Forums » Suggestions

Dec 05, 2006 Harry Seldon link
I dunno about that Lecter. It's kinda funny hearing him whine about how hard it is.

That said, it sounds like he needs to go back, and try making a new character, running the tutorial, and doing the first combat missions over again...

...without messing with the keybinds, and using default settings. Once you get a grip on how the game is played, then you can muck with them.

Dec 05, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Dr. Lecter, save your personal issues for at home, or something. Remember, the name of this board is "Suggestions", never mind the blatantly obvious "Be Nice" your forced to look at every time you enter the Boards. Now, I think that this game can only benefit with a modified radar system. I've learned to adapt, but only after sacrificing plenty of other tactics I could have used had I a better way of measuring distance. Some thoughts I had were to surround every ship with a less prominent, and different colored box, instead of just the one your targeting. Maybe dots on your radar would change from orange to red depending on distance (or blue to green for friendlies). Maybe add a different tone for when ships leave your proximity sensor, as opposed to entering it so that you could keep count audibly if it's another ship getting close, or just the same one hovering between 3001m, then 2999m, then 3001m again. Or, best of all, depending on how many ships are in your sphere of proximity, the tone would steadily increase in urgency, and when ships left it'd drop down a notch. This could get especially important in larger battles, and would have a neat effect when passing Capital ships with lots of turrets.

beep... beep, beep. *BEEP* x 10, beep...
Dec 05, 2006 drdoak007 link
seriously, ease up on lecter.

some frigin' crybaby makes a post that he cant play, and the game sucks, and you have the gall to insult a well recognized, consistant player?

mynt, this kids original post was filled with bitching... WAY OFF TOPIC FOR "SUGGESTIONS". and to rip on a game in it's own forums is not "nice" so the gauntlets are thrown. no need to be nice on that accord.
Dec 05, 2006 LeChatlier link
Maybe if it was halfway even it would make sense. You're right... when I was in game I though of Lector as a consistent, well recognized player... which is why his recent switch from fictional cruelty to real cruelty surprised me.

Instead of offering advice or ignoring the guy, lets do the mature thing and insult him and tell him to shut up. That outta do it. Waitaminit....
Dec 05, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
We could try commenting on suggestions about how to make VO are more overall fun game, maybe? A simple "Yes, I like it!" or a "No, you're an idiot!" goes a long way.
Dec 06, 2006 yun link
Let`s set up a poll to find out how many players can actually do what some claim they can, and what they claim to be an easy, basic skill or something that needs no more than basic experience.
Dec 06, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
majority of posters can do the stuff, seeing as the people that cant do it dont stick with us...

PS: i really hate this darned firefoxes inability to accept the normal seperationmark in dont as it considers it as the quick key for the search bar...
Dec 06, 2006 yun link
How many people are that?

Another suggestion, please make training guns buyable.
Dec 06, 2006 Ion link
Yun, a little less sarcasm from me, and a little more honesty. Perhaps where logic has failed us, courtesy will do the trick:

I've played this game for two years. While I might have a talent for it (I've always been rather good [rather, not very, mind you] at action-based games, thanks to my quick reflexes. I'm a reasonably successful amateur full-contact, no-rules fighting martial artist irl), I'm not very good at VO. Whether it is from not playing the game much during those two years or any less flattering reasons I don't know, but yeah, I'm not very good at VO.

But I can last *minutes* against good VO players if I just dodge. Pitted against someone of equal skill, the battle can equally long, but this time, we're both firing and dodging. I can battle tens of bots at once and survive. In any Hive Hunt, I usually go back for repair every 15th minute, if it lasts that long.

And those claims are not anything that give me bragging rights. Quite on the contrary (fer shame, Ion!), they are kind of embarassing for someone who has played this game for two years ;-)

But I can do all of the stuff you speak of as unattainable. And, what is more, I've seen first-time players do it the before the end of their 8-hour trial. Sometimes in heavy ships. I once saw some Stranger survive for 20 minutes in a frenzied all-out bot melee in a fudging Centaur.

So, it is not for lack of skill (holding the right or left strafing button, moving the mouse a little, and pressing the attack mouse button will help you defeat most bots in VO). It is not the ships you fly. Perhaps you're just victim to some kind of strange pre-conception of what combat in VO is like. Or perhaps frustration has got the better of you.

But here is my point (for every appeal to common sense needs one of those): discussing this in the forums will not offer you any better understanding of the system than it already has. Either, you give up on the game (which, while it would make the mood in the forums a bit less tense, would be a shame, since VO has so much to offer), or you keep practicing.

