, its own look, and that is as it should be. I can only hope that the Vendetta devs will look at this work you are doing and implement it, even in a small portion.

One other point. It is easy to talk and draw pictures (or in this case cut and paste), it is very difficult to put it into code. Lets not forget that changes into code is not as easy as most people think.

Oct 06, 2004 Suricata link
Cut and Paste? Only the raders are cut and paste, I made the rest from scratch (Too much time on my hands after EnB shut down) :-P

Yeah, Not sure how some things will be to code, although truth betold theres not really much on there that isn't already in game already. the only thing i can think that may be fun to dode is the direction indicator's.

Also, to add, I believe there should be a mission timer for when you are doing trade runs undernieth the 'nearest obfect number :-)

Yeah, it would be nice if one of the devs stumbled on this thread and had a look, even if they don't impliment anyoff it, maybe they'll get a few idea's whilst looking :-)
Oct 06, 2004 leothetuscan link
hehehe, i hear you there.

I agree about the mission timer. Had already mentioned in another thread, but under General forum:

I think it is a very good idea.
Oct 07, 2004 Suricata link
Any other idea's of anything else people want? If not I'll begin work on a station interface :-)
Nov 06, 2004 Suricata link
*bumps thread for newbs to add input* :-)