Forums » Suggestions

Permanent Loss Of Standing

Dec 16, 2004 gamejunky link
As i've said before, and will NOT say again.. I killed her once and got the message, the other times werent close enough to the station for me to get the message. I think you people have a problem with readin.
Dec 16, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
Lin is admired with Xang Xi and thus any attack on her in any Xang Xi controlled sector, whether in the no fire zone or not, will result in a warning being issued that a substantial standing hit will result if the player is killed.
Dec 16, 2004 KixKizzle link
It doesn't need fixed. It's good the way it is.

/givemoney Devs 2c
Dec 17, 2004 TS-Midnight link
Maybe i should make something clear on this matter for the insinuaiters and grudge mongers (dont mind my spelling, its late)

GJ killed a SERCO pilot in ITANI space, whom was "Admired" by the Itani. its as simple as that... the Faction system is Fubar.. the devs have realized the Faction system is not seen as suitable, and that some aspects are indeed messed up... Just to reitteraite how messed up. GJ lost something like 1600 points the first time.. which was DOUBLE his Itani standing.. putting him 800 in the negative.. the other kill *and yes there was only one more time.. as i recall things that that well.. I was on that night... it was an 80 point hit to his Itani standing making the total -880 ... or maybe it was a 1200 point hit the first time, those numbers are sketchy as this was several weeks ago..

So stop being so overly critical to GJ hu.. its obsurd in my mind that a Serco/Itani can have a positive standing with the other nation and still be liked by thier nation... if you want a positive standing with both then thats what UIT is for.

[EDIT] CP=GJ or Crippledpidgeon = GameJunky ^_^ sorry CP was a long night
Dec 17, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
Hold on, what? When did this become aboout me? When did I kill a Serco in Itani space?

Don't you mean GameJunky?
Dec 17, 2004 Phaserlight link
I was doing some combat training with an Itani newb in a monitored sector and I accidently killed him with a screamer (yes, stupid move on my part, I was trying to demonstrate how to dodge rockets). I instantly took a -1150 faction hit with Itani putting me at -900, from which there is no way to recover. I realize that the faction hit for ganking a newb in protected space should be severe, but perhaps there should be some sort of way to redeem yourself for first time offenders, particulalry since accidents can happen.

Yes, I know I should've used iceflares, I know I could have grouped with him etc. etc. etc. Point is, it was an accident, and now I'm forever at war with Itani.
Dec 17, 2004 Beolach link
@Phaserlight: For the nation factions, you can rebuild your faction standing. Fly into a monitored bot sector (say, Divinia M10) & kill hive bots. It's only for the non-nation factions (that don't have monitored space other than their station sectors) that standing loss can be permanent.
Dec 17, 2004 gamejunky link
The faction system is FUBAR, i'll agree with that. But I got no warning the first time i killed Lin in that sector. I wish i could have got a screenshot to shove in your faces too. Maybe next time.

Dec 17, 2004 Spellcast link
Gamejunky: make a habit of resaving your errors.log files under an alternate name after each vendetta session (i use the day_time i stop eg; elog121604_2200 for dec 16, 2004, ending a session at 10PM). It keeps a record of everything that scrolls past your chat buffer. You have to do it between the time you close the vendetta program and re-start it tho, because it wipes the file as part of loading the game.

Its just a text file so you can open it with notepad and do a "save as". (thats on a windoze machine, i'm not sure how its stored on mac/linux, so if either of these is applicable to you, i dunno)

I started doing that during the alpha because it made tracking bugs easier, especially when re-creating the bug caused the program to crash. i go through and wipe the older files occasionally so they dont pile up indefinitely tho. hmm speaking of which, time to wipe them again.
Dec 18, 2004 The Noid link
For the Linux users and maybe the MacOS users as well, paste script below into a file in your path, and use that to start vendetta.


cd ~/.vendetta
STARTDATE=`date +%y%m%d-%H%M`
mv errors.log errors-${STARTDATE}.log
Dec 18, 2004 macguy link
A player should not permanentely(i know i have bad spelling)lose standing with a faction like that! That is incredly stupid!!!!!!! I don't care if they there griefing! If they where, they'd have a bounty put on their head! Seriously now people, stop complaing about it, the faction system needs to be fixed, you ALL KNOW IT! PERIOD!!!!!!

(ok, I'm done)
Dec 18, 2004 boredbypolitics link
@The Noid

Good idea! Here's another one


STARTYYMM=`date %Y%m`
cd ~/.vendetta
cat errors.log >> $STARTYYMM_errors.log
Dec 19, 2004 Spider link
cd ~/.vendetta
mv errors.log `date +%s`
Dec 20, 2004 tramshed link
For those ragging on gamejunky, get the facts first, one kill is all it takes to never be able to dock again, it happend to me with TPG, a single kill and i went from 0 to -800 or so.
Dec 20, 2004 Spider link
Yes, we're ragging on GJ, because I was around the area when he did it, and I've heard it before.
Dec 20, 2004 yodaofborg link
For a change, I agree with CJ - I shot 1 person outside a TPG station, and am now effectivly locked out of TPG stations, it was a silly mistake, i was chasing a UIT in verasi, i tailed him all the way to dau, where he jumped to a station sector - OK, he obvoiulsy thought i would not kill him there as he stopped running, so i blasted him... <- Not a low leveled player either. From whatever serco start to -620 is a bit harsh, had I realised it was a TPG station, I would have docked, and sector chat/bar taunted them, my mistake i agree, but locked out for 1 kill is a bit harsh....

1 suggestion would be to make a *repent mission, available at your nations station, which is hard, and involves a lot of trade/botting. <-- I wouldnt even post if i was locked out of serco space by killing itani, as i know the results of shooting somebody outside a station, regardless of standing, but to be locked out of an area of space for 1 silly mistake? Great. (not)
Dec 20, 2004 TS-Midnight link
Heh i think I think i know reason the nay sayers dont want the system to change. Its because they get the gratification of making someones game experience miserable at thier expense. *sticks out tounge* you peeps should be ashamed.. Anyway Just to clear things up its been said that the Faction system is being looked into for redesign.. hopefuly soon... Further more i never plan to get my Serco standing up to even get in thier stations, thusly i have no intrest in compleating the 120 prospecting missions.. nore do i want some serco to kill me and recieve a horable penalty the likes of which some people have been plagued with.. the only nation that realy doesnt have to worry about not having to work signifigantly hard to compleat them is UIT whom start in nice ends with both Serco and Itani...

Hopefuly with the rework maybe the 120 needed will be shifted so that Serco and Itani have extra prospecting missions at other stations in thier space and nuetral space so they can compleat this daunting task.

Dec 20, 2004 Spellcast link
itani can complete it without going to serco space.

Possible prospecting missions are:


6 ores

120 missions / 6 missions per system = 20 systems.

Serco has 7 systems.
Itani has 10 systems.
UIT has 5 systems
There are 8 Grey systems

Unless you managed to get locked out of UIT space, a serco or an itani can complete the prospecting badge.
Dec 20, 2004 mr_spuck link
You only get 4 missions per system.
Dec 20, 2004 Spellcast link
hmm, i could swear i did all 6 in versai. I havent been working at them that hard however so its possible i'm wrong.

If you do have to do them in every system thats kind of annoying.