I can promise you the last option is the most rewarding.
Dec 07, 2006 jsendrow link
I can support Ion in this. I am one of these first-time players (still in my first month) and I already have killed about 2000 bots with less than 100 death on my side. So it cant be that hard to learn.

And no, I had no mentor and didnt even care to read the wiki or stuff. Just played the tutorials and moved on from there.
Dec 07, 2006 Demonen link
I consider myself a very sucky fighter that isn't really worth anything in a fight.

Still, I go Hive Skirmishing for hours without dying more than once or twice, tops.. I go in to repair every 5-10 minutes, but I don't die every 30 seconds!
Also, even I have the queen hunter badge on one of my chars.

yun, you're using the wrong ship for the job, you have completely misunderstood the radar (left one is the front hemisphere, right is the rear hemisphere, dots that are more faded are further away) and your keyboard sucks.

Notice how "Vendetta Online is fundamentally broken" is not in there? The one thing we all (except yun) agree on is that the basic flight model and current overall ship balancing is good.

Can we please stop feeding the troll now?
Dec 07, 2006 Lexicon link
Alright yun, I expect to hear how you can pwn Orun Collectors now, after our little maneuvering-lesson last night.
Dec 07, 2006 yun link
Guess what, shortly after I started shooting the orun collectors, I lost connection and was killed as if this were bewitched ...

But your lesson has been very helpful and I get hit less :) Now I take more damage from being too close to them when they explode than from the shots, and I`m still hit a lot from behind when trying assaults.

Ion, I`m still trying ... Imagine you were to learn Judo now, the only advice given that there are rules and that you should somehow wrestle your opponents down, but by using Judo grips exclusively (which you don`t know). With no more than that, you were put against Judo-bots of varying strength and in varying numbers that just start to fight you like mad. They break your arms and legs and rips and show no mercy.

Every now and then, some instructor comes along, and each instructor gives you a little advice which you may understand or not (like some of them seem to speak some Japanese but you do not), and their advice is contradictory. You only know that they are trying to help you, and they seem to say that you should apply Judo.

Don`t you think you might have a very hard time to learn Judo that way? :)
Dec 07, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
I spoke perfectly clear English. You are the grasshopper, the bots are your sushi, not the other way around. Do grasshoppers eat sushi, or do you think somehow you're an exception to this rule? Sheesh!
Dec 08, 2006 Harry Seldon link
Hahaha, well put Mynt.

And honestly, Yun still just needs to reset his keybindings to default till he gets the game figured out and knows what works, and what doesn't..

Admittedly, I'm guilty of trying to play the game using the numberpad exclusively for maneuvering, but I figured out within like...5 minutes that that wasn't a good idea.
Dec 08, 2006 yun link
Sorry SMM, I do not mean to blame the instructors. I was only trying to say that even if someone speaks perfectly clear, the one he`s speaking to may not be able to understand him.

Harry, please understand that the VO-default keybindings are not useable for me. The numpad was helpful but also not very useable, so I`m back to the default of Ins, Home, PageUp, Del, End and PageDown, plus rolling on Enter and KP_4, turbo on Ctrl, brake on KP_0 and Backspace, `Select nearest enemy` on CursorUp and `Select next in front` on the middle button of the trackball. Let me know if you know something that works better for me than that.

Maybe using a joystick instead of these keys is better --- I don`t think it is, but it`s something left to try.
Dec 08, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
home = strafe up
end = strafe down
delete = strafe left
pgdn = strafe right
insert= rotate clockwise
pgup = totate counterclockwise
activate = enter
turbo = backspace
brake = kp_0

nearest = mouseball up
in front = mouseball down

would not seem that bad to me.
Dec 08, 2006 yun link
That`s not bad, but I`m missing forward/backward then. Maybe I can put forward and backward to KP_4 and enter so that the keys for rolling would be easier accessible.

The trackball doesn`t have a wheel, it`s just a trackball with 4 buttons of which one (which is unreachable anyway) doesn`t work.

Activate is on space now since it`s not something that must be in reach all the time.

More keys in reach are Print, ScrollLock and Break. I can change my ~/.Xmodmap and set them to produce `a`, `b` and `c` or whatever suits to make them useable in VO.

Pressing more than three keys at the same time doesn`t work ...
Dec 08, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
reason why you tap the third key, that does work.

increase accel 7 = forward
decrease accel 4 = backward

physics/arcade switch = scroll lock

edit: i just like activate in close proximity while being chased in a tradeship or chasing someone on ctc
Dec 08, 2006 yun link
Hmmm, I can`t tell yet ... I either get too far away from the target or too close to it, or I don`t know how to get closer because I take too many hits when I try, and sometimes I fumble pressing the buttons. And I still take way too many hits without placeing some, even when I`m fine with the buttons.