Forums » Role Playing


Aug 13, 2005 Shapenaji link
You know, Roleplaying has gone too far. And hoping that the game will police griefers by creating griefers is a bad idea too.

so, in a general mood of fsck this,

Shape is:

The Magpie
Border Patrol NG-1717c

Devs, its all good to have an ideal of a self-policing system, but it won't always work, and when it doesn't...

YOU have to make strong moves occasionally. Against me or Arolte or Genka. No need to be dictatorial, but when people repeatedly go too far, a slap on the wrist won't cut it.

Don't make me force you into action by forcing you to ban me. Cuz I'm willing to test how far I would need to go.
Aug 13, 2005 KixKizzle link
Aug 13, 2005 Borb II link
I agree with Shape 100%.

Though I don't think I want to list all my alts here again, my hands cramped up last time...

Some times tolerance can only go so far before one snaps.
Aug 13, 2005 Forum Moderator link
This is getting silly. Rather than allowing yourselves to get so frustrated (directed at a handful of people), why not take a break and get a little perspective?
Aug 13, 2005 genka link
I wonder what you would like to see happen?
Second coming of fascism?
Banning of everyone you don't like?
Banning of everyone I don't like?

Now, I heard you're a physicist or something (god how I hope you're a very unique physicist... I was actually looking forward to majoring in that subject...) so you have to have some basic classics education. I'm sure you've heard of the problem of evil.

For those of us that haven't, summary:
If god a good creature, created everything and is all-controlling, why is there evil in the world?
Because it wants to leave us free to do what we wish.

Welcome to the creation of John Bergman! Vendetta online!
Aug 13, 2005 softy2 link
FM : At least he still care, unlike me for example.

Genka : I would love to see more of this from you :

[EDIT : removing quotes from said thread, but still keeping the post.]
Aug 13, 2005 Shapenaji link
FM, what the fsck are you going to do about it? you watched while BG was griefed for HOW LONG?!

Did you THINK of doing anything?
Aug 13, 2005 genka link
You don't see a lot of that from me because I don't usually realize people actually take me seriously.
Maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Aug 13, 2005 KixKizzle link
/me hides behind a rock waiting for the FM to delete shape's post.

[edit]fsck. I see alot of that. That can't be automatic cause it changed.... Maybe its just the general online thingie.[/edit]
Aug 13, 2005 Borb II link
It's not a handful of people FM it's a system that is messed up.
Aug 13, 2005 Shapenaji link
Ooh, and if I post again?

please. Enough of weak-wristed people in positions of authority, you setup the game to be a fun place for everyone, and when people are overly rude, you don't rely on "their good sense and charity"
Aug 13, 2005 Borb II link
You can't expect every one to be nice and civil you need to have and show that you have ways of dealing with problems. Right now all we see is that we are just not tolerant, that we just need to except people, that we just need to keep getting griefed after all it's only a game.
Aug 13, 2005 genka link
Well, sorry, I always felt you COULD rely on my good sense and charity. Strangely enough, sometimes, when people feel I've stepped over the line further than is generally accepted, they actually take the "woah there!" stance and communicate their concerns to me in a calm fashion. Not always, but it does happen.

Try Johnhawl, Solra, and any number of guides.
Aug 13, 2005 Shapenaji link
Very witty genka,

now, here's a little something.

the Law is based on a certain modicum of power. People in this game have next to none, unless they resort to griefing.

The devs have all the power.

Don't pretend you can rise up. I'm appealing to the devs good sense, or at least their bad temper
Aug 13, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Oh are we talking about BG being griefed? I would LOVE to talk about that! I absolutely witnessed this. I was actually watching it long before he noticed me there, right behind him. I saw quite enough.

I observed him shouting up a storm on channel 100 and in sector chat while making little to no attempt to leave the area. Once I observed him not bothering to turbo. Another kill was brought on as he actually stopped and waited for his assailant to catch up. Another time he clearly turned to approach his attacker. All in all, his actions marked him as a willing participant.

I told him what I had observed, and chided him for not even attempting to leave the sector. He replied "I was chatting". The more observant of you might note that he could have done his chatting in the station, and then concentrated on flying away. On at least two occasions I noted that he was well out of range for being followed.

This is a tempest in a teapot. If you are this frustrated, you should do something else. Your language, even with letters replaced, is inappropriate.

As for Genka, while he does tend to show up with gasoline to a bonfire, he actually does back down if anyone thinks to tell him to. Genka: stay out of it please.
Aug 13, 2005 Shapenaji link

a response! maybe you're feeling a little frustration now?


I don't play much anymore, and the only reason I continue to is for the players. The content isn't there.

When players start to disappear, like my friend softy, and players like Arolte clearly remain, I begin to think that something is off
Aug 13, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Uh...(re-reads his own post) Would you like to discuss my response? It's very accurate.


But...content was just added.
Aug 13, 2005 Shapenaji link
wait, you mean fighting a big bot?

wow, I totally missed that, I take it all back

What WOULD it take for you guys to do something?
"Oh are we talking about BG being griefed? I would LOVE to talk about that! I absolutely witnessed this. I was actually watching it long before he noticed me there, right behind him. I saw quite enough."

wait, that doesn't sound frustrated to anyone else? maybe annoyed
is a better word.

How bout if we target you with some of the "tactics" levied against us, how will you react?
Aug 13, 2005 Borb II link
What more stuff too shoot at? Wee a bigger target that heals it's self. Most of the content in this game is player made content and when the players are having to suffer at the hands of other players just for trying to make things fun some thing is very off.
Aug 13, 2005 softy2 link
Actually, Genka, I am a real life practicing physicist. Physicists do not worry about the problem of evil, that's the realm of philosophers.

The reason people are upset with you is simple : you take pleasure in making the mockery of their misery. Of course, nobody takes you seriously. However, nobody likes to see somebody who steps on those who are down and laugh.

You think that you are being very clever with trying to pin point others' fallacies, perhaps you fancy yourself as a Richard Feynman who pokes at the stodginess of academia from behind his barnboy mask. It is not working. I hope you take up physics though.