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Notification: IA-VPR Alliance Suspended

Jul 08, 2005 mdaniel link
Until further notice. IA has fallen under influence of BLAK and has taken in one major pirate among them. Negotiations are in place. Developing...

Lt. M. Duncan
Jul 08, 2005 Arolte link
I also ran into an IA member with very low UIT standing. No idea how it happened. Didn't engage, but I'd strongly advise keeping those standings up with UIT, if you don't want to appear hostile. Just a heads up.
Jul 08, 2005 Borb II link
Nice to know I'm so popular. The IA member you saw was me Arolte, I remember staring you down thinking about your RP Bad is red post knowing I am KOS UIT. Nice to know you don't always kill red dots.

MD E-mail inbound.
Jul 08, 2005 smittens link
Duncan we're already talking.

Arolte I'm sure that Borb appearing red seems like the last straw in crashing the alliance, but I'd like to remind everyone that it took at least a month, perhaps longer, after the alliance began for me to get off my ass and earn respectable UIT standing to appear green to you guys.
Jul 08, 2005 everman7 link
I personally know a few [VPR] that I would consider friends in this game. I would like to voice my own thoughts on this and let everyone know that having Borb in our guild was (to my knowledge) NOT voted on, or mentioned to anyone until it was already in place. I personally have nothing against you Borb, and I don't know what the higher-ups in our guild are thinking about having a pirate IN our guild. I can understand payment for training, but an actual Guild invite seems a bit odd to me.

I hope that those that I know in [VPR] are not upset with all of [IA], as it was not a decision made by all of us. I hope that I gain no hostility from Borb by this post, as it is nothing personal, but the fact that a pirate (any of them) within the ranks of an "anti-pirate" guild is a bit questionable.

Jul 08, 2005 Martin link
He's a Serco too. :P
Jul 08, 2005 roguelazer link
I always said that this alliance would have a bad end...
Jul 08, 2005 VincentV link
Rogue, it aint over until its over. There has been no complete severing of the alliance.
I seem to remember one of your guild members not exactly likeing how you run things...
Jul 09, 2005 leapfrog link
Personal Log: Seta Ralel [IO]
cncl lvl4 PDU: Personal Data

I wonder if I'm gettin' too old for this stuff... my legs creak every morning when getting outta stasis... and my neck - broken and repaired years before - seems stiffer by the moment... and the gray is moving in on the hairline...

hehe... at least I still have hair... and the Roid Rammers that I *confiscated* from "Lahmi's things" seemed to take their toll on me long before ArAsh... He seemed rather unaffected well after I had called it "a night"... I admire him...

But, by the same token within minutes of Borb's induction to [IA], I had the alert out to Council... those IDS subroutines really paid off this time. Security was tightened with very little effort... the [VPR] Council was secure.

Now... I just have to wait... I have my orders... and I will let the diplomatic channels run their course... in the mean time... I have other pressing issues to attend to... data, although pre-parsed, is flowing in faster than I can assimilate... and with LeberMac's absence (though, I now wonder what effect Borb's infiltration into [IA] would have had on that alliance - spawned from - yet totally separated from - the VPR/IA alliance). LeberMac is a true friend... and I wish him the best on his well-earned vacation... although, I now have to implement a new process of assimilating all of the data that is being collected...
Jul 09, 2005 Borb II link
No hard feelings kernel.panic, I would much rather some one say what is on there mind then keep things to them self's. The truth is never bad.

On my side from what I had been told Smit had talked things out with every one else in IA before I was invited to join. If need be I will gladly leave IA and go about my other occupations.

Like I have said before I was asked by an old friend to help him out some and I agreed, I am here for the time being to help IA. If my being here is more hurt then help, well I'm more then happy to leave. I have nothing to lose either way.
Jul 09, 2005 Phaserlight link
International alliances are always going to be a little more difficult because of the standing issue, but when they work they are all the more powerful because of the resulting sphere of influence.

However, making a (former?) pirate who is on your ally's KOS list the leutennant of your guild is generally not going to help relations.
Jul 09, 2005 Borb II link
I ain't an LT yet. And common lets face it I always was a vary passive pirate, I even tried to reform at one point only too be pushed back in to the old life by the ever vengeful VPRs. Not that I hold them any ill will, but still, I don't think I could really be called the badist bad guy.
Jul 09, 2005 roguelazer link
Why did you put lieutenant in italics if it's spelled incorrectly?
Jul 09, 2005 tramshed link
for the same reason you pointed it out perhaps?
Jul 09, 2005 smittens link
Oookay. I did not talk about it with all of IA, but instead with some of the higher ups.

It was my belief that Borb was more mercenary than pirate when I "hired" him, if this was incorrect than I might have made a mistake.

Borb will NOT be getting the Luitenant spot

I picked Borb because:

A) The mercenary thing
B) I wanted someone with as much VO experience than me
C) I wanted someone who has consistantly beaten me in a duel
D) I've known Borb for a while and I trust him

It was reccomended that I offer the job to current IA before appointing Borb, but I decided not to. If I had we either would have ended up with someone missing B or C (Absolutely no offense intended guys, but I'm sure you're pissed off at me enough that this one more thing doesn't matter), or I would've had to say "Sorry for getting all your hopes up, I'm not picking any of you. This was a waste of time."

Was this the wrong move? I hope not. It seems to have turned IA against me though, which is bad. It's put our alliance with VPR on the line, which is bad. However I had my reasons for this decision, and while these outcomes were not forseen I do think they are repairable with Borb in or out of the guild.

I'm sure that with this post I'll be getting my notification of being impeached on order of treason (or high treason if you're doing that think where Borb is Serco) and I hope that IA survives without me and does a better job of filling the gaps than I did.

I'm sorry guys. I hope this hasn't destroyed everything.
Jul 09, 2005 Borb II link
Take a look at your PMs on the IA forum Smit.
Jul 09, 2005 smittens link
Okay, semi contrarily to what I said earlier, Borb is going to be an Lt by /guild list ONLY. He still retains only the duties of Sarge and Apex retains the duties of Hostile Lt. We're doing this so he can help recruit, one of the reasons he was hired.

Some people have had trouble understanding that our council is not especially important, so I know this'll be hard for you, but:

Jul 09, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
lieutenant is lieutenant... otherwise your using a lie to gauge more itanis into the IA alliance.

which in my opinion is not a good way to create trust and understanding in your guild... I would rather think it would create hate and dishonesty not to mention envy.

But maybe that is only me...
Jul 09, 2005 smittens link
This is what we're doing. We would welcome VPR support, and will negotiate to get it, but this is our current course of action.
Jul 09, 2005 Renegade ++RIP++ link
so actually what you are saying in between the lines is:

you can take it or leave it since we don't give a damn about all the past relations that we had together.

I really wonder what IA would have said if borb had joined VPR. Hey uncledave used to be one of the forefighters of VPR so why couldn't borb be one... I have however got the feeling it would be completely different then what has happened now. but once again just my opinion.

PS: I'm sure eldrad, beolach, holdan or some of the other IA-members would have had the same consistency in beating you as borb had. Or who had more experience or at least just as much experience about VO as him. So again in my view it seems more like a policy between friends (A I rub your back if you rub mine, can't find the proper english translation).